Welcome to Faculty of Law UII

Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia as rahmatan lil’alamin which is committed to the message of Islamiyah and excels at the national level and is equivalent to a qualified and reputable Faculty of Law at the international level.

Cash Waqf as an Educational Endowment Fund

Faculty of Law UII has a care program for underprivileged communities through the FH UII Cash Waqf.

Study Programs at Faculty of Law

Get more detailed information about the Study Programs at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Undergraduate Study Program In Business Law

Study Program In Law

Master Program In Law

Master Program In Notarial Law

Doctoral Program In Law

News & Information

Stay connected with the news of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Ulya Sofiana’s Public Defense Examination

[KALIURANG]; The Ulya Sofiana’s Public Defense Examination was held by the Doctoral Study Program in Law on Saturday, August 31,...
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Muhammad Jamal’s Public Defense Examination

"The state has established the Election Law (Law 7/2017) to create a democratic and integrity-based state system. Unfortunately, not all...
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Endang Widuri’s Public Defense Examination

[KALIURANG]; On Friday, August 30th, at 16:00 WIB, the public defense examination of Endang Widuri was held by the Doctoral...
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Islamic Da’wah

First Established
in Indonesia

Faculty of Law, UII was founded in 1945 by the nation’s founders.

Top Law Study Programs
in Indonesia

Three of the four Study Programs at Faculty of Law, UII have been accredited as “Unggul” by BAN PT in 2021

International Recognition

Undergraduate Study Program In Law has received certification from AUN-QA in 2020. In 2022, all study programs have been accredited from FIBAA.

Trusted as Producer
Bachelor of Laws with Integrity

Has produced more than 14,833 alumni. Alumni are trusted as legal professionals with integrity both at local and national levels.

Growing Fast and Dynamic

The Faculty of Law, UII has experienced very rapid development, marked by the opening of the International Program in 2001. In addition, the Master Program Study in Law was opened in 1995, the Master Study Program in Notarial Law in 2014, the Doctoral Study Program In Law in 2002, Special Education Program for the Advocate Profession (PKPA) in 2005, and the Undergraduate Study Program In Business Law in 2022 as a response to the demands of very dynamic scientific developments.


The lecturers are lecturers who graduated from well-known universities both domestically and abroad.

Book Collection in Library

The FH UII library has a collection of more than 21,332 books and ebooks, 6 subscriptions to national journals every year, 9 subscriptions to international journals every year, more than 20 proceedings.

Learning Facilities Complete

Faculty of Law, UII has new building facilities with a building area of ​​28,000 m2 with complete facilities.

Has Center for Law Studies in Various Sectors

Faculty of Law, UII has 11 center of law studies which carry out a lot of scientific and research activities.

Visit Our Campus

Discover your best experience studying at our Law School and how you can visit us

“Scholar and intellectual are different. Scholar is just a piece of paper proof of professionalism. Meanwhile, the intellectual meant personally Ulil Albab. Ulil Albab is what Universitas Islam Indonesia wants to be born. Intellectual who always thinks and dzikir.”

“The whole process of education and teaching at Universitas Islam Indonesia aims to regenerate candidates for leaders of the people and nation. Not giving birth to a barren scholar community from the spirit of faith and change. Nor are scholars who work without scientific ethics who only rely on material fulfillment by mortgaging their authority as scientists.”

“Our Law school graduates do not only aspire to become judges at the national level, but also at international level. “