Congratulations to the first batch of our staff-students, learning English to prepare for the AUN QA accreditation, on successful completion of their English Course. The course took place over two months and 21 hours of instruction in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. All of the participants demonstrated enthusiasm for the program.  Due to this enthusiasm, the first phase of this program was a resounding success. The teacher of the English Course is our native lecturer, Christopher C. Cason.

The participants, regardless of their previous English language training or skill level, acted fearlessly to increase their abilities.  They faced a wide range of activities, including written exercises in technical grammar, role plays to increase their fluency, and presentations to their peers; demonstrating a great deal of confidence.  This confidence was constantly tested and on display as the participants stepped up and tacked each task.  Even more impressive, they demonstrated consistent progress despite getting almost no instruction in the Indonesian language.  It was a true English immersion course with a native English speaker and the students embraced the challenge.  Their confidence and commitment will pay off as essential contributions to the upcoming accreditation of the UII Faculty of Law.

Starting the Odd Semester academic year 2018/2019, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia applies the new curriculum system by including the subject of the internship. “This subject is worth 2 credits and compulsory subject for each law students. They will learn how the application of theories they learned from the classroom to working reality. The law school has maintained deep cooperation among working institutions such as law firms, public notary, government institutions (local and center), and even private institutions. That cooperation includes the opportunity of our students to take an internship for a semester in maximum to get working experience.” said Eko Rial Nugroho as the head of the team organizing the internship management.

To get better management system in organizing the internship for the law students, the team held a short visit to the Legal Laboratory, Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret (UNS), Solo on Thursday, 20 December 2018. “Internship for the students of this faculty (UNS), has been implemented for almost a decade. However, an internship is a mandatory program which must be followed by our students during the semester break. Each student must be doing intern at our chosen institutions for minimum 1 (one) month. ” explained Mr. Yus as the Head of the Legal Laboratory of the Faculty of Law, UNS at the beginning of the forum held at the meeting room of the faculty building.

The team of the Faculty was represented by the Head, secretary, and the management team of the internship program of the Faculty of Law, UII. The team proposed several questions asking about good practices of the internship management system at the Faculty of Law, UNS. At the end of the session, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto as representative of the study programme of Faculty of Law UII shared token appreciation to the host of the meeting. “We learned a lot during the discussion. We are not only getting the knowledge on how to manage the internship program. We also thank for the documents that shared by the UNS for our reference.” explained Dodik during the closing speech.

In commemorating the 70th Anniversary of World Human Rights Day which falls on December 10 2018, the Faculty of Law UII collaborates with the Center for Human Rights Studies (PUSHAM), the Norwegian Center of Human Rights (NCHR) and Base for International Law and ASEAN Legal Studies (BILALS) successfully held an International Seminar entitled “70 Years After UDHR: Indonesian American, and Norwegian on progress perspectives”. This international seminar invited three Human Rights experts who had different backgrounds, namely Eko Riyadi S.H., M.H (Indonesia), Aksel Tomte (Norway), and Christopher Cason JD (United States of America).

On this occasion the event was opened by the Secretary of the Department Faculty of Law the Islamic University of Indonesia, Bagya Agung Prabowo S.H, M.H., Ph.D. In his remarks, Bagya expressed his appreciation and thanks for the organization of this event, “Thank you for the presence of all the participants who attended the seminar today and also thank all the speakers. Hopefully with this international seminar we can increase our knowledge in the field of human rights”, he said.

After the event was opened by him, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto S.H., M.H., LL.M., P.hD as the moderator invited the three speakers to come on stage and start the session. On this occasion, Eko Riyadi got the first opportunity to give a presentation related to the topic of 70-year after the UDHR: developments, challenges and opportunities. In his presentation, he explained that there was still a debate between the UDHR as an instrument and the Indonesian State Constitution. This is proven by several things, “as real evidence of this debate is the application of the Death Penalty as one of the legal sanctions which is contrary to the Right of Life which has been regulated in international human rights instruments such as UDHR and ICCPR,” he said. Furthermore, he also explained that the paradigm related to human rights is western products is still a major challenge in the field of human rights in Indonesia.

Furthermore, Aksel Tomte in his presentation explained the topic about 70-year with the UDHR. Aksel explained that, in Norway, human rights have been written in the constitution since 1814 which regulates freedom of expression and freedom from torture. Internationally, the first International Human Rights Instrument ratified by Norway took place in 1953 through the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR). In the development of human rights in Norway, human rights have brought several changes such as the Amendment of the Norwegian Constitution in 2014 by adding a new chapter on human rights. On the contrary, in the last few years Refugee and Immigrant cases have still become “Missing links” in Norwegian Law.

The theme of the last presentation in this international seminar was related to the Progress towards the UDHR hosted by Christopher Cason JD. In his presentation, he explained that the progress of human rights enforcement in the United States (USA) facing “ups and downs”. “In 1964, the US Government promulgated a law relating to civil rights, which was a strict form of our government to prevent further discrimination cases. However, this development did not reach its peak after the tragedy of 9/11 which resulted in the government issuing the Patriot Act and gave authority to the government to overcome terrorism in a way that was not in accordance with the law, “he said. The event was attended by around 150 participants from students, lecturers, lawyers, police officer’s academy, human rights activists, etc. The participants were very enthusiastic listening including giving some questions related to the topic of today’s international seminar, in total there were about ten questions asked by the participants to be discussed in this international seminar. Through this event, participants are expected to increase their knowledge in the field of Law, especially in the Human Rights Law.

Stuidum Generale “Sport and Diplomacy”

It is inevitable to separate politics from social, cultural, and even economical aspects of our modern life. In line, sports have taken a significant part in these cross-cultural phenomenon being one of the highest human participated events in the world. Thus, diplomatic relations through the canals of political affairs between states are instruments of development for sports. The Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia (FH UII) and the Institut Francais Indonesia (IFI Yogyakarta) collaborated in conducting a Stadium Generale titling “Sports and Diplomacy” inviting Mr. Cyrille Bret, an analyst of the geopolitical functions of sport, and Mr. Barthelemy Courmont, an expert on political and security issues in Asia. Read more

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a milestone document, which underpins all international human rights law and inspires us to continue to work to ensure all people can gain freedom, equality, and dignity. And in 2018, the UDHR turns 70. “The Universal Declaration has helped countless people gain greater freedoms and equality,” said UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein. “Violations have been prevented; independence and autonomy have been attained. While not all the promises of the Universal Declaration have been fulfilled, many people have been able to secure essential rights and freedoms and put an end to discrimination.”

On this special occasion, the Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia collaborating with Pusat Studi Hak Asasi Manusia UII (PUSHAM UII), Norwegian Centre of Human Rights and Base for International Law and ASEAN Legal Studies (BILALS) will conducted International Seminar which entitled “70 Years After the UDHR: Indonesian, American and Norwegian Perspectives on Progress”. This seminar will discuss the development of Human Rights in different perspectives and will attempt to exchange view and ideas about the role of UDHR in current years.

The International Seminar will be conducted on 10th December 2018 09:00-12:00 in Ruang Sidang Utama 3rd Floor Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia. The seminar is open to all academician, students and etc,. For further information regarding registration may contact to +6287865100588 (Yaries).

Politics and sports or sports diplomacy describe the use of sport as a means to influence diplomatic, social, and political relations. Sports diplomacy may transcend cultural differences and bring people together.

The use of sports and politics has had both positive and negative implications over history. Sports competitions or activities have had the intention to bring about change in certain cases. Nationalistic fervor is sometimes linked to victories or losses to some sport in sports fields.

While the Olympics is often the biggest political example of using sports for diplomatic means, cricket and association football, as well as other sports in the global arena, have also been used in this regard. In the case of Apartheid, sport was used to isolate South Africa and bring about a major overhaul in the country’s social structure. While ethnicity and race can cause division, sports can also help blend differences.

On the subject of politics and current affairs, the IFI and Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) collaborate to conducted Studium Generale concerning “Sports & Diplomacy”. The event will take place in Ruang Sidang Utama 3rd Floor Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Yogyakarta on 6th December 2018 Started from 13:00-16:00 . It will be led by 2 French experts: Mr. Cyrille Bret (analyst of the geopolitical functions of sport), Mr. Barthelemy Courmont (expert on political and security issues in Asia).

Congratulations to the first batch of our staff-students, learning English to prepare for the AUN QA accreditation, on successful completion of their English Course. The course took place over two months and 21 hours of instruction in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. All of the participants demonstrated enthusiasm for the program.  Due to this enthusiasm, the first phase of this program was a resounding success.

The participants, regardless of their previous English language training or skill level, acted fearlessly to increase their abilities.  They faced a wide range of activities, including written exercises in technical grammar, role plays to increase their fluency, and presentations to their peers; demonstrating a great deal of confidence.  This confidence was constantly tested and on display as the participants stepped up and tacked each task.  Even more impressive, they demonstrated consistent progress despite getting almost no instruction in the Indonesian language.  It was a true English immersion course with a native English speaker and the students embraced the challenge.  Their confidence and commitment will pay off as essential contributions to the upcoming accreditation of the UII Faculty of Law.

UEL Summer School is one of the annual activities of the American Law Center (a research institute established by the University of Economics and Law, Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh City) in partnership with Indiana University, US. UEL Summer School 2018, while focusing on Consumer Protection Law and Tort Law of the US, was successfully completed in 02 weeks from July 23rd 2018 to August 03rd 2018. Alif M. Gultom one of the participants who received scholarships to participate in the program which also include the accommodation.

UEL Summer School 2018 was divided into two courses, taught by professors from Robert H.McKinney School of Law, Indiana University. Course 01 on Consumer Protection Law was taught by Prof. Max Huffman. Course 02 on Tort Law was taught by Prof. John Lawrence Hill. 35 lecturers, Ph.D Candidates, students within and outside of Viet Nam participated in the program: University of Malaya (Malaysia), Universitas Islam Indonesia, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Suryakancana University (Indonesia), Paris I, Paris II (France), Keio Law School (Japan), Hanoi University of Law, Hanoi Open University, Duy Tan University, Dalat University, An Giang University, University of Economics and Law.

All participants enthusiastically participated in class discussion on different legal systems. Moreover, the special lessons on Vietnamese laws taught by UEL lecturers on labor law (Dr. Doan Thi Phuong Diep), contract law (LL.M. Nguyen Phan Phuong Tan), civil liability (Asssoc. Prof. Nguyen Ngoc Dien), trade and development (LL.M. Dao Gia Phuc) helped deliver Vietnamese laws to international participants. 

Concurrently with academic activities, the participants also joined in outdoor excursion and cultural activities.  On July 26th 2018, the participants visited University City, Viet Nam National University Campus by using E-Bikes and biked for 5km through member universities, dormitories and other facilities of Viet Nam National University. Afterwards, the participants learned to roll “cha gio” and had dinner with Vietnamese traditional cuisines at a restaurant in District 9.  On July 31st 2018, the participants experienced the WaterBus ride, ate Pho and visited the Independence Palace – one of the most famous historical sites of Ho Chi Minh City. Furthermore, the participants also had a chance to visit and learned practical knowledge from YKVN law firm and Vietnam International Arbitration Centre (VIAC).

Academician Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Ngoc Dienawarded the Certificate of Completion to the participants and conducted the Closing Ceremony on August 3rd 2018. UEL Summer School 2018 was very successful, not only had the program achieved the goal of being a useful academic program on American Law through the teachings of Prof. Max Huffman and Prof. John Hill, but also introduced the legal systems, legal practice environment as well as culture of Vietnam to the Professors and participants within and outside of the country. The program left beautiful memories for the participants, especially for lecturers and participants from different universities within and outside of Viet Nam, promising the continual success for future UEL Summer School.

Our Faculty’s Moot Court Team have returned back in joining the 2018International Humanitarian Moot Court Competition at the Catholic University of Parahyanagan in Bandung on the 2-4 November 2018. The legacy continued by bringing home 1st Best Memorial and Semi-Finalist Award. The team consisted of Hana and Rafi as the oralists who were guided by the board of Coaches and Advisors; Fasya Addina, Christopher Cason, and Prof. Sefriani. The team had to compete with distinguished opponents coming from prestigious Universities. With the strong determination and hard work our moot-court team had, we were able to gain invaluable achievements for the Faculty and University. All the endless supports will relay the motivation to achieve more in future national, regional, and international law competitions.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018 located in the Third Floor Main Auditorium Room of the Post-Graduate Campus of the Faculty of Law UII was held a General Lecture with the theme “Constitutional Court and The Protection Citizens’ Constitutional Rights” by presenting speakers Prof. Dr. Aswanto.S.H., M.H., DFM, Deputy Chief of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia and Tan Sri Zainun Binti Ali Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Malaysia.

This Generale Lecture is a form of synergy between the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia and the Islamic University of Indonesia. On this occasion, Rector of the Indonesian Islamic University Fathul Wahid, ST, M.Sc., Ph.D attended and gave his welcoming speech to all participants of the Generale Lecture, “We (UII) really welcomed upon this kind of activities, it is hoped that this synergy is not only stopped here but it can be continue to be developed in the future in order to provide broad insight and knowledge related to the legal practices that apply in Indonesia, “said the Rector of UII.

Furthermore, representatives from the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia also gave his welcoming speech and formally open the Generale Lecture. In his speech, Dr. Wiryanto, S.H., M.Hum, who acted as Head of the Center for Research and Assessment of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia said that “We are very grateful to UII for being able to work together to hold a Generale Lecture today”.

In this General Lecture, the moderator was Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto S.H., M.H., L.LM., Ph.D. In this event, Prof. Dr. Aswanto.S.H., M.H., DFM provided material on “Duties and Authorities of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia”, in his presentation he explained that “The duties and authorities that we carry were easy but the responsibilities is really heavy”. The next speaker, Tan Sri Zainun Binti Ali, presented the theme of the presentation related to “Protection of Constitutional Rights of Citizens”, in her explanation she explained about the two cases that she handled at Federal Court Malaysia, the cases of Indira Ghandi and Kalimah Allah.

The event which took place from 09.00 – 12.00 was attended by several lecturers, undergraduate and postgraduate students in which totaling approximately 100 participants. This Generale Lecture was broadcast live via Video Conference in 42 Law Faculties throughout Indonesia. The event ended with an interactive question and answer session from the participants whose present directly at the Main Auditorium of the Postgraduate Graduate School of UII or through Video Conference.