Successful Workshop Training on International Patent Filling

Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia in cooperation with Telkom University (TU), the Indonesian Intellectual Property Center Association (ASKII), Swiss Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI), successfully held Workshop Training on International Patent Filling on Thursday to Friday, 5th to 6th September 2019. The training was followed by 33 participants from range different institutions. The major participants were practitioner on patent filling at local and national level organization.

The trainer was Dr. Kamran Housang Pour from from the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property. With his expertise, he explained important practical knowledge on intellectual patent filling. The material presented by Dr. Kamran was about Declarations under Rule 4.1, Representation of PCT Applicants, Priority Claims and Priority Documents, Correction/Addition of Priority Claims, Correction of Defects in an International Application, Incorporation by Reference, Rectification of Obvious Mistakes, Recording of Changes to Bibliographic Data under PCT Rule 92bis, Functions of the Receiving Office and the International Bureau, International Search and Supplementary International Search, Whether to File a Demand International Preliminary Examination – Procedures and purpose Unity of Invention, International Publication, Access to the File, PCT Fees, Amendments, Entry into the National Phase, Restoration of the Right of Priority, Withdrawal, Simulation And Practices.

At the end of the training, the head of the committee mentioned that “the workshop training is aimed to strengthen the practical experience and knowledge of the participants. Understanding the international patent filling would create strong confident to boost and encourage international patent application especially from Indonesia. Thus, we do hope that Indonesian patent recognised increasingly at international level” said Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, SH, MH, LLM, PhD.

The training was held around 2 days and at the end the ceremony, the participants received certificate and all the materials of the training.