
A. Procedure for Submission of Dissertation Writing

  1. Students propose prospective supervisors consisting of Promoters and Co Promoters to the Program Chair.
  2. The Program Chair holds an Academic Board Meeting to determine the Promoter and CoPromotor taking into account scientific competence.
  3. The appointment of the Promoter and Co-Promoter is carried out by issuing a Decree on the Appointment of the Promoter and Co-Promoter, a copy of which is given to the proposing student.
  4. Students are required to contact the Promoter and Co-Promoter who have been determined by the Program for the dissertation writing mentoring process by bringing a Dissertation Guidance Card.

B. Criteria for Dissertation Supervisor

  1. The dissertation writing will be supervised by a Promoter and one or 2 (two) Co-Promoters.
  2. Promoters and Co-Promoters can be appointed from lectures at Faculty of Law UII or from outside Faculty of Law UII.
  3. The Dissertation Supervisor is determined based on his quota and scientific competence and has relevance to the Dissertation material written by the student.
  4. The Promoter must be a Professor (Professor) and Co Promoter at least a Doctor (S3).
  5. If the Promoter and/or Co Promoter are unable to carry out their duties and obligations, the Program Chair may appoint a replacement at the discretion of the Academic Council.
  6. The Commission for Assessing the Performance of Lecturers and Dissertation Supervisors is in charge of monitoring and evaluating the mentoring process.

C. Terms and Procedures for a Dissertation Proposal Seminar

  1. Proposals can be submitted to the Program for seminars after being assessed for feasibility and approved by the supervisor and declared eligible by the Commission for Assessing the Performance of Lecturers and Dissertation Supervisors.
  2. The Examiners of the Proposal Seminar consist of Supervisors and 4 (four) independent Examiners.
  3. The Promoter may propose independent examiners to the Program Chair.
  4. Independent examiners are determined by the Head of the Program by taking into account the scientific competence of the proposal material submitted by the students.
  5. The composition of the Examiners of the Proposal Seminar consists of Professors and lecturers with Doctoral degrees, provided that there are a maximum of 2 (two) lecturers with Doctoral degrees.
  6. The Proposal Seminar is carried out in an assembly led by the Program Chair as Chair of the Session.
  7. The Chair of the Session is assisted by the Secretary of the Session who is appointed by the Chair of the Program.
  8. If the Program Chair is unable to attend, the Proposal Seminar will be chaired by a member of the Academic Council for the Doctoral Program in Law at the Universitas Islam Indonesia appointed by the Program.
  9. Proposal Seminar can be held if a quorum of at least 5 examiners is present in one assembly or who is unable to attend a maximum of 1 examiner.
  10. If the number of examiners who are unable to attend is more than 1 (one) person, the Proposal Seminar cannot be held/cancelled.
  11. If there are examiners who are unable to test as a panel, then the examiner will be given the opportunity to test separately with the permission of the Program Chair.
  12. The results of the Proposal Seminar are stated in the Official report signed by the Head of the Program.
  13. The results of the evaluation of the Proposal Seminar are qualitative in nature and are formulated with the following qualifications: APPROPRIATE TO CONTINUE WITHOUT IMPROVEMENT, WORTH TO CONTINUE WITH REPAIR or NOT TO BE CONTINUED, accompanied by an attachment with notes from the examiners’ input.
  14. If the results of the evaluation of the proposal seminar state: DESERVED TO CONTINUE WITHOUT IMPROVEMENT, or WORTHY TO CONTINUE WITH IMPROVEMENT, then the student has the right to continue writing the dissertation.
  15. If the results of the seminar assessment state: NOT worthy of continuing, then the student must again conduct proposal guidance with a supervisor and resubmit it in a Proposal Seminar.
  16. If the results of the proposal seminar conclude that plagiarism is suspected, the student must consult with the supervisor to determine a new topic for research in the proposal.
  17. The dissertation guidance period is valid for 4 (four) semesters, and if during that time the student has not been able to complete it, then the student is required to apply for an extension to the program by attaching a blank progress report from the supervisor provided by the program.

D. Terms and Procedures for a Dissertation Feasibility Study

  1. The Dissertation Feasibility Study must be followed by every student before the Closed Examination.
  2. The dissertation has been reviewed and approved by the Supervisor and the Commission for Assessing the Performance of Lecturers and Dissertation Supervisors, and can be submitted to the program for review of the feasibility of the dissertation.
  3. There are 4 (four) Eligibility Reviewers who are also Dissertation Examiners (Closed Examination and Open Examination).
  4. The Promoter may propose a Feasibility Reviewer to the Program Chair.
  5. The Feasibility Reviewer is determined by the Head of the Program by taking into account the scientific competence of the dissertation material submitted by the student.
  6. The composition of the Eligibility Reviewers with Doctoral degrees is carried out a maximum of 2 (two) people, if all the Supervisors are Professors, and 1 (one) person, if one of the Supervisors has a Doctoral degree.
  7. The Feasibility Reviewer is given a maximum of 4 (four) weeks to submit the exact results of the study to the program.
  8. The results of the Feasibility Study are qualitative in nature and are formulated as follows: APPROPRIATE TO CONTINUE TO CLOSED TEST WITHOUT REPAIR, FEASIBLE TO CONTINUE TO CLOSED TEST WITH REPAIR OR NOT APPROPRIATE TO CLOSED TEST, accompanied by notes from the reviewers.
  9. If the results of the Feasibility Study state: APPROPRIATE TO CONTINUE TO A CLOSED EXAM WITHOUT REPAIR, then the student can immediately apply for the Dissertation Closed Examination,
  10. If the results of the Feasibility Study state: APPROPRIATE TO CONTINUE TO CLOSED EXAM WITH REPAIR NOTES, the student must complete the revision of the dissertation taking into account the notes from the reviewers conducted and in consultation with the supervisor.
  11. If the results of the Feasibility Study state: NOT APPROPRIATE TO CONTINUE TO CLOSED EXAM, the student must conduct a dissertation guidance with a supervisor and if it is deemed sufficient, it will be reviewed by an appropriate reviewer.
  12. If the results of the Keyword Feasibility Study are suspected of plagiarism, the student must be with a supervisor to determine a new topic for his dissertation.

E. Terms and Procedures for Closed Dissertation Examination

  1. Dissertation Closed Examination Mandatory to be taken by every student before the Open Examination.
  2. The dissertation has been reviewed and approved by the Supervisor and the Commission for Assessing the Performance of Lecturers and Dissertation Supervisors, can be submitted to the program for submission to the Dissertation Closed Examination.
  3. Make a stamped statement regarding the originality of the dissertation and willingness to accept the consequences if in the future there is evidence that the dissertation written is not original (contains plagiarism).
  4. The Dissertation Closed Examiner consists of a Advisor and 4 (four) Examiners with competencies relevant to the student’s Dissertation topic.
  5. The Promoter may propose examiners to the Program Chair.
  6. Examiners are determined by the Head of the Program by taking into account scientific competence with Dissertation material written by students.
  7. The Dissertation Closed Examination is conducted in an assembly led by the Head of the Program as Chair of the Session.
  8. The Chairperson of the Session is assisted by the Session Secretary who is appointed by the Chair of the Program
  9. If the Program Chair is unable to attend, he or she will be questioned by a member of the Academic Board of the Law Science Doctoral Program at the Universitas Islam Indonesia who is appointed by the Program Chair.
  10. The Dissertation Closed Examination can be carried out if a quorum of at least 5 examiners is present in one assembly or who is unable to attend a maximum of 1 examiner.
  11. If the number of examiners who are unable to attend is more than 1 (one) person, the Dissertation Closed Examination cannot be carried out/cancelled.
  12. If there are examiners who are unable to test as a panel, then the examiner will be given the opportunity to test more with the permission of the Program Chair.
  13. The results of the Closed Dissertation Examination in the Official Report signed by the Head of the Program.
  14. The results of the Closed Dissertation Examination are carried out quantitatively through numbers:
    – Satisfactory : 70-79
    – Very Satisfactory : 80-89
    Cumlaude : 90-100
  15. The results of the Dissertation Closed Exam are also carried out qualitatively as follows: APPROPRIATE TO CONTINUE TO OPEN EXAM WITHOUT REPAIR, FEASIBLE TO CONTINUE TO OPEN EXAM WITH REPAIR NOTES or NOT worthy of CONTINUING TO OPEN EXAM, accompanied by notes from examiners.
  16. If the results of the Closed Dissertation Exam state: APPROPRIATE TO THE OPEN EXAM WITHOUT REPAIR, the student can immediately apply for the Dissertation Open Exam.
  17. If the results of the Closed Dissertation Exam states: APPROPRIATE TO THE OPEN EXAM WITH REPAIR NOTES, the student must complete the revision of the dissertation taking into account the notes from the examiner and consultation with the supervisor.
  18. If the results of the Closed Dissertation Exam state: DOES NOT EFFECT TO GO FORWARD TO OPEN EXAM, the student must conduct dissertation guidance with a supervisor and if it is deemed sufficient, it can be resubmitted to the Dissertation Closed Examination
  19. If the results of the Closed Dissertation Examination are suspected of plagiarism, the student must be with a supervisor to determine a new topic for his dissertation.

F. Terms and Procedures for Open Dissertation Examination

  1. The Dissertation Open Exam must be taken by every student as part of the final project.
  2. Open Examination The dissertation is open and attended by invited guests.
  3. The dissertation has been reviewed and approved by the Supervisor and the Commission for Assessing the Performance of Lecturers and Dissertation Supervisors, can be submitted to the program for submission to the Dissertation Open Examination
  4. Make a stamped statement regarding the originality of the dissertation and willingness to accept academic consequences if in the future evidence is found that the dissertation written is not original (contains plagiarism).
  5. Dissertation Open Exam examiners are the same as Dissertation Closed Examiners.
  6. The Open Dissertation Examination is carried out in an assembly led by the UII Chancellor as Chair of the Session.
  7. If the UII Chancellor is unable to attend, the exam will be led by the Dean of the Faculty of Law UII.
  8. The Open Dissertation Examination can be carried out if it meets a quorum of at least 5 examiners present in one assembly or who is unable to attend a maximum of 1 examiner.
  9. If the number of examiners who are unable to attend is more than 1 (one) person, the Open Dissertation Examination cannot be carried out/cancelled.
  10. If there are examiners who are unable to test as a panel, then the examiner will be given the opportunity to test separately with the permission of the Program Chair.
  11. The results of the Open Dissertation Examination are stated in the Official report signed by the Chancellor and the Head of the Program.
  12. The results of the Dissertation Open Examination are carried out quantitatively through the following numbers:
    – Satisfactory : 70-79
    – Very Satisfactory : 80-89
    Cumlaude : 90-100
  13. If from the results of the Closed Dissertation Examination, it is concluded that there is an allegation of plagiarism, the student must consult with his supervisor to determine a new topic for his dissertation.