Alumni Events

There are regular events that our Alumni are invited to participate. This regular events are:

  1. Reuni Akbar 1000 Alumni
    This event is celebrated every year by inviting all the Faculty alumni to share their experience and memories studying at our Faculty.
  2. Milad UII
    During the celebration of the University establishment (milad), we always invite our alumni to participate and contribute to various events at our school. Milad UII is always scheduled in June every year.
  3. Other education events
    We also regularly invite our alumni to joint in our Faculty meetings such as: the amendment of the study programme curriculum, the establishment of new study programme, the establishment of study centre, and etc. With the support of alumni, we could enhance our education system based on the currents society need and development.

Every year, students who graduated from our university establish their own group at social media (such as whatsapp, telegram, or LINE group) so that they could share any information including their regular meetings. The group meetings usually invite the Faculty leadership. At that time, our school could get more information about our alumni contribution to the state and the world.

For alumni who wants to get more update about the alumni events, please fill the tracer of alumni form by click this file.

The alumni may also shared their experience and information of any opportunities for our students. Here is the section to share that valuable information.