“Scholar and intellectual are different. Scholar is just a piece of paper proof of professionalism. Meanwhile, the intellectual meant personally Ulil Albab. Ulil Albab is what Universitas Islam Indonesia wants to be born. Intellectual who always thinks and dzikir.”

“The whole process of education and teaching at Universitas Islam Indonesia aims to regenerate candidates for leaders of the people and nation. Not giving birth to a barren scholar community from the spirit of faith and change. Nor are scholars who work without scientific ethics who only rely on material fulfillment by mortgaging their authority as scientists.”

“Our Law school graduates do not only aspire to become judges at the national level, but also at international level. “

Welcome to Faculty of Law UII
Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, a campus that produces legal practitioners, academics, and community activists who are professional and with integrity.
First Faculty of Law
in Indonesia
Faculty of Law UII is the first Faculty of Law in Indonesia which was founded by the Indonesian people.
Excellent Accredited
Study Program (Unggul)
Faculty of Law UII has 4 Study Programs where 3 of them are accredited as “Unggul” by BAN PT.
International Certified
Study Program
The Undergraduate Study Program In Law has been certified Internationally (AUN-QA)
The lecturers are lecturers who graduated from well-known universities both domestically and abroad.
Study Programs at Faculty of Law
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News & Information
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Practitioner Sharing from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: “Drafting and Negotiating International Treaties: Indonesia’s Role and Current Global Challenges”

Practitioner Sharing from Bawaslu DI. Yogyakarta: “Political and Constitutional Law”

Practitioner Sharing from PT Brantas Abipraya: “The Role and Challenges of the Legal Sector in State-Owned Enterprises”

Practitioner sharing from the Indonesian Ombudsman “Government Supervision in the Perspective of the Indonesian Ombudsman”

Practitioner Sharing from the Bogor District Attorney’s Office: “The Role of the Prosecutor’s Office in Prosecution”

Workshop on Verification of Student Independent Participation Certificate Submission as Graduation Requirement

Making Vlog In A Museum, Learning English Can Be So Much Fun!
Academic Info

Nurwigati’s Public Defense Examination

Job Vacancy : Legal Content Developer at hukumonline.com

KNB Scholarships at Universitas Islam Indonesia

British Council: Indonesia: Researcher Connect workshops

Info Session : Studying at The University of Sidney & Sharing Experience From LPDP Awardee


The 1st Conference on Sustainability & Emerging Technologies – CSET 2023

US Embassy Jobs: 4 Positions
[MEC id=”31930″]
Student Release of 2022 International Mobility Program Students to Youngsan University and Lobachevsky University
[TAMAN SISWA]; On Tuesday (25/01), the 2022 International…
Islam dan Diskursus Kecakapan Difabel Mental
Author: M. Syafi’ie, S.H., M.H.
Lecturer in Faculty of Law, …

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Universitas Islam Indonesia
Jl. Kaliurang KM. 14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta 55584
Telephone: +62 274 7070222
Email: fh[at]uii.ac.id