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Ulya Sofiana’s Public Defense Examination

[KALIURANG]; The Ulya Sofiana’s Public Defense Examination was held by the Doctoral Study Program in Law on Saturday, August 31, at 09:30 WIB. The event was held in the Mini Auditorium Room, located on the 4th Floor of the Faculty of Law (FH), UII. The examination was led by Chief Examiners Prof. Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum., and Prof. Nandang Sutrisno, S.H., M.Hum., Ph.D., with Dr. Abdul Jamil, S.H., M.H., serving as the promotor team. The examination panel also included Dr. Sri Wahyuni, S.Ag., M.Ag., M.Hum., Dr. Drs. Rohidin, S.H., M.Ag., Dr. Umar Haris Sanjaya, S.H., M.H., and Drs. Agus Triyanta, M.A., M.H., Ph.D.

Ulya Sofiana presented her dissertation titled “Handling Interfaith Marriage Conflicts in the Merariq Tradition from the Perspective of Local Wisdom in Lombok.” The term merariq refers to a form of elopement practiced in Lombok, where a man takes a woman from her family, typically without prior consent from her parents or family members. If the woman agrees to the customary terms, she becomes his wife. One controversial aspect of merariq involves interfaith marriages, which often lead to conflicts within the Lombok community. These conflicts can exist as rejection of the marriage, denial of inheritance rights, and social rejection. Despite these issues, there is currently no clear regulation addressing interfaith marriages.

In her dissertation, Ulya Sofiana proposed a three-stage approach for managing interfaith marriage conflicts in Lombok:

  1. Pre-Conflict Handling: This stage focuses on prevention efforts. It involves religious, traditional, and family leaders to address potential issues before they escalate into conflicts. These leaders work together to provide guidance and set expectations regarding interfaith marriages.
  2. Conflict Handling: This stage addresses conflicts once they arise. It includes implementing sanctions related to interfaith marriages, such as rejection, expulsion from the community, and denial of inheritance rights.
  3. Post-Conflict Handling: This stage involves follow-up actions after sanctions have been applied. It includes the involvement of local governments and religious leaders to provide education and legal knowledge about interfaith marriages.

Finally, Ulya said that support from the local government is very important as a step forward in realizing laws that are in accordance with the values ​​in society, as well as reformulating Islamic marriage law to emphasize the status of interfaith marriages both formally and materially.

During the exam session, Ulya Sofiana was able to answer questions well and was able to defend the arguments in her dissertation. Dr. Ulya Sofiana, S.H., M.H. is now officially the 181st doctor of law who graduated from the doctoral study program in law, FH UII. At the end of the exam session, the Promoter (Prof. Prof. Nandang Sutrisno, S.H., M.Hum., Ph.D.) congratulated and give her some advice.