Alumni Profile of Doctoral Program In Law Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia

Doctoral Program in Law aims to produce a Doctor of Law with integrity, innovation, and transformation oriented towards prophetic values, universality, nationality, and independence who are ready to act as academicians and legal practitioners.

A. Basic of Philosophy

The profile of graduates is described in the octagon which is above the Pyramid. The choice of octagon shape is intended as a symbol of religious iconography in Islamic civilization and the pyramid shape shows a solid foundation.

B. Base for Forming The Graduate Profile

The basis for forming a graduate profile is symbolized by a pyramid consisting of four layers covering Islamic values, universality, nationality and independence is the basis for the formation of a graduate profile with the largest proportion being an Islamic foundation. The explanation of these values ​​is as follows:

1) Prophetic Values

Prophetic values ​​are the basic values ​​that form graduates as follows:

  1. Devoted to Allah SWT and able to show a religious attitude.
  2. Able to become Muslim scholars and leaders of the nation who are pious, have noble character, are knowledgeable, and do scientific deeds (berilmu amaliah dan beramal ilmiah).
  3. Carry out Islamic of Da’wah in the context of  of realizing Islam that is rahmatan lil alamin.

2) Universality

Universality is the basic value of forming graduates as follows:

  1. Universally applicable good values ​​in the fields of science, leadership, and professionalism.
  2. The value and spirit of competition with graduates of other level institutions of the same quality as universities in developed countries.
  3. Gender equality, equality between women and men in obtaining education.

3) Nationality
Nationality is the basic value of forming graduates as follows:

  1. Contribute to improving the quality of life in society, as a nation, as a state, and in the progress of civilization;
  2. Respect the diversity of cultures, religions, and beliefs, as well as the opinions of others;
  3. Obey the law and discipline in social and state life

4) Independence

Independence is the basic value of forming graduates as follows:

  1. Objective attitude in attitude and opinion.
  2. Autonomous nature in research, thinking and opinion.

The green color of the Pyramids symbolizes nature or religious spirit and the continuity of life.

C. Output Profile

The output profile in the core of the octagon showing the profile of graduates who have integrity in every role they carry out. The meaning of “integrity” is a Doctor of Law who has quality, nature, or character that shows a complete unity so that he has the potential and ability that reflects morality.

The yellow color in the octagon core indicates success and the red color symbolizes the strength and courage of graduates in upholding truth and justice.

D. Proportion of Graduates

Each role has different proportions where most graduates act as academics and a small proportion as practitioners. This is because the character of Doctoral education is more emphasized on the development of thinking and theory. Even though the practitioner has a smaller proportion, the practitioner’s soul must remain strong to color the character of the graduate.