Expected Learning Outcome

The expected learning outcome of the Study Programme are:

  1. Attitude
    a) Able to show attitudes and role models that reflect prophetic values
    b) Able to manifest attitude, professional and responsible leadership behavior.
  2. Mastery of Knowledge
    a) Mastering and developing principles, theories, doctrines, legal norms in order to solve contemporary legal problems based on prophetic values.
    b) Mastering the basic principles of legal science philosophy, legal theory, and legal research methodology in an interdisciplinary manner.
  3. Special Skills
    a) Able to identify, analyze and solve various legal problems in society by using the philosophy of law and legal theory based on prophetic values.
    b) Able to formulate ideas and concepts logically, critically, and transformatively in the field of law.
  4. General Skills
    a) Able to compile and develop interdisciplinary legal research both individually and collaboratively.
    b) Able to compile legal scientific arguments and solutions based on a critical view of facts, concepts, principles, or theories that can be scientifically accountable and academic ethics, and communicate them through scientific forums and media.
    c) Able to show academic leadership in the management, development and guidance of resources and organizations under their responsibility.