Closing Ceremony for English Course Batch 2 and 3 for Law Faculty Supporting Staff

English Courses for Batch 2 and 3 just finished last week on Friday, 1 March 2019. There were around 50 participants that took part in the courses. The courses started in early January 2019. “Participants were enthusiastic and they did a great job. I am really proud of their progress. Now, our law school has supporting staffs with their English capability to support their daily job.” said Christopher Cason, the course tutor.

At the closing ceremony, the Vice Dean for Resource Management (Hanafi Amrani, SH, MH, LLM, PhD) said in his speech “as the representative of the leadership, we would like to congratulate for all the participants. Please remember two things: do not forget and do not hesitate. Do not forget the things that you learned from the course. Do not hesitate to practice English in our daily activities. We do hope that this English course will provide more benefit for all participants as well as for the law school.”

As part of the internationalization of the law school, the basic understanding of English is important for supporting staffs because they are the key to our academic services. The law school itself had already visited by the AUN-QA assessors to get certified at the regional level.