[TAMAN SISWA]; On Wednesday, January 12, 2022, five students from the Faculty of Law at the Universitas Islam Indonesia took part in a conference are held offline and online on a limited basis by implementing health protocols. The five students were Join Degree and Credit Transfer Program students at Youngsan University, Busan, South Korea.
The event was opened with a presentation by the keynote speaker, namely JK Choi, Ph.D., who is also a Researcher at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information. On that occasion, JK Choi brought the theme “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (with DATA Science).” In his explanation, he explained about The Importance of Data (Data Analysis), Progress of DATA Science Research (ILSAN Chemical Industry), Progress of DATA Science Research (GYUNG-NAM Medical Underprivileged Area), Machine Learning (ML) for Artificial Intelligence (AI), Outline of Deep Learning (DL), Progress of Data Science Research (R&D Model for Discovering Future ITEM), History of AI, AI, Application of AI (By Leading Company), to Policy Background for DATA Science (Indonesia).
At the end of the presentation, a question-and-answer session was opened, and responses from participants who took part offline and online. Before being closed by the presenter, there was a response from Dodik Setiawan Nur Heryanto, SH., MH. LL.M. Ph.D. (Secretary of International Undergraduate Study Program in Law Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia), who took part in the online conference, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the speakers for providing such exciting material to be discussed, especially regarding DATA which is so developed in today’s era.
After the presentation of the material by the Keynote Speaker, it was followed by a presentation by five law students from the Faculty of Law, the Universitas Islam Indonesia. First was Yuwan Zaghlul Ismail (Students Join Degree), who presented the theme “Initiate The Establishment Of Personal Information Commission (Comparative Study of South Korean Personal Information Commission and Opportunities of Application in Indonesia”; second, Kurniawan Sustrisno Hadi (Student Join Degree) who presented the theme of “Legal Protection Towards The Personal Data Of Ecommerce’s Customer In Indonesia: Reviewed From Tokopedia Case.”
On this occasion, not only did the joint degree students present their presentations offline, but there were also 3 Credit Transfer Program students, namely: first, Akhiruddin Syahputra Lubis, who presented the theme of “Criminal Sanctions Against Misuse Of Personal Data Through The Printing Of Covid-19 Vaccine”. Certificates”; second, Egita Fira Widya, who presented the theme of “Validity Of Electronic Signature In Sale And Purchase Agreement In Electronic Transaction From The Perspective Of Indonesian Civil Law”; Third, Ayana Sekar Widyaningsih who presented the theme “Legal Position Of Joint Degree Letter Of Three Institution Concerning Guidelines For Implementation Of Certain articles of the ITE Law Related To Article 27 (3) of ITE Law Based Criminal Law Perspective”.
The conference, which started at 10.15 am to 00.30 pm local time that was held in Soemyeon, Busan, South Korea, was also attended by Professor Ji Hyun Park (Head of International Affairs and Language Center Youngsan University).