On 5th of January 2019, the Central of Education and Legal Training Centre organized a specific workshop with the topic of “A Review of the Internship Program of the Faculty of Law, UII”. The workshop held at Grand Inna Malioboro Hotel with the full-day meeting.

“We understand well that our internship program must be reviewed since we started this program for the first time at this semester. We do hope that this meeting could propose major revision on our model.” said the Dean of the Faculty of Law UII at the opening speech.

Dr. Budi Agus Riswandhi, SH, MHum as the Head of the Study Program elaborated the ideal model of the internship program. “But this ideal model takes time to adopt at our current program. As the priority, we must have new course specification and syllabus as the based documents of the program. The guidebook for students must also be specifically based on the specific legal profession. The most important thing is that all those elaborations must be based on the currently expected learning outcomes” explained Head of the Studi Program Faculty of Law UII.

“Previously, we conducted a field study to Faculty of Law Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret and Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Those two law schools have been opening the internship program for more than 5 (five) years. We can also use their good practices as a reference to our internship model.” explained Nurjihad, SH, MH as the chair of the second session.

The workshop was ended with the result of three important draft documents: syllabus, course specification, and marking guideline. The draft would be legalized by the study programme and being used as the new guideline of the internship program.

The Indonesian Islamic University (UII) together with the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), Nahdlatul Ulama University (UNU) Yogyakarta, Universitas Aisyiyah (UNISA) Yogyakarta and the University of Alma Ata (UAA) voiced their opinions on Chinese Uighurs which have become international talks.

The five Islamic Universities in Yogyakarta assessed that the Chinese Government’s policy in Xinjiang in the form of a Strike Hard Against Violent Terrorism Campaign by establishing a political education camp has led to discriminatory actions and violence against ethnic Uighurs. The statement was delivered at the UII Campus, Jl. Cik Di Tiro No.1 Yogyakarta, on Saturday (12/22).

Present at the presentation of the statement of the Rector of UMY, Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, M.P., UAA Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Hamam Hadi, MS., Sc.D., Sp.GK., Chancellor of UNISA, Warsiti, S.Kp., M.Kep., Sp.Mat and Chancellor of UII, Fathul Wahid, ST, M.Sc., Ph. D. who in this meeting read the manuscript statement before the media crew. In addition, from UII also appeared present the Director of Pusham, Eko Riyadi, S.H., M.H., and the Deputy Chancellors.

The first point in the statement, urged the United Nations organs, especially the Human Rights Council, to use the Special Procedure mechanism by appointing Independent Experts to conduct research and investigation (if needed), to collect all information regarding alleged discrimination and systematic violence carried out by the Government China against ethnic Uighurs.

Second, urging the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination to continue its recommendations with effective actions in the form of Early Warning and Emergency Response Efforts by sending Ad Hoc Teams to carry out research and investigations regarding alleged discrimination and systematic violence carried out by the Chinese government against ethnic Uighurs.

Third, to encourage the Indonesian government, through the Minister of Foreign Affairs to send a clarification note on various developing reports relating to allegations of discrimination against ethnic Uighurs while sending messages of Indonesian public concern regarding the situation of the Uighur ethnic group.

The next statement invites all Indonesian people to jointly demonstrate solidarity by gathering resources in any form to help ease the burden of ethnic Uighurs, especially those in refugee camps. Finally, inviting all Indonesian people to respond to this problem critically, while still promoting the spirit of respect for human values.

The problem of corruption and law enforcement has been a polemic for a long time. This certainly cannot be separated from the political dynamics of a power. History shows that corruption has existed since the old order. Many corruption perpetrators come from the executive community.

Such behavior continues until the New Order government even the reform era, which is increasingly spread across various lines, both executive, legislative and judicial. Therefore, corruption is a common enemy that deserves to be fought. However, efforts to eradicate it must continue to prioritize human values and justice.

The topic as illustrated in the National Seminar with the theme “Realizing Law Enforcement and Organizing a Humanitarian and Just Corruption Court”. The event was held by the Law Faculty Law Doctoral Program UII in collaboration with the Center for Leadership and Legal Development Studies (CLDS), on Saturday (29/12) at the Auditorium of the UII Waqf Foundation, Jl. Cik Di Tiro No. 1, Yogyakarta.

Chairperson of the Indonesian Constitutional Court Period 2008-2013, Prof. Dr. Moh. Mahfud MD, SH., SU., Said that the number of corruption in Indonesia is increasing. Even some people seem to have no fear and fear of corruption so that all elements of society are expected to unite against corruption.

“Our hope is not too much before improving our political map, but we still have to fight to eradicate corruption, we support the KPK, if there are shortcomings we can repair it together, whatever our conditions are opponents of corruption indiscriminately,” he said in a teleconference connection.

Furthermore, Chair of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia for the period 2001-2008, Prof. Dr. Bagir Manan, SH. MCL said that some people argue that the methods of law enforcement do not touch the basis or root of corruption

“Noting this perspective, it is time to solve the problem of corruption and fix various phenomena outside the law that are not only related but as the root of corruption, such as corrupt, bureaucratic, social, economic and constitutional political behavior,” he said.

While Professor of the Faculty of Law UII, Prof. Jawahir Thontowi, SH., Ph.D., said that in law enforcement corruption and corruption court must still prioritize with human values and values of justice.

“From an inclusive legal approach framework, in eradicating corruption, the law should contain truth and justice values, the principle of due process of law, so that the law serves to prevent, enforce, and learn to achieve order or harmony in human life,” he concluded.

Towards the end of 2018, it certainly becomes a reflection of itself to look back at the portrait of law enforcement in Indonesia. Many legal and political events this year can be both learning and homework in the face of 2019, starting from legislative, executive and judicial powers. This is important because in 2019, Indonesia faces a political year. Reflections on law enforcement are important in order to form better expectations in the future.

The topic as illustrated in the Year-End Reflection Seminar with the theme “Portrait of Law Enforcement in 2018 and Expectations for Future Improvement” held by the Center for Legal Studies at the Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia, on Monday (31/12) at the Main Meeting Room Lt. 3 Faculty of Law UII, Jl. Taman Siswa No. 158, Yogyakarta.

Dean of the Faculty of Law UII, Dr. Abdul Jamil, SH., MH., Said that one of the reasons for holding a year-end reflection program was because there were still many problems in law enforcement cases in Indonesia.

“Data from the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia that throughout the year there are approximately 600 cases related to law enforcement, this figure is very extraordinary for us, so it is important for us to reflect together as our self-evaluation with the aim of law enforcement in 2019 better than the year this, “he said.

While Chair of the Judicial Commission of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2013-2015 period, Dr. Suparman Marzuki, SH., M.Sc., said that the state should be more serious in being present in building a civilization and for future law enforcement.

“We hope that this country will be more effective in order to build legal civilization, the presence of the state becomes very important because it is more difficult to develop a nation’s civilization through a legal civilization,” he said.

Furthermore, UII’s Faculty of Law Lecturer, Dr. Idul Rishan, SH., LLM., Also expressed his views regarding the hope of improving legal development regarding portraits of constitutional law and the phenomenon of political corruption that occurred in Indonesia throughout 2018.

“It is necessary to take steps to safeguard the pulse of legislation as one of the top priorities in carrying out legal development, safeguarding the constitutionalism principle among electoral organizers in 2019, guarding the independence of the Constitutional Court, and strengthening the role of independent state commissions to implement the rule of law and democracy,” he concluded.

The board of examiners at the Postgraduate Study, Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University passed the Open Doctoral Exam to Idul Rishan. “With this achievement, he has the right to use the title of Doctor in front of his name.” said the co-Promotor, Dr. Zainal Arifin.

The Open Exam was held on Friday, 28 of December 2018. On that day, Idul Rishan defended his dissertation with the topic of reformation of judicial authority in Indonesia. “We do support Idul Rishan to get the higher degree. The Faculty leadership, everyone, come to the Open Exam as proof of support to him,” explained Dr. Abdul Jamil, Dean of the Faculty of Law, UII.

“This is a good point that our young lecturer could receive the Doctoral Degree. We must also support the other young lecturers to pursue doctoral study at a very young academic career. This will increase the number of our academic staff which has a higher degree as evidence of higher human quality.” said Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, PhD who also graduated last year from Hungary.


The National Moot Court Team of the Law School, Universitas Islam Indonesia just won three awards at the National Round, Moot Court Competition which held by the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia Jakarta. “Alhamdulillah, we won three awards at the same time: the second rank cup, the best memorial, and the best judge,” said the Vice Dean of the External Relations, Dr. Muntoha. The Vice Dean congratulated the team on the Deans Meeting Room, First Floor accompanied by the Secretary of the Department of Law, Bagya Agung Prabowo, Ph.D.

“We are very proud that our team always won at every national moot court competition. We do hope that we could not satisfy with this achievement but this shall make us increase our effort to boost our quality for the next and other competition. We are thank you for the team. This championship has been made our good reputation among other law schools.” explained the Secretary of the Department of Law, Bagya Agung Prabowo, PhD.

The competition of national moot court of Djokosoetono X Cup was held in 14-16 December 2018 at Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia, Jakarta. Almost all the law schools in Indonesia took apart in the competition. Great job for UII Team!

Saturday night, December 22, 2018,tsunami waves hit the Sunda Strait. Our best prayers are for all our brothers in Pandeglang, Serang, South Lampung, and surrounding areas affected by this natural disaster. Let’s keep on raising concerns and joint efforts to be able to help them.

You can participate through fundraising for victims and post-disaster recovery. For complete information, contact: UII Public Relations at phone number 082131737773.

Lately, the mass media coverage has been dotted with news of the capture of regional heads and members of parliament in the capture operation (OTT) initiated by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Some of them were involved in cases of bribery, gratification, and extortion.

A large number of public officials who were suspected of corruption caused the empty leadership chair and the crisis of officials who were clean and with integrity. So that a comprehensive multidimensional approach is needed to prevent and limit corruption.

The topic was illustrated in the Public Discussion with the theme “Prevention of Corruption in the Political Sector” organized by the Indonesian Islamic University (UII), the Corruption Eradication Commission, and the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), on Wednesday (19/12) at the Public Lecture Building Prof. Dr. Sardjito, UII Integrated Campus.

Vice Chancellor for Student, Religious and Alumni Affairs at UII, Dr. Drs. Rohidin, SH., M.Ag., in his speech said that we should be grateful because among the young generation who attended this event consciously still cared about the conditions of our nation’s problems.

“The younger generation is expected not to continue the corrupt culture that is already attached to the bureaucratic system in Indonesia, hopefully, the implementation of this event can encourage the birth of a young generation of Indonesians who are clean and with integrity as a cadre of future leaders,” he said.

While the Director of Education and Community Service of the Corruption Eradication Commission, Giri Suprapdiono said that the fundamental issue of high rates of corruption in Indonesia was one of the most expensive political costs, while state assistance to political parties was very low.

“The KPK recommends that the state contribute more to operational funding of political parties, along with the improvement of the code of ethics, behavior, recruitment, and care,” he said.

Furthermore, the P2P LIPI researcher, Dr. Sri Nuryanti, S.IP., M.A. added that there was a need to internalize the value of party integrity in efforts to uphold the democratic system in Indonesia.

“It is important to build a set of policies agreed upon by political parties as a standard of integrity that must be adhered to by all party cadres to minimize the risk of political corruption and abuse of power,” he concluded.

Also present at the event were Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, Dr.rer.pol. Mada Sukmajati, MPP., And Dr. Kuskridho Ambardi, M.A., UGM Faculty of Law Lecturer, Dr. Zainal Arifin Mochtar, SH., LLM., Lecturer at the Faculty of Law UII, Dr. Suparman Marzuki, SH., M.Sc.

Thousands of students from all around the world apply for higher educational studies in Hungary each year. The number of Stipendium Hungaricum applicants is continuously increasing as well as the number of available scholarship places. In the 2018/2019 round of applications, more than 4100 scholarships were awarded. In the academic year 2019/2020 more than 5000 students can begin their studies in Hungary in the framework of the Stipendium Hungaricum Programme.

The programme is based on bilateral educational cooperation agreements signed between the Ministries responsible for education in the sending countries/territories and Hungary or between institutions. Currently around 70 Sending Partners are engaged in the programme throughout 5 different continents and the geographical scope of the programme is spreading each year.

The new Call for Applications 2019/2020 is available below and the application platform is open! The deadline for applications is 15 January 2019.

Congratulations to the first batch of our staff-students, learning English to prepare for the AUN QA accreditation, on successful completion of their English Course. The course took place over two months and 21 hours of instruction in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. All of the participants demonstrated enthusiasm for the program.  Due to this enthusiasm, the first phase of this program was a resounding success. The teacher of the English Course is our native lecturer, Christopher C. Cason.

The participants, regardless of their previous English language training or skill level, acted fearlessly to increase their abilities.  They faced a wide range of activities, including written exercises in technical grammar, role plays to increase their fluency, and presentations to their peers; demonstrating a great deal of confidence.  This confidence was constantly tested and on display as the participants stepped up and tacked each task.  Even more impressive, they demonstrated consistent progress despite getting almost no instruction in the Indonesian language.  It was a true English immersion course with a native English speaker and the students embraced the challenge.  Their confidence and commitment will pay off as essential contributions to the upcoming accreditation of the UII Faculty of Law.