
The Head of the Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia, hereby announces the names of applicants for the information system manager of FH UII who have passed the practical test and are entitled to take part in the second stage of the test in the form of an interview which will be held on:

Day, Date : Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Time: 08.30 – 12.00 WIB

Place : VIP Room, Moh. Yamin Fak. Indonesian Islamic University Law Jl. Tamansiswa No. 158 Yogyakarta

The list of participants and the rules are attached to this announcement. The result of the decision cannot be contested. Thus, to be checked and be aware of the existence. Alhamdulillaahirabbil’alamiin


Yogyakarta, 29 April 2021 / 17 Ramadan 1442 H



Dr. Abdul Jamil, S.H., M.H.


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Delivered to the Law Study Program Students of the Faculty of Law UII Undergraduate Program, the schedule for the Mid-Semester Examination (UTS) for the Academic Year 2020/2021 which will be held on April 22, 2021 until. May 4, 2021. Students are encouraged to prepare themselves as best they can and use UTS as a way for you to measure your ability to master science and knowledge.

Attached is a schedule that is shared via View Google Spreadsheet. Students should always look at this schedule because there are possible updates or schedule changes that may occur for some reason. In addition, for students whose key-in courses collide on the exam schedule, they are welcome to adjust, because from the beginning the Study Program has given directions and warnings regarding this matter.

Download the 2020/2021 Even Semester Midterm Exam answer sheet template [regular] [international] Students work on questions using Class Room media where the lecturer uploads questions. Therefore, students must pay attention as well as possible so as not to be mistaken in collecting assignments. IMPORTANT: The information “BOLEH” and “TIDAK BOLEH” take the exam listed on the Gateway, please ignore it because the information is applied during the Final Semester Examination (UAS).

Delivered to students of the Apprenticeship subject of the Law Study Program of the Undergraduate Program in the Even Semester of T.A. 2020/2021, there will be an Internship Participant Briefing event which will be held on:

Day/Date : Saturday, April 10, 2021

Time: 13.00 – 15.40 WIB

Media : Online (via Zoom)

The division of space (zoom link) and the schedule of debriefing are as follows:

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Download Rundown Pembekalan [167.44 KB]

Contact Person/CP:

085875250408 (Apprenticeship Admin)

081225634133 (Admin of Faculty of Law UII Education and Training Center)

The UII Faculty of Law opens the opportunity for you to participate in the selection/recuitment within the UII Faculty of Law, with the following conditions and positions:

    • Website Management
    • Staff Learning Content
    • Staff Information Systems and Academic
    • Administration Staff Staff of General Administration System,

1 (one) person is required.

Upload application via this Google Form [ Upload Application ]

For further information, please contact: Mrs. Achyuniwati (081328780125)