(Godean, June 20th, 2017) Intellectual Property Rights Center, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia (IPR Center FH UII) in collaboration with the Department of Industry and Trade (DISPERINDAG) of the Sleman Regency Government provides counselling to the Group of Tile Maker Business Actors in Godean, Sleman at 14.00 WIB -completed. The purpose of counselling is provide socialization regarding the importance of collective trademark registration for the roof tile maker group in Godean. The socialization is field by speaker Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi SH, M. Hum as an expert on Intellectual Property Rights Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia.

The socialization of this collective brand is a response to a report by one of the business actors of tile maker in Godean to the DISPERINDAG of the Sleman Regency Government regarding the use of the GODEAN brand by other people outside the Godean area. Based on this report, the Industry and Trade Office of the Sleman Regency Government invited the Central of Intellectual Property Rights, Faculty of Law UII to hold a meeting with the Tile Makers Group.

The Godean region itself is a central of tile-making in the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province. The Rooftile Maker Business Group in Godean also has brands in carrying out its business activities, which include SOKKA, SOKKA Super and others, where these brands do not show the identity of Godean rooftiles. Meanwhile, the name godean tile is actually used by tile makers in several areas in Central Java such as Temanggung, Magelang and Klaten.

At first, rooftile in Godean will be registered as a geographical indication, but based on a survey, Godean rooftile does not yet have the characteristics that are a requirement for registration of geographical indications. However, based on the study, Genteng Godean actually has the opportunity to be registered as a collective mark. During the meeting, the Sleman Regency Government and Dr.Budi Agus Riswandi,S.H,M.Hum provided an alternative name for the collective brand for Godean tile makers, namely the collective brand GENTENG GODEAN where this collective brand consists of 530 members of the Godean tile maker business.

In his presentation, Budi provides information on intellectual property rights and the importance of collective mark registration and provides explanations regarding infringement of trademarks as unfair business competition. According to him, Intellectual Property Rights are very important, especially for business actors who make rooftiles in Godean.

Budi also explained several positive impacts of collective trademark registration for business actors making Godean rooftiles, which could strengthen the business actors of Godean roof tiles, expand the marketing of Godean rooftiles and advance the Godean rooftile maker group as well as improve the economy of the Godean rooftile making business group. According to his presentation, Budi also argues that the power of collective brands can outperform individual brands and has positive implications for production governance and marketing management. Later, after the registration of the Godean tile collective mark, the group of business actors will be given a collective brand manual containing the SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) regarding the manufacture of rooftiles, quality testing standards for Godean tile products and others.

However, there are several obstacles in registering the collective trademark of Godean rooftiles, including the tile-making business group in Godean that is not yet a legal entity. Therefore, the Speaker hopes that the relevant parties will immediately form a legal entity in the form of a cooperative of godean rooftile making business groups in order to obtain legality in the registration of the Godean rooftile collective mark.

In addition, Budi also provides several possible protections for intellectual property rights in addition to collective marks, including patents for rooftile making machines, as well as industrial designs for tile shape designs which will get exclusive rights in which only this business group is entitled to such exclusive rights. the issue of Intellectual Property Rights, the speaker also provides the potential for tile godean franchises to several business actors outside the godean tile business group which will provide additional benefits for the godean rooftile business group.

At the end of the counselling, Dr.Budi Agus Riswandi SH,M.Hum from the IPR Center FH UII and the DISPERINDAG of the Sleman Regency Government along with the Godean Rooftile Maker Business Group hoped to immediately register a collective mark in order to strengthen the group of business actors and improve production and marketing governance. Godean rooftile, and hopes that the Godean rooftile product with the collective brand of GODEAN rooftile can also be used by housing developers, especially in Sleman Regency, and expand the marketing of Godean rooftile both to all regions of Indonesia and even abroad. (Editor: Renggi Ardya Putra)

(Bantul-Friday 21/05/2017) Intellectual Property Rights Center Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia (IPR Center FH UII) in collaboration with the Central of Business Services and Intellectual Property Management Department of Industry and Trade DIY held a meeting with the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Group (UMKM) ) Emping Melinjo maker in Kepuh, Wirokerten Kec. Banguntapan, Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta at 15.30 WIB – Done. The meeting agenda with the theme of Socialization regarding Collective Mark Registration which was filled by the speaker, Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi SH, M. Hum expert on Intellectual Property Rights Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia.

As is known, the Kepuh area, Wirokerten is very well known as the Central of craftsmen or Emping Melinjo makers in Bantul Regency. The group of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) that produces emping melinjo was established in 2012, but this business group does not yet have a Collective Mark and the business actors in that group still compete with one another and have their own trademarks. There are even emping mlinjo makers who do not yet have a brand for Emping Mlinjo.

In the socialization, Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi SH M.Hum gave direction and socialization regarding the importance of collective trademark registration for micro, small and medium enterprises (UMKM) the process of collective trademark registration, the objectives and benefits of collective trademark registration. In his presentation, Budi also emphasized that the brand is a tool to differentiate one product from another, as well as a means to avoid unfair business competition.

In addition, the brand can also be used as a tool for promotion and to determine product quality. In other, the briefing regarding collective mark Budi also provides for the possibility of registering other types of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), including registration of industrial designs on product packaging, registration of inventions in the form of processes or methods of making chips using patents and so on.

On that occasion, Ahmadi as the leader of the group of entrepreneurs making emping melinjo asked several questions to the speakers regarding the registration of collective marks and hoped that the registration of collective marks could be implemented immediately in order to protect the collective mark for business actors and increase the selling price of emping melinjo. Because according to his narrative, in running a business, business actors are still competing and product management and testing have not been carried out properly and systematically.

At the moment, collective trademark registration has become a facilitation program from the Regional Government (PEMDA) in Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) through the Department of Industry and Trade (Disperindag) with the technical unit of the Center for Business Services and Intellectual Property Management. This program is expected to protect UMKM products collectively and foster product competitiveness collectively, Budi concluded in his presentation on the socialization of collective trademark registration (Renggi).

Kotabaru (21/02/2017) The development trade practices at this time has indeed entered the climate of increasingly fierce business competition, this condition creates the hardness of the tangent point competition in business so that it requires producers to always protect their business from unfair trading in practices and fraudulent behavior of other manufacturers. For this reason, one way to obtain protection for the typical product of a region is to register a Geographical Indication (GI) which is submitted to the Director General of Intellectual Property Rights so that it is recorded and given a certificate as proof of its rights.


1st ilustration. Geographical Indication Area of Coconut Sugar in Kulonprogo

As a typical product of a region, coconut sugar which consists of ant sugar and palm sugar has a very high selling potential. it is noted that this product has been exported to America, Canada and Europe, so it is fitting for this coconut sugar product made from coconut sap get legal protection. On this basis, MPIG Coconut Sugar Kulon Progo Jogja asked the IPR Center FH UII to accompaniment and assist in the registration process for IG Coconut Sugar in the Kulon Progo area, which is a typical product of the Kulon Progo region with very good quality.

According to the Regent of Kulon Progo, Dr. Hasto Wardoyo, Sp.OG, efforts to register geographical indicators of Kulon Progo coconut sugar are based on the awareness that Kulon Progo Coconut Sugar products have advantages and characteristics compared to other similar sugar products. Furthermore, he also hopes that by registering the geographical indication of Kulon Progo Coconut Sugar, Kulon Progo’s superior products can be legally protected and highly competitive.

On another occasion, the Director of the FH UII HKI Center Budi Agus Riswandi said that the FH UII HKI Center was committed to assisting and accompaniment the community and the government in protecting existing superior products through assistance in the registration of geographical indications. He also stated that the IPR FH UII Center is an institution that is quite experienced in assisting in the registration of geographical indications.

2nd illustration. IG Logo of Coconut Sugar in Kulonprogo

In 2015 Coconut Sugar Kulon Progo has succeeded in obtaining a certificate of protection of geographical indications from the Directorate General of Intelectual Property, Ministry of Law and Human Rights. This is one of the proofs that the IPR Center of the Faculty of Law UII has succeeded in providing assistance in terms of protecting geographical indications. (Dio)

Kotabaru, (16/02/2017). The IPR Center FH UII has just received a visit from the LPPM Team of Parahiyangan University, Bandung. The visit of the UNPAR team was intended to conduct a comparative study related to the institutional and governance of IPR at Universitas Islam Indonesia . At the beginning of the meeting, LPPM UII team introduced the members who were present, then the IPR Center FH UII did the same.

After the introduction, the meeting between the LPPM UNPAR Team and the IPR Center FH UII continued. On this occasion, Mrs. Catherina Badra Nawangpalupi, Ph.D as Head of Institute of Research and Community Service as well as representing the LPPM UNPAR Team stated: “The IPR Center FH UII is seen in its development showing extraordinary progress compared to the Intellectual Property Center from other universities. ” Furthermore, he also stated: “Many evidences of the success of the IPR Center FH UII have been submitted to the public related to the management of IPR.”

In line with what has been conveyed by the LPPM UNPAR team, the Executive Director of the IPR Center, Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum stated on his welcome speech to the presence of the LPPM UNPAR team and was ready to open up to share and cooperate with each other in terms of institutional strengthening of IPR which is planned to be established at LPPM UNPAR. Furthermore, Budi stated: ‘that the IPR Center FH UII is structurally under the Faculty of Law UII, but functionally it always supports the IPR management efforts both within the UII and outside the UII. According to him, the key to success is the IPR center FH UII managed with a passion for serving and building UII to become better institutions.”

At the end of the meeting, the LPPM UNPAR Team and the IPR Center FH UII committed to each other to collaborate in the future in order to advance the management of IPR in these two universities. The cooperation can be done in the form of assistance, program collaboration, and other institutional programs. The exchange of mementos was the closing event of the comparative study meeting held by the LPPM UNPAR Team (Budi).

Kotabaru (21/01/2017) Cashew nut or “mete” is a food product that has a very potential market in the world, based on record the cashew rotation is around 88,000 tons per year. Indonesia as one of the cashew producers has a big contribution to distribute of cashew, in 1997 Indonesia was able to produce 29,666 tons of cashew logs worth USD 19,151,503. The real unique name of the cashew nut as the forerunner of the cashew is that it can only bear good fruit on barren plains. However, this is the hidden wisdom behind the aridity of some dry areas such as West Nusa Tenggara, Central Sulawesi, Wonogiri and Gunung Kidul, Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY).

In DIY, cashew is one of the commodities produced and cultivated by several areas in Gunung Sewu consisting of; Gunung Kidul and Wonogiri. Gunung Sewu. Cashew has its own characteristics and speciallity, which consist of physical characteristic with a smooth glossy white color and a hard texture, a crunchy, sweet and savory taste, as well as a distinctive chemical content because it has a causal relationship between the geographical environment and human treatment. Thus, it is fitting that the Gunung Sewu Cashew should receive protection from the aspect of Intellectual Property Rights in the form of Geographical Indications (GI)

1st Illustration area of Mete Gunung Sewu

On the basis of this potential, several community formed the Gunung Sewu Cashew Geographical Indication Protection Society (Masyarakat Perlindungan Indikasi Geografis /MPIG) which is now chaired by Sudarto. The establishment of the institution began in 2014 and was facilitated by the Gunung Kidul Forestry and Plantation Service, the DIY Plantation Service and the Wonogiri Regency Plantation Service with the purpose to obtain the geographic indication protection for the “Mete Gunung Sewu”.

The IPR Center Faculty of Law UII has been asked by MPIG Mete Gunung Sewu to prepare everything related to the requirements for GI registration and carry out monitoring activities for the registration of GI at the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights, this certification is expected so that legal rules can guarantee and protect the rights of the people of Gunung Sewu. Moreover, Mete Gunung Sewu is one of the cashew suppliers from Indonesia which has a large market in the international cashew trade.

According to Budi Agus Riswandi, as consultant of IPR registered and also as the Executive Director of the IPR FH UII Center, the application for registration of the geographical indication of the Mete Gunung Sewu is carried out through the preparation, registration and monitoring stages of the registration process, and issuance of certificates. According to him, currently the registration of the Gunung Sewu cashew is entering the registration stage. According to the Forestry and Plantation Service, Ibu Budi, it is hoped that in 2017 the registration process for the geographical indication of the Gunung Sewu cashew can be completed immediately.

2nd illustration Logo Georapical Indication of Mete Gunung Sewu

In the end, by accompaniment in the registration geographical indication of the Mete Gunung Sewu, the IPR Center FH UII was able to provide assistance for the geographical indication of seven superior products. Cashew Gunung Sewu is the seventh product that is assisted for registration of geographical indications (Dio)