General Lecture on Cyber Law by Assoc. Prof. Sonny Zulhuda

The Faculty of Law of the Islamic University of Indonesia (FH UII) held a general lecture entitled Cyberspace and the Legal Challenges: A Quest for Reform, on Monday (09/23/2019). The event was filled by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sonny Zulhuda, an expert on cyber space and cyber law from Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws International Islamic University Malaysia (AIKOLS IIUM). Sonny Zulhada conveyed his main ideas on the importance of reform in our paradigm towards cyber law and the existence of an education syllabus on cyber law.

This general lecture is a collaboration between Faculty of Law UII and AIKOLS IIUM. According to the Head of the Committee, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto S.H., M.H., L.LM., Ph.D., this event was a form Faculty of Law’s commitment to carry out regional and international cooperation according to the Asean University Networks Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) accreditation standards. The event was opened by the Head of Undergraduate Program of the Faculty of Law UII Study Program, Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum., Attended by dozens of participants.

Sonny Zulhada began his lecture by introducing the concept of cyber space to participants. According to him, technological development is impossible to block. Thus, the existence of cyber law is important to encourage development. At the end of 1990, cyber law had been drafted and even became law in European countries.

“The emergence of digital assets causes the basis for cyber law, causing the restructuring of the concept of digital assets,” said Sonny. According to him, although the law is always left behind, but it should not deny the reality of technological development. “This is important so that the law is not too far behind.”

Sonny showed a surprising thing in the middle of his lecture. He showed several pages that can be accessed to see the flow of cyber-attacks throughout the world in real time. One such page is to him, the problem is not when and where a cyber-attack, but who is the culprit and how big is the impact. “That is the legal problem,” he said.

According to Sonny Zulhada, what is often forgotten is that at present, there is a development in the concept of assets that the community is not aware of. This development is the emergence of digital assets. This digital asset is one of them concerning a person’s personal data information. “The emergence of digital assets causes the basis for cyber law, causing the restructuring of the concept of digital assets,” he said.

The development of the industrial revolution 4.0 issue also became a driving force so that the concept of cyber law would soon be developed. According to him, do not rule out the possibility, in the future, artificial intelligence (AI) will replace human functions. This development has become an important legal issue to be examined immediately. Because, there have been several legal cases, such as unmanned cars developed by Ubercrashing into someone in the United States. “Can AI or the system be prosecuted in court?”, Asked Sonny Zulhada to participants.

According to Sonny, competition is the main cause of the development of cyber space and the reason for the importance of developing cyber law. In its development, technological progress must continue to bring positive values ​​to society. “Innovators must not be free of values,” he stressed.