Congratulations, UII Faculty of Law Team as the Quarter Finalist and the National Exhibition Team to Represent Indonesia in the International Round of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition 2020.

Congratulations, UII Faculty of Law Team as the Quarter Finalist and the National Exhibition Team to Represent Indonesia in the International Round of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition 2020.

Ardya Syafhana 16410028
Rafi Nasrulloh M. Romdoni 16410106
Alfi Nurjannah 18410637

Rukma Hermawan 18410672
Annisa Aulya Putri 18410696

Arif H. Husnan 18410699

Christopher Cason, J.D. LL.M.
Nur Gemilang Mahardhika, S.H., LL.M.
Meiske Iriyani, S.H.

Nandang Sutrisno, S.H., LL.M., M.Hum., Ph.D.
Dra. Sri Wartini, S.H., M.H., Ph.D.