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International Virtual Teaching Collaboration Program


Islamic law has been recognized as one of the laws in the world which has dogmatic characteristics that originate from God. The sources of Islamic law, namely the Qur’an and As-Sunnah, are an integral part and a source of rules for the whole order of life for Muslims in the world. Even though Islamic law is not made into rules in a democratic state order, many moral values are contained in its order. In human life, Islamic law provides its moral values as in Muamalah it teaches how to interact with other people. In fact, many of the provisions of the state rules also take the values of Islamic law, such as Muamalah, Fiqh, and Maqashid Sharia.

The challenge now is how Islamic law can respond to new things, especially related to changes in an increasingly modern era. The many problems that have arisen in this modern century – especially after the Covid-19 pandemic – demand the availability of interpretation and efforts to discover the law by Islamic jurists. As stated by Yusuf Qardhawi, the ever-changing and developing conditions of society will of course also give birth to new problems that require answers to their legal status. In this case, ulama have a very important role in actively giving birth to ijtihad as a response to providing solutions to various problems faced by Muslim society in today’s modern era.

Hybrid Teaching Collaboration Program activities are presented to provide an explanation of the various perspectives on development, especially in Islamic law. In the Undergraduate Law Study Program, Islamic law is a part of the knowledge that students must have during their studies. For this reason, several speakers will be presented to provide additional perspectives on current developments in Islamic law, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic.


19 – 22 of December 2022

Prof. Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum.
Dean Faculty of Law UII

Dodik Setiawan Nur H., S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D.
Head of Undergraduate Study Program
In Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Dr. Ibrahim Negm*
Mufti Counselor, The Republic of Egypt
“The Development of Islamic Law Post Pandemic Covid-19”

Hamid Roberto Distefano., A.D.
Comunita Religiosa Islamica, Italia
“Halal Potential Market in Europe Challenges and Opportunities”

Ian Fox William, Ph.D.
Faculty of Business and Law Coventry University
“Recognition and Enforcement of International Arbitral Award in Middle East Country”

Abdurrahman Alfaqiih, S.H.,LL.M., M.A.
Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia
“Cyber Dispute Resolution and Islamic Law Response”

Prof. Dr. Zaid Mohamad
International Islamic University Malaysia
“Modern Islamic Contitutional Law”

Ahmad Sadzali, Lc., M.H.
Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia
“The Interrelationship between Religion and State in the Contemporary Era”

Christopher Cason, JD., LLM.
Faculty of Law
Universitas Islam Indonesia
“Islamic Law in the US Legal Domestic Policies”

Drs. Agus Triyanta, M.H., M.A., Ph.D.
Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia
“The Development of Islamic Exconomic Law in Indoenesia”

Prof. Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum.
Dean Faculty of Law UII

Dodik Setiawan Nur H., S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D.
Head of Undergraduate Study Program
In Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Dr. Ibrahim Negm*
Mufti Counselor, The Republic of Egypt
“The Development of Islamic Law Post Pandemic Covid-19”

Hamid Roberto Distefano., A.D.
Comunita Religiosa Islamica, Italia
“Halal Potential Market in Europe Challenges and Opportunities”

Ian Fox William, Ph.D.
Faculty of Business and Law Coventry University
“Recognition and Enforcement of International Arbitral Award in Middle East Country”

Abdurrahman Alfaqiih, S.H.,LL.M., M.A.
Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia
“Cyber Dispute Resolution and Islamic Law Response”

Prof. Dr. Zaid Mohamad
International Islamic University Malaysia
“Modern Islamic Contitutional Law”

Ahmad Sadzali, Lc., M.H.
Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia
“The Interrelationship between Religion and State in the Contemporary Era”

Christopher Cason, JD., LLM.
Faculty of Law
Universitas Islam Indonesia
“Islamic Law in the US Legal Domestic Policies”

Drs. Agus Triyanta, M.H., M.A., Ph.D.
Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia
“The Development of Islamic Exconomic Law in Indoenesia”


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Thank you for your participation and we look forward to seeing you!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us:

  1. M. Syarahbil Hudzaifi, SH (+62 813 90129026)
  2. Naila Adiba, S.Hub.Int. (+62838 40747770)