Cristi Melin Silitonga, Fatma Reza Zubarit, and Kanza Latunhi Rayes Won the 2019 Dean Research FH UII Champion

Dean Research Grant Batch VI for the 2019 period has been well implemented. The Dean Research Grant, which is held every year, competes for the FH UII Dean’s Cup. Dr. Abdul Jamil, SH., MH and Dr. Drs. Muntoha S.H, M.Ag. as the Dean and Deputy Dean hope that this competition will become a culture for students. Research grants for students are specifically organized to attract students’ interests and talents, especially in developing ideas and ideas as well as creativity in writing papers in the field of law. This activity is an activity that adopts PKM-P research organized by the Ministry of Research and Technology with the aim of familiarizing trained students with the technicalities of DIKTI research.

The program begins with the making of a legal research proposal by the FH UII students who are participants. Then from the collection of proposals, the 5 best research proposals were selected. Furthermore, the team that passed the criteria for the best research proposal made their research and presented their research results in front of the jury, which consisted of Mahrus Ali, SH., MH., Ratna Hartanto, S.H., LL.M., and Dr. Idul Rishan, S.H., LL.M.

The competitive activity was followed up with the announcement of the results of the assessments carried out by the three judges, which then on November 15, 2019 there was the awarding of the 3 best teams who won the Dean Research Grant Batch VI competition. The best team that got the first place was Cristi Melin Silitonga, Fatma Reza Zubarit, Kanza Latunhi Rayes with the research title “Law Enforcement of Yogyakarta City Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2015 concerning the Implementation of Billboards against Illegal Billboards Installation in Yogyakarta City”.

Furthermore, the second place was won by the best team consisting of Elfian Fauzy, Alghifari Juhadtullah T, and Ramadina Bella M with the research title “Strengthening the General Election Oversight Body through Restructuring the Role and Position of General Election Observers”. Then, the third place was won by Shilvi Grisminarti Yuninda Rosady, and Jhodi Putra Hakim with the research title “Analysis of Government Supervision on the Implementation of Illegal Parking in the City of Yogyakarta”.

This academic activity is expected to continue, so that it can stimulate the enthusiasm of the students of the Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia continuously to always work and be creative to conduct research.