Workshop on Verification of Student Independent Participation Certificate Submission as Graduation Requirement

On Friday, December 13, 2024, the Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) held an activity called “Workshop on Verification of Student Independent Participation Certificate Submission as a Graduation Requirement.” The activity, which was held starting at 15.30 WIB, took place in the Mini Auditorium Room, 4th floor, UII Faculty of Law, and was attended by the Academic Advisors of Faculty of Law UII and Academic Supervisor assistants consisting of education personnel at Faculty of Law UII. The speakers at this workshop were the Vice Dean for Religious, Students, and Alumni Affairs, Drs. Agus Triyanta., MA, MH, Ph.D., and the Head of Academic Division, MAS Kinady The moderator for this activity was Bagya Agung Prabowo, SH, M.Hum., Ph.D., who helped accompany the speakers in explaining their presentations. Based on the Rector’s Regulation No. 7 of 2024, it is explained that the Participation Credit Unit is a measure of appreciation for non-curricular activities followed by students to meet learning outcomes indicated by units, which are the cumulative amount of the intensity of these activities. The Head of the Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D., opened this activity. In his remarks, he explained, “The study program has made an academic supervisor guide, but specifically for the guide from the Rector, all are requested to read the document. As for this workshop, it has been recorded and will be included in Google Drive so that it can be accessed by Academic Supervisors or Academic Supervisor assistants who do not understand or have not been able to participate in this workshop activity. “Here are the remarks from the Head of the Undergraduate Study Program in Law.

General and technical explanations related to student participation and activity credit units began with an explanation from the first resource person, Drs. Agus Triyanta., MA, MH, Ph.D., with the theme “General Explanation of Submission of Student Independent Participation Certificate.” In his explanation, he explained that “There is a Chancellor’s Regulation No. 7 of 2024. Related to Participation Credit Units & Student Activities. The form of activity is indeed in the realm of the Vice Dean for Student Affairs, but the academics are in the realm of the Study Program because it is indeed the realm of Student Affairs and Study Programs. The Chancellor’s Regulation stipulates that students of the 2023 intake must have fulfilled the participation credit units of choice outside of the mandatory ones; for example, in the first semester, there are PNDI activities, etc. However, outside of that, both bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees have participation credit unit obligations as a graduation requirement and authorization by the academic supervisor. Undergraduate students are subject to 50 participation credit units but have been fulfilled as mandatory. Plus 10 participation credit units, and that’s optional. It is mandatory to follow a minimum of 10 additional Participation Credit Units consisting of at least 2 different forms of activities. For activities such as being a committee, seminars, or digital preaching, there are awards, so for students themselves, there has not been enough massive socialization among students. All of these activities have documents as evidence, especially the academic supervisor and the academic supervisor’s companion to carry out verification, and are one of the requirements for student graduation starting from the 2023 class. Academic supervisors verify the eligibility of data and supporting evidence for student activities chosen by students. For example, carrying out duties as a preacher with a participation credit unit weight of 1 (one) must include supporting evidence such as a letter of application and a letter of thanks. Becoming a Mualim or musrif/musrifah is included in prophetic leadership with a weight of 2 (two) and must include supporting evidence of a certificate. Conducting scientific publications (proceedings, journals, posters) is included in transformative skills with a weight of 2 (two) and is required to complete certificates and scientific works. The faculty can help in fulfilling this participation credit unit. Later it will be explained both related to leadership, skills, and academics, “following the presentation of material from the Vice Dean for Religious, Student, and Alumni Affairs. 

The event continued with the presentation of material by the second speaker, MAS Kinady, with the theme “Technical Explanation and Information System Related to Verification of Submission of Independent Student Participation Certificate as a Graduation Requirement.” He explained that “this is indeed a new job and could be an obstacle for graduates if it is not done from the start. Verification can be done at the end and is quite easy, such as approved and disapproved, and there is information to show evidence. With several stages, namely, students participate in activities, students will fill in data and upload evidence on the student gateway, and academic supervisors carry out verification. The verification per academic supervisor will be considered faster when compared to only being done by the Vice Dean. Furthermore, academic supervisors can also reject and request revisions related to evidence. It’s just that the Information System Agency has not provided additional information related to the number of points achieved, so you have to be careful. “Here is a technical explanation from the Head of the Academic Division of the Faculty of Law UII. The event continued with a question and answer session by participants and then the workshop was closed by the moderator.