Credit Transfer Program to IIUM 2019/2020

On 11 September 2019, the Faculty of Law of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) dispatched five of its students to take part in the Credit Transfer Program at Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Law International Islamic University Malaysia (AIKOL IIUM). The five students who were dispatched to join this program were Yuwan Zaghlul Ismail, Brian Rahman Hakim, Faradisa Hadiaty, Rifqi Ananda Gelora Sitompul, dan Rizki Iman Faiz Pratama. The group was delivered directly by the Head of the Study Program Faculty of law UII, Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi S.H., M.H., and Secretary of International Program of the Faculty of Law, Dodik Setiawan Nur Herianto S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.d. This Credit Transfer Program to Malaysia is the first program held by FH UII.

These five students have passed various stages of internal and external tests. The stages of internal tests are held by FH UII in the form of file or document selection, which includes: TOEFL certificate, GPA Transcript, Passport, and also along with a Recommendation Letter from the lecturer. After passing through the administration phase, these students must take an interview in English. After that, these students must apply the online application on the IIUM website for external selection by the International Office of IIUM. Only after passing the long selection, in the middle of August, the five students were declared eligible to run the program at AIKOL IIUM.

This program is a credit transfer program. Later these students will still study at AIKOL IIUM for one semester. The courses taken there will be transferred to courses at FH UII. “This is a very beneficial program for students, where they can learn the system and concept of law in Malaysia which has a different base from Indonesia. So that later these students can compare concepts in Indonesia and Malaysia, “said Yuwan. These students take six courses at AIKOL IIUM where one subject is three credits. This is the maximum amount a student can take there.

This program is fully supported by all facets of the Faculty of Law UII. The support includes administration fees until departure. “Everything is supported by the Islamic University of Indonesia, from the cost of obtaining Visa, Visa accommodation costs, insurance, medical check-up, plane tickets, and housing, with the aim of all these students can carry the name UII fragrant in the international arena”, added Yuwan. (Ywn/FHUII).