Youngsan University held a graduation ceremony for the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Program even semester of the 2018/2019 academic year last Friday (8/23/2019) at the main Auditorium of the M Building South Korea’s Busan Heundae Campus.
This event is a graduation ceremony with a total of 230 graduates from various study programs both from undergraduate to doctoral programs, namely 9 doctoral program graduates, 20 master program graduates and 201 graduates for undergraduate programs.
Among the graduates were foreign students from outside South Korea such as Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, China and several other countries. Among the graduates from Indonesia, there were 3 double degree students in the jurisprudence of the Islamic University of Indonesia batch 3. The three UII students were Dhita Rahma Yanuari (Student Number: 17912009), Rahayu Saraswati Herlambang (Student Number: 17912024), and Intan Griya Purnamasari (Student Number: 17912009), successfully completed his studies at Youngsan University and earned an LLM degree with cum laude with a perfect GPA of 4.50.
The double degree program held by the Postgraduate Law Study Program at UII and Youngsan University which has been running for 3 years is expected to continue, this is because in a short time the students achieve two legal degrees at once, so that they are expected to be able to produce qualified and skilled graduates. global.

Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) held an orientation and release of students to be dispatched to Malaysia and South Korea, on Tuesday (27/08). A total of 10 students will join the Credit Transfer program to Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Law International Islamic University Malaysia (AIKOL IIUM) dan Youngsan University. They will conduct lectures for one semester, with five students will be dispatched to IIUM and the others five to Youngsan University, Bussan, South Korea.

The event was held in five sessions, starting at 09:00 until 15:00 WIB. The event was facilitated by Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D., as the Secretary of International Program Study Faculty of Law UII. Nevertheless, students who will depart are not only from international programs. There were consisted of six international program students and six regular students of Faculty of Law.
At the event, the Vice Dean of Student Affairs, Dr., Drs. Muntoha SH., M.Ag., gave an advise as well as dispatched the students. Muntoha advised the students to keep the good name of the UII almamater. “Protect the good name of our alma mater”, he said. According to Muntoha, in addition to studying, students also have the duty to maintain good cooperation that has been established between UII with IIUM and Youngsan University. “In order for the continuation of cooperation between UII and Youngsan University (and IIUM) to be maintained”.

The first session was filled by Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi SH., M.Hum., who filled the General Orientation material. During the session Budi Agus, who was also the Head of Undergraduate Study Program of Faculty of Law UII, gave an introduction to overseas experience and environment. According to him, students must optimize their goals in joining this program, which is to study. However, he also stressed that students are free to hang out and play, as long as considered the values ​​taught at UII. “The important thing is to be happy, not to be carried hard,” he said. According to him, studying abroad is not only a different location, but the most important thing is that the culture and rules are also different. So, he advised that students be very good at adjusting.

The fifth session was quite interesting, when Dodik Setiawan facilitated the students to have a talk with Prof. Jihyun Park from Youngsan University. The teleconference was carried out through Skype social media. Prof. Jihyun Park welcomed and greeted the students who were going to study at Youngsan University and IIUM.

The students are planned to depart on Thursday, (29/08), from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Cengkareng. Faculty leaders will take the students directly to Jakarta”, said Dodik Setiawan. After that, students who go to IIUM will be delivered to Malaysia, while students who go to Youngsan University will be picked up by Youngsan when they arrive in South Korea.

UEL Summer School is one of the annual activities of the American Law Center – a research institute established by the University of Economics and Law, Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh city (UEL). This year, the UEL Summer School 2019 focuses on Contract Law and Dispute Resolution & Negotiations of the United States. The two courses shall be lectured by Justice Steven H. David and Professor Cynthia M. Adams — revered professors from Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law. The UEL Summer School 2019 will be an outstanding academic event for both lecturers, researchers, students from Viet Nam and overseas. In joining the UEL Summer School program, Pradana received a full scholarship while participating in the activity. In getting this scholarship, Pradana has passed several tests given by the University of Economics and Law, National University of Vietnam.

In this Summer School program, Pradana Satya attended lectures for 2 weeks, in which there were 2 material distributions namely in the first week learning about Alternative Dispute Resolution in which there was learning about Negotiation, Mediation, Litigation and Arbitration. In this first week’s lecture, the lecturer was Professor Cynthia M. Adams. Professor Cynthia M. Adams is a lecturer at Indiana University’s Robert H. McKinney School of Law and also a practitioner in her field. Then, in the second week’s lecture material delivered by a Chief Justice at the Indiana Supreme Court at the United State of America namely Justice Steven H. David. In the second week, the material presented was regarding Contract Law in the American Law system and also the application of contracts in international business law. Every weekend, a final test will be held to test the ability of students and also one of the requirements to get a certificate of graduation from the Summer School so that every student must be able to pass the final test.

In this UEL Summer School activity, Pradana gained a lot of new knowledge that was not obtained during lectures in class, Pradana gained a lot of new experiences of the course and could also share knowledge with fellow students from all Asian countries. It is very important to be able to join the Summer School program like this. This is due to sharpen mentally and also to increase knowledge and enthusiasm for learning from students in order to gain useful experience and knowledge outside the classroom within the University.

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh.

We are pleased to announce that the Faculty of Law of Universitas Islam Indonesia in collaboration with ASKII, Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual property (IPI) and Indonesian-Swiss Intellectual Property Project (ISIP) will hold an International Seminar with theme “International Investment Law and Transfer of Technology”. Therefore, we also kindly invite you to take part in the International Seminar event which will be held on:

Date: Thursday, 5th of September 2019
Time: 08:00 – 15:30 WIB
Venue: Ruang Sidang Utama 3rd Floor Moh.Yamin Building Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta

Facilities: Certificate, Material, and Lunch

The event is Free of Charge

Register immediately through the following registration link:

Contact Person: Marwah (+6285878768483)

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh.

Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia received study visit from the leadership of Faculty of Law, Universitas Wahid Hasyim, Semarang on Friday, 3 August 2019. The visit was about to receive more information about the journal management and study program character from Faculty of Law UII. “We understand well that UII especially the Law School produces so many outstanding alumni. Our leadership also graduated from UII. The journal of Ius Quia Iustum also recognized as Sinta with Rank S2. As well as the study program also already accredited by the AUN-QA. Thus, as a new university, we would like to visit our almamater and also to get more information on how UII is so developed in relations with the publication and the study program.” said Dr. Mastur, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Wahid Hasyim, Semarang.

“We are also very proud to receive and to acknowledge that most of the leadership management, including vice dean and the dean, are also alumni of UII.” replied Hanafi Amrani, PhD acting as Dean of the Faculty of Law UII. The discussion was started with an explanation from the study program presented by Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi.

The event was attended both the leadership from Faculty of Law, Universitas Wahid Hasyim, Semarang and the Faculty of Law UII. The session was ended with the exchange of token appreciation from both the law school Deans.

People with disabilities (PwDs) and special needs have been disproportionately affected by the deterioration in living conditions in the Gaza Strip since March 2017. This situation is driven by a worsening energy crisis, which has resulted in outages of 18-20 hours a day, and an exacerbation of the salary crisis in the public sector, both of which are linked to an escalation in internal Palestinian divisions. The Palestinian Ministry of Social Development estimates that over 49,000 individuals in the Gaza Strip (or 2.4 per cent of the population) suffer from some type of disability, a third of them children. More than 1,100 of these people, including about 300 children, became disabled as a result of injuries incurred during the 2014 hostilities, including approximately 100 amputees.

Responding to that issue, on Wednesday, 22nd of May 2019, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia collaborated with National Center of Community Rehabilitation (NCCR) Palestine conducting guest lecture concerning the “Diplomatic Relations between Republic of Indonesia and Palestine”. The event which was held in the multipurpose room invited Fatma A. Al Ghussain as the NCCR director as a speaker in this occasion. As a moderator, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D, gave an introduction regarding the brief profile of the NCCR and the current situation in Gaza. In this guest lecture, Fatma explained that there were many victims who suffered from disability because of the attacks carried out by the Israeli government against the Palestinian people, “we need to know that all of these victims are not only Muslims but Christians, Catholics and Jews” she said.

During the event, the participants seemed enthusiastic and gave their attention to the latest issues that occurred in Palestine. Many of the participants asked questions regarding the efforts made by the NCCR and also related to the Palestinian situation, especially the latest gaza. The event was closed with the hand-over of souvenirs from the moderator to the speaker.

On Monday, March 18 2019 at the Main Meeting Room (3rd floor) of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) was signed between the Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia (FH UII) and Center for International Language and Cultural Studies Universitas Islam Indonesia (Cilacs UII). There were two MoAs signed on this occasion, which were concerning to the English Matriculation Program and CEPT Preparation. The two programs are designed as new model for the bridging program for International Program Students.

“The English Matriculation Program is address to even semester students of the 2018/2019 academic year International Program, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia. Furthermore, for the CEPT Preparation Program is designed for students of 5th (fifth) semester of International Programs, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia. We do not have common consensus with the International Office of UII to continue the program as they do not want to customise with our new curriculum. Some of the substances are having similarities with the current curriculum – this is part of the reason for us to introduce the new program for the international program.” said Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum.

The event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Law UII, Head of Study program of the FH UII, Secretary Study Program of the International Program and the head of Cilacs UII. In his remarks, Dr. Abdul Jamil SH, MH, as Dean of the Faculty of Law UII, said that “Hopefully this MoA can bring better benefits to students who hope our students will not only be competent in law practice but also have good ability of English in order to expand coverage of his career to the international level. We do hope also that this program could be implemented for the regular program students.”. Furthermore, this event was followed by a speech delivered by Director of Cilacs UII. “Basically, legal English with English in general is different. Because legal English has several terms that are not possessed in English in general, therefore through this program, we hope that it can improve the ability of students in understanding of legal english”, she said.

The event was closed with an exchange of souvenirs from the Faculty of Law UII and Cilacs UII. May through this program the level of English language proficiency of UII Law Faculty students can be develop and able to answer global competition.

Student at International Program, Undergraduate of Law Study Program, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia just won the first place for the Outstanding Student Selection (Pemilihan Mahasiswa Berprestasi) at Higher Education Unit Service Region 5 Yogyakarta (Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi). After going through several assessments from the Jury/Panel such as Interview which was conducted in English and also Presented the paper that has been made by each competitor. He successfully presented his paper with the topic of The Obligation of Ecolabel Certification and Innovation in the Voluntary Ecolabel Policy as Alternative to create Responsible Consumption and Production. Previously, Alif also won the first place for the same competition at the university level (in the scope of Universitas Islam Indonesia Students). During the competition, he supervised by Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., L.LM., Ph.D. The paper talks upon the Ideas on how to achieve Responsible Consumption and Production one of the Sustainable Development Goals. The competition was held at LLDIKTI building on Tuesday, 19th of March 2019.

This event was attended by 14 Private University in the scope of Higher Education Unit Service Region 5 Yogyakarta. Each student has their own ideas in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. “Alhamdulillah, today the selection process and the announcement of the Outstanding Student Selection has been conducted, which was attended by great students from these 14 universities. This reward becoming a new responsibility for me in order to bring the good name of Universitas Islam Indonesia in the future. I need the support and also prayers from all UII academics in order to face the next level of this Outstanding Student Selection and for sure, hope for the best according to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala” Alif Said.

After the announcement, Alif immediately met with Ms. Hazhira Qudsyi from the academic affairs to discuss the next strategy in facing the Outstanding Student Selection at the national level.

LIMUN (London International Model United Nations) is an annual event of LIMUN Foundation which consist for more than 2500 delegation from all over the world. Located in cosmopolitan city of United Kingdom, it spend almost 3 days in facilitating intensive debate among the delegates. This year as the 20th edition of LIMUN was held on 22-24 February 2019. The participants acted as state representative of members in UN (United Nations) and was given the chance to represent that state in a council with analysing and formal debate about international issues. As the delegates of particular state, they have their own stances to resolve the issues, negotiate their state interest and then form best solution for the international issues.

Ardya Syafhana is one of the official delegates of Universitas Islam Indonesia which have been selected as the best representation and passed several selection (Administration, interview and speech assessment also simulation test). She was chosen as the person who got highest score and defeat other 25 applicants and was assumed had consistently worked hard and improve her skills to join LIMUN. She joined SPECPOL or (Special Political and Decolonisation Committee) of General Assembly and represented State of Peru. This Council discussed the topic “Belt and Road Initiative – Addressing Concerns of ‘Recolonisation’ “. In the Committee session, Hana or Delegation of Peru argued its perspective about BRI (Belt and Road Initiatives) as an opportunity and foreign policy and it can help the world economic development but did not eliminated several issues which appeared from such China’s Foreign Policy.

The main issues was then raised in how China give loans to some states but such states were not able to pay the debt back. In rectifying their absence of payment, they give China possession over vital public facility like port and military bases. It also covers the problem of collapsing project of BRI in infrastructure sectors. Peru believes that those states must have been considered all the risk and condition so that they finally agreed on the project, so the issue of “Recolonisation” can’t be connected with BRI and it is necessary for the partners to pay the debt and fulfil their performances. The Committee session was closed by adopting Draft Resolution of China and allies (includes Peru).The Document consist of the conclusion of discussion and several solutions and it used the formal form of United Nations Resolutions.LIMUN 2019 gave not only certificate but also prestigious chances for the participants to communicate beyond different culture and nationality. Depending on the knowledge, experience and networks they have been taken from LIMUN, participants were expected as the next generation of world leaders which will be equipped with the ability to deal with global issues in the spirit of cooperation

March 12, 2019, at the Main Session Room, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, UII’s Faculty of Law’s held a Guest Lecture on the topic “Sport as a catalyst for Social change: Aiming for the real gold”. The event was led by Ginanjar Gailea S.Pd., M.A. as the moderator invited Monsieur Arnaud Amouroux as the speaker in this Guest Lecture.

A former United Nations staff, with 12 years’ experience in the field of peacekeeping, peacebuilding and conflict resolution, Mr. Amouroux explained that sport can be ‘more than just a game’ and introduced the concept of ‘Sport for Development and Peace’ (SDP). Sport can serve as a ‘low-cost and high impact tool for social change’. Sport has the unique ability to transcend differences, connect people and elevate/inspire them. The presentation also addressed the recognition by the United Nations of sport as an important ‘enabler of sustainable development’, especially with regard to SDG 3 on Health, SDG 4 on Education and SDG 5 regarding Gender equality. Mr. Amouroux specifically referred to 4 domains where Indonesia could use sport-based approaches to tackle some of the challenges the country is faced with: need to invest in disaster risk reduction and preparedness; fostering tolerance and living-together; fighting sedentary and unhealthy behaviours and promoting open, safe and inclusive spaces as part of urban regeneration initiatives.

Mr. Amouroux also made a comparative review of the 1962 and 2018 Asian Games held in Indonesia noting the tangible and intangible legacies of each event. The successful organisation of the 2018 Asian Games is testimony to Indonesia’s ability to host even larger mega-sporting events, such as the Olympic Games, however this would require a fully integrated sustainability strategy within the candidacy proposal (i.e. focusing on generating social benefits for the communities after the event as well).

The lecture ended with a question and answer session given by UII Faculty of Law students, participants were actively involved in this session. One of them is the question raised by Rangga, “Changes in the times that have occurred at this time have affected changes in social activities carried out by children, particularly who used to be active in carrying out social activities through sports and gatherings but now they use their gadget or handphone to socialize. How does the government see this incident? “He concluded. Finally, the event was closed with the handed over of token of appreciation by Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto S.H., M.H., LL.M., P.hD as Secretary of the International Program of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia to the speaker.