Yuwan Zaghlul Ismail Successfully Presented the Indonesia’s Environmental Roadmap on Sustainable Development Goals at Environmental Law Conference 2019 in IIUM, Malaysia

Enviromental law Conference 2019 is an annual Routine activity held by Civil Law Department of Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyah of Law (AIKOL) of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM),  This event was organized directly by a professor of environmental law who is also a lecturer in environmental law in AIKOL, this event aims to increase student awareness of the importance of protecting the environment and also to increase student awareness of the environment, this event focuses on the topic Sustainable Development Goals. Each speaker explained several aspects of the SDGs and also some of the applications and strategies to achieve the SDGs themselves, this event was opened by the Dean of AIKOL, Prof. Dr. Farid Sufian, he also shared some material related to SDGs, in this event the one who acted as the keynote speaker was Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maizatun Mustafa, who is an expert and consultant in the field of environmental law.

The conference also discussed the role of students and universities in achieving some of the goals of the SDGs, this conference was attended by six speakers from three countries, of which two were from Indonesia, two were from Malaysia, and 2 were from Maldives.

First three speaker focused more on conciliation about how  each country of each speaker reached the SDGs which was related to strategy, commitment and so on, final three speakers focused on the role of students and universities in the Sustainable Development Goals, Yuwan Zaghlul Ismail as Universitas Islam Indonesia representative was assigned to be the first speaker which Yuwan successfully presented it titled Indonesia Roadmap on SDGs and Environmental Targets. Which here, Yuwan at the same time became a representative of Indonesia in explaining some important issues related to Indonesia’s strategy, and also Indonesia’s commitment to achieving SDGS itself, Yuwan who is also participating in the credit transfer program was successfuly became a representative of the Universitas Islam Indonesia  in the annual conference of environmental law, Yuwan is committed to continuing to be able to carry the fragrant Universitas Islam Indonesia  name on the world stage. (Ywn)