
Faculty of Law UII Holds Fire Extinguisher Training

[Kaliurang]; Tuesday (22/03) after occupying a new building on the integrated campus, Faculty of Law of Universitas Islam Indonesia held a  fire extinguisher  training.  A fire extinguisher is a device used to extinguish a fire or control a small fire. Fire extinguishers are generally in the form of a tube filled with a high pressure fire extinguisher. In terms of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), a fire extinguisher is a mandatory equipment that must be equipped by every campus and building to prevent fires that can threaten the safety of workers and building assets.

The training was conducted by inviting Instructor from Caturindo Sentosa Jogja. Caturindo Sentosa Jogja is a company that focuses on fire fighting equipment.

Dean of Faculty of Law of Universitas Islam Indonesia, invited all lecturers and civitas academica. This training was conducted in the south area of ​​the new building of Faculty of Law of Universitas Islam Indonesia. The purpose of this training is to take care of each other and increase awareness, especially if there is a spark in the building. It is hoped that this training can improve understanding and preparedness in the event that something unexpected happens.