Welcoming Back Credit Transfer Program Participants to IIUM and YsU

The Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia has celebrated a welcoming ceremony for the Credit Transfer Program Participants 2019-2020 to IIUM, Malaysia and Youngsan University, South Korea. The event was held on Monday, 27th of January 2020 in Room TS/III.8 Tamansiswa Campus. The 10 participants shared their experience during the short semester study at the foreign universities. “We really enjoyed our study in Malaysia. Teachers treated us very well. We also learned specifically the Malaysian legal system.” said Yuwan Zaghlul Ismail, one of the participants.

“The Study Program really appreciates the courage of the students and their academic achievement. We also received good feedback from our partner that our students could able to show that they could study well with very active communication skills and good behavior. This really affects a good reputation for our university.” said Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, the Head of the Undergraduate Study Program.

The next program, UII will not only send their students to Malaysia and South Korea, but also to the University of Western Australia – in response with the previous signing MoA with the Australian partner.