[TAMAN SISWA]; On Tuesday (25/01), the 2022 International Mobility Program Student Release event was held successfully by the Faculty of Law, Indonesian Islamic University (FH UII). The event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Dr. Abdul Jamil, S.H., M.H., Deputy Dean for Resources, Hanafi Amrani, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D., Head of the Law Department, Dr. Muhammad Arif Setiawan, S.H., M.H., Secretary of the Department of the Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia, Bagya Agung Prabowo, S.H., M.Hum., Ph. D., Head of the Undergraduate Law Study Program, Prof. Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H, M. Hum., Secretary of the Undergraduate Law Study Program, Ari Wibowo, S.H., S.HI, M.H., Secretary of the International Law Study Program, Dodik Setiawan, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph. .D directly at the Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia. The Release ceremony began with an opening by the Master of Ceremony (MC) and continued with remarks and reports by the Head of the 2022 International Mobility Program Team, namely Dodik Setiawan, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D. In his remarks, he said that FH UII in the last 5 years has had many achievements, especially in the internationalization program. Not only doing research with universities abroad, but also holding joint programs such as credit transfer and double degrees for undergraduate and postgraduate students. This event was also attended by parents from the online delegation of the International Mobility Program.

Then the delegation representatives delivered a farewell welcome represented by Muhammad Sulhan. The names of the delegates in the 2022 International Mobility Program are divided into 2 (two) destinations; 1) Muhammad Sulhan, Muhammad Rhayhan Zidane, Veni Nur Setyaningsih who will carry out the Credit Transfer Program at Youngsan University, South Korea; 2) Wildan Amrillah Amrani, Arief Hasanul Husnan Nasution, Tazkiya Amalia Nasution and Rahadian D. B. Suwartono who will carry out the Undergraduate and Masters Credit Transfer Program at Lobachevsky University Russia. The release of the delegates was carried out by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Dr. Abdul Jamil, S.H., M.H. who said that apart from their parents, the delegates were very proud of the UII Faculty of Law and included hopes for the delegates so as not to forget the values ​​that had been conveyed during the preparation for departure.

After the remarks by the Dean of the Faculty of Law UII, continued with the delivery of education kits and health kits in the form of honey, vitamins, hand sanitizers and health supplements by the Dean of the Faculty of Law UII accompanied by the Deputy Dean for Resources. Students are also provided with the Koran which is submitted by the Head of the Study Program accompanied by the Secretary of the Study Program. In addition, the head of the Law Department accompanied by the Secretary of the Law Department at the Islamic University of Indonesia was paired with a hat marked with the Faculty of Law UII.
The event for the release of the 2022 International Mobility Program Students was finally closed with a prayer that was said together and led by the Secretary of the Department of the Faculty of Law at the Islamic University of Indonesia, Bagya Agung Prabowo, S.H., M.Hum., Ph. D. The event for the release of the 2022 International Mobility Program Students was finally closed with a prayer that was said together and led by the Secretary of the Department of the Faculty of Law at the Islamic University of Indonesia, Bagya Agung Prabowo, S.H., M.Hum., Ph. D.


Back to more achievements, two students Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia won the national competition. At events Forum Pemberdayaan Kreatifitas dan Keilmuan Mahasiswa Justitia which is held by Faculy of Law, Universitas Mataram. Our students to win two championships at once, namely  of Best Paper and became the second winner in the Scientific Writing Competition. The title of the paper is Penangguhan Paten terhadap Vaksin Ditinjau dari Implementasi Aspek Fleksibilitas Paten Nasional Guna Mewujudkan Era Bebas Pandemi.

One of the Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia students again made an achievement by being selected as a representative in The 2nd CENA (Civil-Society Education Network in Asia) Webinar School 2021. She is Putri Ariqah, a 2018 IP (International Program) Undergraduate Program In Law Study Program student who successfully passed selection to present “Covid-19 in Indonesia”. Besides Putri, there were 4 students from other study programs who also passed the selection. They are Andika Wahyu Pradana (Pharmaceutical Study Program), Reza Ishaq Estiko (Physician Education Study Program), Shufiah Dearesta Ananda (International Relations Study Program – IP), and Zuliyan M.Rizky (International Relations Study Program). Congratulations and success!

Alhamdulillah, a student of the Faculty of Law of the Universitas Islam Indonesia (FH UII), was chosen to be Dimas at Dimas Diajeng Jogja City 2021. He is Muhammad Rafif Taufiqurrahman Susanto, batch 2018 from the Regular program, Undergraduate Study Program.

Rafif was elected as Dimas Kota Jogja which was announced at the peak of the election for Dimas Diajeng with the Coronation of Dimas Diajeng Kota Jogja 2021 which was held virtually, Saturday, June 12, 2021. The public can watch the event live through the YouTube channel of the Yogyakarta City Tourism Office.

Head of Yogyakarta City Tourism Office, Wahyu Hendratmoko, S.E., M.M. as the person in charge of organizing the 2021 Dimas Diajeng Election, said that the implementation of the final night of the Dimas Diajeng election is expected to bring up Jogja youths who will become Tourism Ambassadors and also Yogyakarta City Cultural Ambassadors, who will later take on the big responsibility to maintain it as a City of Tourism. Of course, by not leaving the existing ancestral cultural values. By participating in the election of Dimas Diajeng Jogja City, it is an opportunity to play an active role in promoting and developing Yogyakarta City tourism.

Rafif enrolled in the Dimas Diajeng event in the City of Jogja because he was worried about the younger generation whose identity was starting to erode due to the negative effects of globalization, and also brought his background as a law student to try to contribute to the cultural and tourism sector of the City of Yogyakarta which experienced a decline due to the Pandemic (Covid-19).

“Alhamdulillah, thank you for all the support. Participating in the Dimas Diajeng event in Jogja City has shaped me into a better person and I know myself better than before. The Dimas Diajeng Jogja Society taught me many useful things and got to know many great people during the process. The big responsibility that is carried out must continue to be carried out and of course without forgetting my identity as a student of the Faculty of Law UII, I must remain consistent and responsible with the mandate that I carry as a student and as Dimas Kota Jogja”. – said Rafif to us when interviewed via WhatsApp short message.

Congratulations, Rafif, for the achievements that have been achieved! Hopefully istiqomah, always able to bring the good name of the university to act as ulul albab, enlightener, and rahmatan lil ‘alamiin carrying UII’s mission! Spirit!

Students of the Faculty of Law of the Islamic University of Indonesia (FH UII) have again made achievements on the national stage. Moh. Rifaldi Rizmawan, class of 2019 from the Undergraduate Study Program International Program won the second place in the Scientific Writing Competition for the Civil-Trade Section of the UNNES LAW FESTIVAL in 2021 which was held by the Faculty of Law, State University of Semarang.

This competition starts from June 1-9, 2021, then the announcement of the 12 finalists will be held on June 14, 2021. The grand final in the KTI Civil-Trade branch will be held on June 15, 2021. And the announcement of the winners will be held on Monday, June 21, 2021.

Purwakarta (28/10) Competition is an event for self-development. On this occasion, students of the Faculty of Law at the Indonesian Islamic University (FH UII) once again made the campus proud by placing 3rd place in the Scientific Writing Competition in Central Java and D.I.Yogyakarta organized by the Faculty of Law, Jendral Sudirman University. Regarding the competition, FH UII sent Shafira Aretha Inafitri (2019), Fawwas Aufaa Taqiyyah Prastiwi (2019), and Eka Detik Nurwagita (2019) as delegates. The three Heroes of FH UII raised the topic “The Urgency of Personal Data Protection Against E-Commerce Users in Indonesia”.

Of course, this success cannot be separated from the guidance and prayers of the FH UII lecturers who have taken their time and thoughts, as expressed by the representative of the delegation, Eka Detik Nurwagita, “Alhamdulillah, we thank our brothers and our supervisors who have guided us from scratch, and provide all the inspiration and motivation, so that it can be our reference in participating in this competition and thanks to him all we were able to make achievements for this beloved UII FH campus, without him all of us might not be able to get to this point Jazaakumullah khoiron katsiiroon”. Besides that, it is hoped that in the future FH UII will not only color in the regional arena but also be able to provide color in the national and international arena.

UNES Semarang (15/3) Mr. Susanto, one of the supporting staff of the UII Faculty of Law, succeeded in bringing UII students to the Mens Runner Up and Women’s Third Place at the Yuzu Isotonic Central Java Badminton Student League and Special Region of Yogyakarta Conference at Semarang State University 10-15 March 2020.

Congratulations, UII Faculty of Law Team as the Quarter Finalist and the National Exhibition Team to Represent Indonesia in the International Round of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition 2020.

Ardya Syafhana 16410028
Rafi Nasrulloh M. Romdoni 16410106
Alfi Nurjannah 18410637

Rukma Hermawan 18410672
Annisa Aulya Putri 18410696

Arif H. Husnan 18410699

Christopher Cason, J.D. LL.M.
Nur Gemilang Mahardhika, S.H., LL.M.
Meiske Iriyani, S.H.

Nandang Sutrisno, S.H., LL.M., M.Hum., Ph.D.
Dra. Sri Wartini, S.H., M.H., Ph.D.

Dean Research Grant Batch VI for the 2019 period has been well implemented. The Dean Research Grant, which is held every year, competes for the FH UII Dean’s Cup. Dr. Abdul Jamil, SH., MH and Dr. Drs. Muntoha S.H, M.Ag. as the Dean and Deputy Dean hope that this competition will become a culture for students. Research grants for students are specifically organized to attract students’ interests and talents, especially in developing ideas and ideas as well as creativity in writing papers in the field of law. This activity is an activity that adopts PKM-P research organized by the Ministry of Research and Technology with the aim of familiarizing trained students with the technicalities of DIKTI research.

The program begins with the making of a legal research proposal by the FH UII students who are participants. Then from the collection of proposals, the 5 best research proposals were selected. Furthermore, the team that passed the criteria for the best research proposal made their research and presented their research results in front of the jury, which consisted of Mahrus Ali, SH., MH., Ratna Hartanto, S.H., LL.M., and Dr. Idul Rishan, S.H., LL.M.

The competitive activity was followed up with the announcement of the results of the assessments carried out by the three judges, which then on November 15, 2019 there was the awarding of the 3 best teams who won the Dean Research Grant Batch VI competition. The best team that got the first place was Cristi Melin Silitonga, Fatma Reza Zubarit, Kanza Latunhi Rayes with the research title “Law Enforcement of Yogyakarta City Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2015 concerning the Implementation of Billboards against Illegal Billboards Installation in Yogyakarta City”.

Furthermore, the second place was won by the best team consisting of Elfian Fauzy, Alghifari Juhadtullah T, and Ramadina Bella M with the research title “Strengthening the General Election Oversight Body through Restructuring the Role and Position of General Election Observers”. Then, the third place was won by Shilvi Grisminarti Yuninda Rosady, and Jhodi Putra Hakim with the research title “Analysis of Government Supervision on the Implementation of Illegal Parking in the City of Yogyakarta”.

This academic activity is expected to continue, so that it can stimulate the enthusiasm of the students of the Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia continuously to always work and be creative to conduct research.