Unity to combat corruption in our country

The problem of corruption and law enforcement has been a polemic for a long time. This certainly cannot be separated from the political dynamics of a power. History shows that corruption has existed since the old order. Many corruption perpetrators come from the executive community.

Such behavior continues until the New Order government even the reform era, which is increasingly spread across various lines, both executive, legislative and judicial. Therefore, corruption is a common enemy that deserves to be fought. However, efforts to eradicate it must continue to prioritize human values and justice.

The topic as illustrated in the National Seminar with the theme “Realizing Law Enforcement and Organizing a Humanitarian and Just Corruption Court”. The event was held by the Law Faculty Law Doctoral Program UII in collaboration with the Center for Leadership and Legal Development Studies (CLDS), on Saturday (29/12) at the Auditorium of the UII Waqf Foundation, Jl. Cik Di Tiro No. 1, Yogyakarta.

Chairperson of the Indonesian Constitutional Court Period 2008-2013, Prof. Dr. Moh. Mahfud MD, SH., SU., Said that the number of corruption in Indonesia is increasing. Even some people seem to have no fear and fear of corruption so that all elements of society are expected to unite against corruption.

“Our hope is not too much before improving our political map, but we still have to fight to eradicate corruption, we support the KPK, if there are shortcomings we can repair it together, whatever our conditions are opponents of corruption indiscriminately,” he said in a teleconference connection.

Furthermore, Chair of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia for the period 2001-2008, Prof. Dr. Bagir Manan, SH. MCL said that some people argue that the methods of law enforcement do not touch the basis or root of corruption

“Noting this perspective, it is time to solve the problem of corruption and fix various phenomena outside the law that are not only related but as the root of corruption, such as corrupt, bureaucratic, social, economic and constitutional political behavior,” he said.

While Professor of the Faculty of Law UII, Prof. Jawahir Thontowi, SH., Ph.D., said that in law enforcement corruption and corruption court must still prioritize with human values and values of justice.

“From an inclusive legal approach framework, in eradicating corruption, the law should contain truth and justice values, the principle of due process of law, so that the law serves to prevent, enforce, and learn to achieve order or harmony in human life,” he concluded.