Idul Rishan Passed the Open Doctoral Exam

The board of examiners at the Postgraduate Study, Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University passed the Open Doctoral Exam to Idul Rishan. “With this achievement, he has the right to use the title of Doctor in front of his name.” said the co-Promotor, Dr. Zainal Arifin.

The Open Exam was held on Friday, 28 of December 2018. On that day, Idul Rishan defended his dissertation with the topic of reformation of judicial authority in Indonesia. “We do support Idul Rishan to get the higher degree. The Faculty leadership, everyone, come to the Open Exam as proof of support to him,” explained Dr. Abdul Jamil, Dean of the Faculty of Law, UII.

“This is a good point that our young lecturer could receive the Doctoral Degree. We must also support the other young lecturers to pursue doctoral study at a very young academic career. This will increase the number of our academic staff which has a higher degree as evidence of higher human quality.” said Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, PhD who also graduated last year from Hungary.