Remedial Exam Information, Even Semester, Academic Year 2023/2024


Remedial Leaflet [ pdf ]
  1. The Remediation Exam is held by the Study Program with the aim of improving students’ grades and GPA.
  2. The only remediation exams that can be taken are those related to the courses being taken by students in the semester concerned (current semester).
  3. By considering academic, operational and other criteria related to the specifics and existing conditions, the study program may determine the courses offered and/or cancel the Remediation Examination for certain courses and/or classes.
  4. Students taking the Remediation Examination remain in the same Class and Examiner as in this regular semester.
  5. Students can take a maximum of Remediation Exams in all courses taken in this regular semester as long as they meet the requirements, one of which meets a minimum attendance of 75%.


  1. The norms of assessment and determination of graduation in the Remediation Examination are guided by the Study Program regulation.
  2. Assessment components other than Mid Exam and Final Exam such as lecture attendance, activity, practicum, and assignments are calculated based on achievements in this semester (regular).
  3. The Final Score (NA) of the Remediation Exam results is not considered for taking credits (Credits Allotment) for the next semester, but will be calculated on the cumulative score taken with the best score.


The Posting of Final Mark to UII Gateway (Odd Semester 2023/2024) : Augst 2, 2024
Key-In Remediation Time : Augst 6-7, 2024 (no revision period) 08.00-16.00 WIB (Indonesian Western Time)
Payment Period : Augst 7-8, 2024 at 17.o0 – January 29, 2024 at 16.00 WIB (according to the ID on the bill of UII GATEWAY )
Course Cancellation : Submitted by students because the minimum score is A/B no later than Augst 8, 2024 at 16.00 WIB
Membership Verification Results : Augst 8, 2024, at 19.00 look at the gateway, KRS menu or on the Lecture Schedule (Even Semester of Remediation).
Announcement of Exam Schedule : Augst 8, 2024, start at 20.00 WIB (see at, including info on the course closed by Study Program )
Exam Implementation : Augst 7-21, 2024 (No Make-up Exam)
Remedial Payment Refund : Further information will be announced by the Division of Financial Administration, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia


Time   Payment Time
Tuesday, Augst 6, 2024 08.00-16.00   Wednesday, Augst 7, 2024 17.00 Start
Wednesday, Augst 7, 2024 08.00-16.00   Thursday, Augst 8, 2024 16.00 End


  1. Payment MUST use a billing ID that can be seen on the Gateway (not via transfer via bank account number, because it will not be registered as a participant)
  2. Payment method
    • Mobile Banking;
    • Internet Banking;
    • ATM (on payment/not transfer), or;
    • Teller Bank
  3. Students who have taken the Key-In Remediation Exam but do not pay by the specified payment deadline will be declared void to take the remediation exam (course deleted / Drop).

Remediation Exam Fee The Even Semester 2023/2024 are as follows:

Cost Per Credit Note:


Cost Per Credit

Student Year

Int. Program (IP)

1 2017/2018 IDR 77.000,00
2 2018/2019 IDR 77.000,00
3 2019/2020 IDR 80.000,00
4 2020/2021 IDR 80.000,00
5 2021/2022 IDR 80.000,00
6 2022/2023 IDR 80.000,00
7 2023/2024 IDR 80.000,00

For students who have already keyed in because the grades have not been released and have paid, it turns out that they have obtained a minimum A/B score after the key-in ends, they have the right to cancel by reporting to the Academic Division to get a refund.


  1. KEY IN students at GATEWAY use the internet network ( .id) , according to schedule.
  2. Use your own Username and Password! If there is a problem, immediately contact the Information Systems Division of the UII Faculty of Law or via (via WhatsApp number).
  3. Make sure the courses taken are correct (Remember, there are no revisions).
  4. Don’t forget to log out when you’re done Key In.


  1. Refunds can only be made for closed courses/classes or grades in the current semester getting grades of A, A-, or A/B.
  2. The exam is held online, while the rules for the remediation exam refer to the applicable provisions and the instructions of the supporting lecturer.