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Ahmadi’s Public Defense Examination

[KALIURANG]; Thursday (29/08), at 15:30 WIB, the Ahmadi’s public defense examination was held by the doctoral study program in law (PSHPD) at the Faculty of Law (FH), Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). The examination was took place in the Mini Auditorium on the 4th floor of FH UII, with the examiners including: Prof. Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum. (head examiner), Prof. Dr. Ni’matul Huda, S.H., M.Hum. (promoter), Dr. Abdul Gaffar Karim, S.I.P., M.A. (co-promoter), Prof. Dr. Ridwan, S.H., M.Hum., Dr. Idul Rishan, S.H., LL.M., Dr. Sri Hastuti Puspitasari, S.H., M.H., and Dr. Drs. Muntoha, S.H., M.Ag.

Ahmadi presented his dissertation entitled “Legal Politics of Regional Election Regulations Post-Amendment of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (UUD NRI 1945)” for approximately 10 minutes at the beginning of the exam session. He stated that the design of legal politics of regional election regulations in the UUD NRI 1945 faced various fundamental problems, such as the problem of interpretation and application of laws in legislation. This encouraged him to examine more deeply, comprehensively, and constructively about the dynamics of regional head election laws in Indonesia which occurred radically.

In his research, Ahmadi found that the legal policy regarding regional head elections in the UUD NRI 1945 is considered part of the regional government regime as outlined in Article 18, Paragraph (4) of the UUD NRI 1945. However, this has led to incorrect interpretations of the norm in Article 18 (4). Consequently, there have been inconsistencies in several areas, including: regulations at the legislative level and Constitutional Court decisions, the roles of actors in regional head elections, the management of regional head election implementations, the institutions responsible for organizing regional head elections, and the resolution of disputes related to regional head elections.

Furthermore, Ahmadi proposed that future regulations for regional head elections in Indonesia be conducted directly, transparently, and in stages. He also recommended reconstructing these regulations at the legislative level, establishing a special court for regional head elections, and implementing the elections in a direct, open, and staged manner involving political parties, the DPRD, and the KPU.

During the public defense examination session, Ahmadi answered questions well and was able to defend his dissertation arguments effectively.  Dr. Ahmadi, S.H.I., M.H. is now officially the 177th doctoral graduate from the doctoral study program in law at FH UII. At the end of the session, the Promoter congratulated him and wished that the knowledge gained would be beneficial and useful for religion and the nation. The Promoter also advised Dr. Ahmadi, S.H.I., M.H. to continue contributing and remain critical of developments in constitutional law concentration.