Internship Briefing Session for Students

Around 378 students took part in the internship debriefing program held by PUSDIKLAT FH UII on Sunday, October 13, 2019. The number jumped sharply from the previous year which was only attended by around 100 students. The apprenticeship activities are a manifestation of the compulsory competence of legal skills carried out by FH UII.

The internship briefing was carried out in two sessions. According to the Head of the Ad Hoc Team of Internship, Eko Rial Nugroho, SH., MH., the internship implementation for this year is still the same as in previous years. “The stages are still the same, there is no change,” Eko added. The debriefing program is conducive. Students are divided into six different classes and get guidance on introductions about general things to technical matters.

Regarding the increasing number of apprenticeship students, according to Eko there were no significant problems. Eko admitted that there were indeed some technical obstacles, but they did not affect the general implementation of the internship. “There are technical problems. (But) Alhamdulillah, it can be handled well “, he stressed.

The internship program itself is divided into two types, namely regular internship and self-internship. Regular internship is an internship in which the destination location is determined and prepared by PUSDIKLAT FH UII, as the internship program implementer. Matters prepared include permits, apprenticeship agreements, until to all administrative matters. As for the self-internship students, they prepare and choose their own internship location.

Students will be placed in various locations. The locations of apprenticeship to be addressed include the notary/PPAT office, the attorney’s office, the lawyer’s office, the court, the local government law firm, the police, and the embassy. All the internship locations will be monitored by the internship committee.

Eko suspected that the cause of the increase in apprenticeship students was the result of the loss of the academic prerequisite system. “It is suspected to have jumped the most because there are no academic prerequisites. “The internship should be in the 2016 class, but 2017 has already taken”, said Eko. However, according to Eko that was not a problem.

According to the Deputy Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee of the Internship, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, SH., MH., L.LM., Ph.D., the most regular internship students chose the Prosecutor’s Office while for the most independent apprentices the notary office. “The most regular apprenticeship is at the prosecutor’s office and self-internship at the notary,” said Dodik Setiawan. “Maybe there are many whose parents are notaries, so they might as well,” joked Dodik Setiawan, who was agreed by some students, when he filled out the debriefing material in class.

The internship must be followed by students for a minimum of 96 working hours in each office location. At the end of the program, students are required to make reports and respond. “All who have followed the internship process from beginning to end will receive internship certificates,” added Dodik Setiawan.