“Scholar and intellectual are different. Scholar is just a piece of paper proof of professionalism. Meanwhile, the intellectual meant personally Ulil Albab. Ulil Albab is what Islamic University of Indonesia wants to be born. Intellectual who always thinks and dzikir.”

“The whole process of education and teaching at Islamic University of Indonesia aims to regenerate candidates for leaders of the people and nation. Not giving birth to a barren scholar community from the spirit of faith and change. Nor are scholars who work without scientific ethics who only rely on material fulfillment by mortgaging their authority as scientists.”

Our Law school graduates do not only aspire to become judges at the national level, but also at international level.  “

Law Faculty Profile

More about the Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia.

Faculty of Law UII, the first law school established under the country support and provides more respectable and high quality of alumni at all professional levels.


Get more detailed information about the Study Programs at the Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia

Undergraduate Degree in Law

Undergraduate students can explore the development of the existing positive law and its comparative approach with the Islamic Law. The undergraduate curriculum also emphasizes on the practical application of the law.

Master in Law

The Master in Law is a postgraduate academic degree, pursued by those either holding an undergraduate law degree or an undergraduate degree in a related subject. The graduates are well prepared to be expert in their areas.

Master in Public Notary

Master in Public Notary are offered for students who wishes to pursue the professional field of public notary. The program aims to train and educate students who possess proficient practical skills.

Doctoral Degree in Law

Doctoral degree offers three years doctoral education by giving more time for students to conduct in-depth research in their chosen field. The program offers lecturers who nationally famous at their expertise of the law.

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