Students Status

  1. Active Student
    • Active students are students who are registered or have been registered every semester.
    • Active students have full rights as students of the Doctoral Program In Law UII, such as participating in teaching and learning activities, obtaining administrative and academic services.
  2. Non-active Student
    • Non-active students are students who are not registered as active students or do not register for one semester or more without the permission of the Program Chair.
    • Non-active students cannot exercise their rights as students, namely the right to participate in academic activities and academic services.
    • Students who are not active for more than two consecutive semesters in the first year, their status as students of the Doctoral Program In Law UII can be revoked and are not allowed to be active again or are subject to Passing Out status.
    • Non-active students who will be active again are required to pay financial administration (SPP, registration, etc.) in accordance with applicable regulations.
    • Non-active students who will be active again can take credits according to the last IPS/Semester Achievement Index and GPA before being inactive.
    • The period of inactivity is calculated as the study period