Entries by poppy


Indonesian and Software Illegal

Based on research by the Business Software Alliance (BSA) and Ipsos Public Affairs, Indonesia is ranked seventh in the use of illegal software from 32 countries in the world. This […]


Unstrategic Research

The government believes that 2017 is the golden age of Indonesian research. The factor that encourage this assumption is that one year ago the government issued PMK Number 106/PMK.02/2016 regarding […]



On Friday, April 26 2013, the international community celeberate the 13th intellectual property rights day. In this context, this warning is often used as a momentum by the international community […]

Anti Plagiarism Social Movement

The news about the widespread practice of plagiarism of scientific work in universities with a quantity up to 100 lecturers with the purpose to carry out promotions from the lector, […]