Welcome to Undergraduate Program In Law

The realization of  Undergraduate Study Program in Law as rahmatan lil alamin (blessing for the universe) which is committed to Islamic treatise, excels at the national and global level and produces legal scholars with integrity, professionalism, and social care


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UII Law Faculty Learns About Women’s Rights with Human Rights Activist

[KALIURANG]; On Tuesday, July 9, 2024, Faculty of Law (FH) at Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) hosted a General Lecture featuring...
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Special Event! FH UII Hosts COIL 2024, Welcomes Universiti Malaya Students

[KALIURANG]; On Wednesday, July 10th, the Undergraduate Study Program in Law (PSHPS) Faculty of Law (FH), Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII),...
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IP FH UII students practice English at the Sonobudoyo Museum Yogyakarta

Learning English doesn't always have to be in the classroom, a variety of learning activities can be carried out in...
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US Embassy Jobs: 4 Positions

The U.S. Mission in Jakarta is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for the positions of Administrative Clerk, Political Specialist, Warehouse...
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10th University of Tartu Summer School on International Law

On site in Pärnu 25-29 July 2022 Celebrating the 10th year of the summer school, a public outreach event in...
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Pembukaan Pendaftaran Sekolah Advokasi Hakim dan Peradilan

Pembukaan Pendaftaran Sekolah Advokasi Hakim dan Peradilan (Program Kemitraan Fakultas Hukum UII dengan Komisi Yudisial Republik Indonesia) Program ini akan...
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More Information About Undergraduate Program In Law


The structure of management body of the Undergraduate Program in Law of the Faculty of Law UII

Vision, Mission and Aim

Vision, Mission, aim of Undergraduate Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Study Program Specification

Details of Undergraduate Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Quality Targets

Quality Targets of Undergraduate Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Alumni Testimonials

The ecosystem in Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia  is very extraordinary, very good. Because Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, combine science with practice.

Studying at Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Indonesia was a pivotal moment in my life. It allowed me to explore and discover my passion for international law in an intellectually stimulating environment. The school provided me access to an array of competitions, which have proven invaluable in my career.

For me, in Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, is a place where we are not only taught to study and gain knowledge about law, but we are accustomed to share, discuss and develop our skills in the field of law through various student activity units in Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia.