Internal Audit to All Units at the Law School

As part of an effort for the continuous improvement, the law school audited by the internal audit from the Waqf Foundation of Universitas Islam Indonesia (Yayasan Badan Wakaf). The audit is not only evaluating the working performance of the law school in the past 2018 year but also the financial audit. The whole expenditure of the 2018 budget also evaluated by the internal auditor.

The audit process started on Tuesday, 5th of March 2019 and ended on Wednesday 6th of March 2019. All units audited by the internal auditor was the Dean Leadership, Division of Financial Management Administration, Undergraduate Study Program, Postgraduate Study Program of Law, Public Notary Study Program, Doctoral Study Program of Law, Advocate Profession Unit, Centre for Legal Training and Education, and International Program. Those all units were successfully followed the audit process with the average performance percentage 85%. The International Program performance has the highest percentage of working performance from all the units (98%).

“Based on the audit result, we received some notes from the auditor. Mostly about the incomplete documents to support the accountability of the use of certain budget. Fortunately, we could share the supporting documents. With this condition, we need to improve our administration process.” said the Dean.