The Master of Human Rights and Democratization (Asia Pacific) (APMA Program), hosted at Mahidol University’s Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies (IHRP), is now accepting applications for the 2018-2019 academic year. There will be scholarships available for applicants from the Asia-Pacific region 2018-2019 academic year. There will be approximately 20 scholarships available for applicants from the Asia-Pacific region. Please kindly see the brochure below for further detail:


Starting the Odd Semester academic year 2018/2019, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia applies the new curriculum system by including the subject of the internship. “This subject is worth 2 credits and compulsory subject for each law students. They will learn how the application of theories they learned from the classroom to working reality. The law school has maintained deep cooperation among working institutions such as law firms, public notary, government institutions (local and center), and even private institutions. That cooperation includes the opportunity of our students to take an internship for a semester in maximum to get working experience.” said Eko Rial Nugroho as the head of the team organizing the internship management.

To get better management system in organizing the internship for the law students, the team held a short visit to the Legal Laboratory, Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret (UNS), Solo on Thursday, 20 December 2018. “Internship for the students of this faculty (UNS), has been implemented for almost a decade. However, an internship is a mandatory program which must be followed by our students during the semester break. Each student must be doing intern at our chosen institutions for minimum 1 (one) month. ” explained Mr. Yus as the Head of the Legal Laboratory of the Faculty of Law, UNS at the beginning of the forum held at the meeting room of the faculty building.

The team of the Faculty was represented by the Head, secretary, and the management team of the internship program of the Faculty of Law, UII. The team proposed several questions asking about good practices of the internship management system at the Faculty of Law, UNS. At the end of the session, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto as representative of the study programme of Faculty of Law UII shared token appreciation to the host of the meeting. “We learned a lot during the discussion. We are not only getting the knowledge on how to manage the internship program. We also thank for the documents that shared by the UNS for our reference.” explained Dodik during the closing speech.

In commemorating the 70th Anniversary of World Human Rights Day which falls on December 10 2018, the Faculty of Law UII collaborates with the Center for Human Rights Studies (PUSHAM), the Norwegian Center of Human Rights (NCHR) and Base for International Law and ASEAN Legal Studies (BILALS) successfully held an International Seminar entitled “70 Years After UDHR: Indonesian American, and Norwegian on progress perspectives”. This international seminar invited three Human Rights experts who had different backgrounds, namely Eko Riyadi S.H., M.H (Indonesia), Aksel Tomte (Norway), and Christopher Cason JD (United States of America).

On this occasion the event was opened by the Secretary of the Department Faculty of Law the Islamic University of Indonesia, Bagya Agung Prabowo S.H, M.H., Ph.D. In his remarks, Bagya expressed his appreciation and thanks for the organization of this event, “Thank you for the presence of all the participants who attended the seminar today and also thank all the speakers. Hopefully with this international seminar we can increase our knowledge in the field of human rights”, he said.

After the event was opened by him, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto S.H., M.H., LL.M., P.hD as the moderator invited the three speakers to come on stage and start the session. On this occasion, Eko Riyadi got the first opportunity to give a presentation related to the topic of 70-year after the UDHR: developments, challenges and opportunities. In his presentation, he explained that there was still a debate between the UDHR as an instrument and the Indonesian State Constitution. This is proven by several things, “as real evidence of this debate is the application of the Death Penalty as one of the legal sanctions which is contrary to the Right of Life which has been regulated in international human rights instruments such as UDHR and ICCPR,” he said. Furthermore, he also explained that the paradigm related to human rights is western products is still a major challenge in the field of human rights in Indonesia.

Furthermore, Aksel Tomte in his presentation explained the topic about 70-year with the UDHR. Aksel explained that, in Norway, human rights have been written in the constitution since 1814 which regulates freedom of expression and freedom from torture. Internationally, the first International Human Rights Instrument ratified by Norway took place in 1953 through the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR). In the development of human rights in Norway, human rights have brought several changes such as the Amendment of the Norwegian Constitution in 2014 by adding a new chapter on human rights. On the contrary, in the last few years Refugee and Immigrant cases have still become “Missing links” in Norwegian Law.

The theme of the last presentation in this international seminar was related to the Progress towards the UDHR hosted by Christopher Cason JD. In his presentation, he explained that the progress of human rights enforcement in the United States (USA) facing “ups and downs”. “In 1964, the US Government promulgated a law relating to civil rights, which was a strict form of our government to prevent further discrimination cases. However, this development did not reach its peak after the tragedy of 9/11 which resulted in the government issuing the Patriot Act and gave authority to the government to overcome terrorism in a way that was not in accordance with the law, “he said. The event was attended by around 150 participants from students, lecturers, lawyers, police officer’s academy, human rights activists, etc. The participants were very enthusiastic listening including giving some questions related to the topic of today’s international seminar, in total there were about ten questions asked by the participants to be discussed in this international seminar. Through this event, participants are expected to increase their knowledge in the field of Law, especially in the Human Rights Law.

Stuidum Generale “Sport and Diplomacy”

It is inevitable to separate politics from social, cultural, and even economical aspects of our modern life. In line, sports have taken a significant part in these cross-cultural phenomenon being one of the highest human participated events in the world. Thus, diplomatic relations through the canals of political affairs between states are instruments of development for sports. The Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia (FH UII) and the Institut Francais Indonesia (IFI Yogyakarta) collaborated in conducting a Stadium Generale titling “Sports and Diplomacy” inviting Mr. Cyrille Bret, an analyst of the geopolitical functions of sport, and Mr. Barthelemy Courmont, an expert on political and security issues in Asia. Read more

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a milestone document, which underpins all international human rights law and inspires us to continue to work to ensure all people can gain freedom, equality, and dignity. And in 2018, the UDHR turns 70. “The Universal Declaration has helped countless people gain greater freedoms and equality,” said UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein. “Violations have been prevented; independence and autonomy have been attained. While not all the promises of the Universal Declaration have been fulfilled, many people have been able to secure essential rights and freedoms and put an end to discrimination.”

On this special occasion, the Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia collaborating with Pusat Studi Hak Asasi Manusia UII (PUSHAM UII), Norwegian Centre of Human Rights and Base for International Law and ASEAN Legal Studies (BILALS) will conducted International Seminar which entitled “70 Years After the UDHR: Indonesian, American and Norwegian Perspectives on Progress”. This seminar will discuss the development of Human Rights in different perspectives and will attempt to exchange view and ideas about the role of UDHR in current years.

The International Seminar will be conducted on 10th December 2018 09:00-12:00 in Ruang Sidang Utama 3rd Floor Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia. The seminar is open to all academician, students and etc,. For further information regarding registration may contact to +6287865100588 (Yaries).

Politics and sports or sports diplomacy describe the use of sport as a means to influence diplomatic, social, and political relations. Sports diplomacy may transcend cultural differences and bring people together.

The use of sports and politics has had both positive and negative implications over history. Sports competitions or activities have had the intention to bring about change in certain cases. Nationalistic fervor is sometimes linked to victories or losses to some sport in sports fields.

While the Olympics is often the biggest political example of using sports for diplomatic means, cricket and association football, as well as other sports in the global arena, have also been used in this regard. In the case of Apartheid, sport was used to isolate South Africa and bring about a major overhaul in the country’s social structure. While ethnicity and race can cause division, sports can also help blend differences.

On the subject of politics and current affairs, the IFI and Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) collaborate to conducted Studium Generale concerning “Sports & Diplomacy”. The event will take place in Ruang Sidang Utama 3rd Floor Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Yogyakarta on 6th December 2018 Started from 13:00-16:00 . It will be led by 2 French experts: Mr. Cyrille Bret (analyst of the geopolitical functions of sport), Mr. Barthelemy Courmont (expert on political and security issues in Asia).

Congratulations to the first batch of our staff-students, learning English to prepare for the AUN QA accreditation, on successful completion of their English Course. The course took place over two months and 21 hours of instruction in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. All of the participants demonstrated enthusiasm for the program.  Due to this enthusiasm, the first phase of this program was a resounding success.

The participants, regardless of their previous English language training or skill level, acted fearlessly to increase their abilities.  They faced a wide range of activities, including written exercises in technical grammar, role plays to increase their fluency, and presentations to their peers; demonstrating a great deal of confidence.  This confidence was constantly tested and on display as the participants stepped up and tacked each task.  Even more impressive, they demonstrated consistent progress despite getting almost no instruction in the Indonesian language.  It was a true English immersion course with a native English speaker and the students embraced the challenge.  Their confidence and commitment will pay off as essential contributions to the upcoming accreditation of the UII Faculty of Law.

Harvard Law School’s Islamic Legal Studies Program: Law and Social Change invites applications for Visiting Fellowships for the 2019-2020 academic year. This fellowship provides opportunities for outstanding scholars and legal practitioners to undertake research, writing, and scholarly engagement on Islamic law and society. We are particularly interested in applicants whose work focuses on human rights, women’s rights, children’s rights, minority rights, animal welfare and rights, constitutional law, food law,

environmental law and climate change in particular, migration and refugee studies, LGBTQ issues, and related areas.

We welcome applicants with a JD, LLM, SJD, PhD or other comparable degree who are interested in spending from one month up to one academic year in residence at Harvard Law School working on an independent project. We seek applicants from a diverse range of backgrounds, academic traditions, and scholarly interests.

Fellows will receive a stipend of up to $5,000 per month, commensurate with their education and experience. While Fellows will devote the majority of their time to their research projects, they are expected to participate in Program activities and contribute to the intellectual life of the Program. Fellows are expected to deliver a lecture or workshop related to their topic of interest. Under certain conditions, an ILSP: LSC fellowship may be combined with another fellowship or award.

The deadline to submit all application materials (including letters of recommendation) is February 1, 2019 to be considered for a fellowship term during the 2019-2020 academic year. Click here for additional information and how to apply.


Dosen Fakultas Hukum UII Abdurrahman menjelaskan bahwa sertifikat Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HKI) sangat diperlukan oleh para pelaku usaha kecil menengah (UKM).

Menurutnya, HKI dalam bentuk hak cipta, hak desain, hingga hak merek menjadi jaminan bagi pelaku usaha agar bisnisnya berjalan secara berkesinambungan.

“Jadi tidak hanya dari aspek legalitas secara hukum, tetapi juga ada nilai ekonomi,” ujar Abdurrahman via telepon, Minggu (14/10/2018).

Abdurrahman menegaskan para pelaku UKM harus sadar betapa ide dan kreasinya memiliki nilai yang sangat penting secara ekonomi, termasuk hak moralnya sebagai warga negara.

Ia mencontohkan bisnis dalam bentuk waralaba, di mana pemiliknya sudah memiliki sertifikat HKI hingga hak paten secara lengkap.

“Mereka bisa mengembangkan bisnis secara masif dan mendulang pendapatan tinggi, karena mereka sudah memiliki pegangan secara hukum,” jelas peneliti Pusat Studi HKI UII ini.

Abdurrahman juga mengapresiasi pemerintah pusat, sebab sudah melakukan banyak perubahan pada UU tentang HKI. Perubahan tersebut menurutnya sudah sesuai dan memadai dengan kemajuan jaman.

Oleh karena itu, ia menghimbau pada pelaku usaha agar membekali diri tentang dasar HKI hingga prosedur pengurusannya sesuai UU yang berlaku.

“Setidaknya mereka harus memprioritaskan hak cipta, hak desain, hingga hak merek produknya,” kata Abdurrahman. (tribunjogja)

Narasi “Empat Tahun Jokowi-JK” tentu menjadi sebuah refleksi tahunan dalam mengevaluasi kinerja pemerintahan saat ini. Metode analisa yang dibangun juga cukup beragam. Bisa dipotret dari sudut pandang kebijakan ekonomi, hubungan luar negeri, sampai dengan hukum dan politik. Jika hendak dipotret dari kebijakan pembangunan infrastruktur, empat tahun Jokowi-JK cenderung memperlihatkan perkembangan yang cukup pesat.

Anasir itu bisa dilihat dari pembangunan jalan dan jembatan, pelabuhan, bandar udara, sampai dengan infrastruktur pendukung ketahanan pangan. Namun jika dipotret dari kebijakan hukum dan politik, pembangunan hukum melalui fungsi legislasi cenderung “mangkrak”, dalam artian jalannya lambat dan kian menumpuk.  Data menunjukan, prolegnas prioritas di tahun 2018 masih menyisahkan sekitar 50 RUU. Ironisnya dari 50 RUU prioritas di tahun 2018, sebagian besar berasal dari prolegnas di tahun sebelumnya. Beberapa di antaranya, RUU Jabatan Hakim, RUU Hukum Pidana, RUU Perubahan Tentang Pembentukan Peraturan Perundang-undangan, dan RUU  Perubahan  Tentang Mahkamah Konstitusi. (Prolegnas Prioritas Tahun 2018).

Angka rata-rata pertahun terhadap fungsi legislasi pemerintah, cukup kecil. Tahun 2015 misalnya, dari 40 RUU Prolegnas hanya bisa menghasilkan 3 RUU menjadi UU Tahun 2016 dan 2017, dari 51 RUU Prolegnas, hanya 7 yang dihasilkan menjadi UU.(Laporan Kinerja DPR Tahun Sidang 2016-2017). Denyut legislasi ini tentu tidak dapat diberikan “tepukan hangat”. Beban tanggung jawab atas problem ini tidak hanya melekat pada DPR, melainkan juga pemerintah. Sebab, UUD memberikan porsi fifty-fifty formula (50:50) antara DPR dan Presiden dalam melaksanakan fungsi legislasi.

Corak Legislasi

Menumpuknya beberapa program legislasi di atas, sebenarnya tidak hanya dialami oleh pemerintahan Jokowi-JK di akhir masa pemerintahannya. Problem di atas lazim dijumpai oleh beberapa rezim pendahulunya. Lima tahun pertama pemerintahan SBY hampir memperlihatkan gejala yang sama.  Hal ini disebabkan oleh corak legislasi dalam UUD yang mengawinkan kekuasaan eksekutif dan legislatif dalam fungsi legislasi. Pasal 20 ayat (2) UUDN RI Tahun 1945 menegaskan bahwa “Setiap RUU dibahas oleh DPR dan Presiden untuk mendapatkan persetujuan bersama”. Corak ini membuka peran Presiden dalam legislasi bergaya parlementer. Dalam langgam presidensil, presiden seharusnya hanya diberikan porsi untuk mengusulkan RUU. Namun UUD tidak hanya meletakkan Presiden sebagai pengusul, tetapi turut serta membahas dan menyetujui RUU secara bersama-sama (mutual consensus) dengan DPR. Konstruksi demikian membuat Presiden turut andil dalam mengawal denyut legislasi. Model gabungan ini membuat proses legislasi menjadi sangat alot, akibat posisi presiden dan DPR dalam bentuk yang bersifat simetris dan sama kuat. Tidak hanya itu, pilihan sistem multi partai, yang mengharuskan pemerintah membangun koalisi dengan beberapa partai politik untuk mendapatkan basis legitimasi yang kuat guna melaksanakan fungsi pemerintahan. Dalam risetnya Scoot Mainwaring menyebutkan praktik presidensil yang bersekutu dengan multipartai cenderung menunjukkan hubungan pemerintahan yang tidak stabil antara parlemen dan presiden. (Scott Mainwaring, Presidentialism, Multipartism, and Democracy: The Difficult Combination:1993). Model ini sekiranya menempatkan posisi pemerintah jauh lebih dilematis. Tidak heran jika pemerintahan Jokowi-JK di tahun pertama dan kedua cenderung mencari basis kompromi yang kuat terlebih dahulu, dibanding fokus melaksanakan perannya dalam fungsi legislasi. Beberapa faktor lain yang juga menyebabkan kinerja legislasi menumpuk antara lain intensitas studi banding, masa reses, sampai dengan manuver politik yang kerap dilakukan melalui hak angket, interpelasi, sampai dengan hak menyatakan pendapat.

Menjaga Denyut Legislasi

Dalam sisa waktu kurang dari satu tahun masa pemerintahan, Jokowi-JK mempunyai beban legislasi yang cukup berat. Sisa waktu yang kian menyempit ini membuat Presiden tersandera dengan agenda legislasi. Di satu sisi Jokowi dan partai koalisi harus bahu membahu untuk kembali meraup suara pemilih, namun disisi yang lain dituntut mampu menyelesaikan beban prolegnas yang kian menumpuk. Waktu yang tersisa harus benar-benar dimanfaatkan pemerintahan Jokowi-JK guna memulihkan denyut legislasi. Menguatkan fungsi koordinasi pada jajaran menteri dan DPR menjadi agenda yang tak bisa ditawar Jokowi-JK guna menyelsaikan prolegnas prioritas. Pertanyaan yang kemudian muncul mampukah rezim Jokowi-JK menyelesaikan itu ?? Kini komitmen pemerintah kembali di uji dengan semboyan “kerja, kerja, kerja”…!!

 Idul Rishan, S.H.,LL.M.

Pengurus Asosiasi Pengajar HTN-HAN Wilayah DIY

Pengajar Hukum Konstitusi, Universitas Islam Indonesia


Telah diterbitkan oleh Koran Kedaulatan Rakyat, 1 November 2018