
International Program Faculty of Law UII Held a General Lecture Lecture on Effectiveness in Enforcement of Criminal Sanctions Against Child Violence

The Juridical Council of International Program (JCI) Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia on Wednesday, September 29, 2021 held an actual study with the theme “Effectiveness in Enforcement of Criminal Sanctions against Child Violence” which was presented directly by Mr. Ari Wibowo, S.H.I., S.H.M.H. as Lecturer of Criminal Law, Faculty of Law UII. The activity was carried out online via Zoom and was attended by approximately 50 participants

On the occasion of this study, Mr. Ari Wibowo discussed the legal instruments that regulate the protection of children and how effective the impact of the law is in society. When the criminal threat is too light so that it is considered ineffective, the legislators have tried to amend and strengthen the existing Child Protection Law by adding a weighting of the criminal threat as much as 1/3 of the previous criminal sanction. This change is expected to have a deterrent effect for perpetrators so as not to repeat their actions in the future and provide a warning to the public not to commit similar acts.

He also added about his response to why Indonesia chose chemical castration as a punishment, while overseas chemical castration is a common thing, such as someone who doesn’t want to get married and to reduce their lust, they will go to the doctor for the chemical injection. Whereas in Indonesia it is used as a deterrent effect? In answering this question, according to Mr. Ari Wibowo, the policy of penal punishment in the form of chemical castration as a sanction for action in Perpu No.1 of 2016 has indirectly presented that the purpose of punishment is not merely a means of retaliation or deterrence, but as a form of rehabilitation or recovery. condition of the perpetrator so as not to repeat the same mistake.

Mr. Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H.,M,H.,LL.M.,Ph.D who is the secretary of the law study program for the IP undergraduate program was also present. He admitted that there was a lot of new knowledge gained from the material presentation session. It is hoped that with this theme, participants will be more concerned about the issue of violence against children.