[KALIURANG]; Thursday (29/08), at 15:30 WIB, the Ahmadi’s public defense examination was held by the doctoral study program in law (PSHPD) at the Faculty of Law (FH), Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). The examination was took place in the Mini Auditorium on the 4th floor of FH UII, with the examiners including: Prof. Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum. (head examiner), Prof. Dr. Ni’matul Huda, S.H., M.Hum. (promoter), Dr. Abdul Gaffar Karim, S.I.P., M.A. (co-promoter), Prof. Dr. Ridwan, S.H., M.Hum., Dr. Idul Rishan, S.H., LL.M., Dr. Sri Hastuti Puspitasari, S.H., M.H., and Dr. Drs. Muntoha, S.H., M.Ag.

Ahmadi presented his dissertation entitled “Legal Politics of Regional Election Regulations Post-Amendment of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (UUD NRI 1945)” for approximately 10 minutes at the beginning of the exam session. He stated that the design of legal politics of regional election regulations in the UUD NRI 1945 faced various fundamental problems, such as the problem of interpretation and application of laws in legislation. This encouraged him to examine more deeply, comprehensively, and constructively about the dynamics of regional head election laws in Indonesia which occurred radically.

In his research, Ahmadi found that the legal policy regarding regional head elections in the UUD NRI 1945 is considered part of the regional government regime as outlined in Article 18, Paragraph (4) of the UUD NRI 1945. However, this has led to incorrect interpretations of the norm in Article 18 (4). Consequently, there have been inconsistencies in several areas, including: regulations at the legislative level and Constitutional Court decisions, the roles of actors in regional head elections, the management of regional head election implementations, the institutions responsible for organizing regional head elections, and the resolution of disputes related to regional head elections.

Furthermore, Ahmadi proposed that future regulations for regional head elections in Indonesia be conducted directly, transparently, and in stages. He also recommended reconstructing these regulations at the legislative level, establishing a special court for regional head elections, and implementing the elections in a direct, open, and staged manner involving political parties, the DPRD, and the KPU.

During the public defense examination session, Ahmadi answered questions well and was able to defend his dissertation arguments effectively.  Dr. Ahmadi, S.H.I., M.H. is now officially the 177th doctoral graduate from the doctoral study program in law at FH UII. At the end of the session, the Promoter congratulated him and wished that the knowledge gained would be beneficial and useful for religion and the nation. The Promoter also advised Dr. Ahmadi, S.H.I., M.H. to continue contributing and remain critical of developments in constitutional law concentration.


[JAKARTA]; The UII Faculty of Law is exploring cooperation with Migrant Care in Jakarta to strengthen the partnership so that it can be utilized by the academic community. “With the cooperation, there will be strengthening related to the assistance of victims of human trafficking and it is hoped that students who do internships can find out about real problems that exist and are related to migrants. We have two divisions, namely knowledge management and legal assistance, which are often occupied by student interns. We welcome that this cooperation can also be expanded not only related to internships.” said Sister Trisna Dwi Yuni Aresta from Migrant Care.

“The Internship Pattern in the Undergraduate Law Study Program has two models, namely MBKM Legal Practice (which lasts for 6 months and can be converted to 20 credits) and 2 credit Internships according to the Study Program curriculum. We propose that Migrant Care can be used by students for MBKM legal practice internships so that students can focus on internships for 6 full months and can later be converted into 20 credits.” thus the proposal from the Head of the Undergraduate Law Study Program, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D.


“We really hope that students who do internships can focus on their full internship and not study at the same time. We are very happy that UII has a 6-month MBKM model so that students can be responsible for their work during their internship.” said Saudari Trisna Dwi Yuni Aresta dari Migrant Care.

The event was attended by 5 representatives from Migrant Care and from the UII Faculty of Law represented by the Vice Dean for Religious Cooperation and Alumni (Agus Triyanta, S.H., M.H., Ph.D.), Head of the Undergraduate Law Study Program, FH UII (Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, PhD), and Head of Faculty Quality Assurance (Siti Rahma Novikasari, S.H., M.H.). Meanwhile, from Migrant Care, it was attended by Trisna Dwi Yuni Aresta, Raihan, Fadila Nisa F, Arina Wilda F, and Eli Yuliana. After the discussion, souvenirs were exchanged.


[JAKARTA]; On Wednesday, August 21, 2024, a signing ceremony of cooperation was held between the Faculty of Law of the Universitas Islam Indonesia and the Indonesian Ombudsman. Present at the signing ceremony were representatives from the UII Faculty of Law, namely Mr. Drs.Agus Triyanta, S.H., M.A., Ph.D. as the Vice Dean for Cooperation, Religious, and Alumni Affairs, Mr. Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D. as the Head of the Undergraduate Law Study Program, FH UII, and Mrs. Siti Rahma Novikasari, S.H., M.H. as the Head of Quality Assurance of Faculty of Law UII. The UII Faculty of Law delegation was received at the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia, namely Mr. Dr. Johanes Widijantoro, S.H., M.H. as the Ombudsman and Mr. Gunawan Irwin Siallagan as an Associate Expert Policy Analyst.

Taking place at the Indonesian Ombudsman Office in Jakarta, the signing took place solemnly and was continued with a discussion process related to collaboration between the two institutions. “We really hope that it is not only related to internships but can also be expanded with other activities so that it can introduce the duties and work of the Ombudsman to students. This is also part of the Ombudsman’s task to network to build more concrete cooperation. We are very open to opening more opportunities for research and dissemination. Especially for students, I am sure there will be many things or values ​​that can be taken if they do an internship at the Ombudsman. They will see how the existing complaint process can be followed up.” said the speech from Mr. Dr. Johanes Widijantoro, S.H., M.H. as the Member of Leaders of  Ombudsman.

“The current ongoing collaboration with the Ombudsman is the implementation of the MBKM Legal Practice where several of our students in the Undergraduate Law Study Program have carried out an internship for 1 semester at the Ombudsman Representative in Yogyakarta. The MBKM Legal Practice Program at the Study Program has been running since 2020 and students who take part in this program can be converted into 20 credits according to the guidelines set by the Study Program.” said the speech from Mr. Drs. Agus Triyanta, S.H., M.A., Ph.D. as the Deputy Dean for Religious, Cooperation, and Alumni Affairs.

“With other campuses, there is currently a joint research grant program related to the Digitalization of Examination Results. We hope that there will be many collaborations that can also be collaborated with UII,” added Mr. Gunawan Irwin Siallagan as an Associate Expert Policy Analyst.

The event was closed with the submission of the cooperation document and the exchange of souvenirs. While in Jakarta, the Faculty of Law UII delegation will also explore cooperation with several other institutions that can be utilized later for the academic community at Faculty of Law UII.

“The KPU as the Election Organizer must be able to implement the Election fairly and with integrity. Unfortunately, to realize an Election that is fair and with integrity has not been achieved.” (Dewi Iriani’s Dissertation)

[KALIURANG]; Saturday (10/08), at 13.00 WIB, Dewi Iriani’s Public Defense Examination for Doctoral Promotion was held by the Doctoral Study Program in Law with a dissertation entitled “LEGAL POLITICS OF TERM LIMITATION IN KPU COMMISSIONERS FOR REALIZING A FAIR AND INTEGRITY GENERAL ELECTION.”

The public defense examination was held in the Auditorium Room, 4th Floor, FH UII, chaired by the Dean of FH UII, Prof. Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum., with promoter Prof. Dr. Muhammad Fauzan, S.H., M.H., co-promoter Dr. Sri Hastuti Puspitasari, S.H., M.H., with examiners: Prof. Dr. Achmad Sodiki, S.H., who joined online via zoom meeting, Dr. Janedjri M. Gaffar, S.H., M.Si., Prof. Dr. Ni’matul Huda, S.H., M.Hum., Dr. Idul Rishan, S.H., LL.M.

Dewi Iriani raised the issue of the KPU Commissioner term length (5 years) who can be re-elected in the next period without considering the track record of the KPU commissioner. There are at least three problem formulations raised in her dissertation: 1). What is the Position of the Commissioners of the KPU in the State System in Indonesia; 2) What is the Role of the Commissioners of the KPU in Realizing a General Election that is Fair and has Integrity; 3) What is the Direction of the Legal Political Construction of the KPU Term Limitation in Realizing a General Election that is Fair and Has Integrity in the Future.

Dewi Iriani said that the KPU is a state institution that is in the second tier. Although it is in the second tier institution, the KPU RI has an important role in organizing the Election which includes the role of forming the Provincial KPU and Regency/City KPU, preparing the stages of the Election, making regulations, implementing orderly administration, and together with the Provincial KPU and Regency/City KPU carries out elections according to predetermined stages. Structurally, it shows that the Indonesian KPU can decentralize certain authorities, can decentralize certain authorities, and this can be seen in the implementation of Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) where the implementation of Pilkada is carried out by the KPUD in all regional governments, except for the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY).

Furthermore, Dewi Iriani explained that the length of the KPU Commissioner term of office is more than 2 (two) periods or more than 10 (ten) years of office, some even up to 4 (four) periods or 20 (twenty) years of office, without considering the track record of the KPU Commissioner will potentially cause abuse of power by the commissioner. In addition, the length of office of KPU commissioners also raises the potential for violations committed by KPU Commissioners in the form of: administrative violations, criminal violations of the Election, and violations of the code, especially the principles of independence and honesty as regulated in DKPP Decision Number 135-Pke-Dkpp/Xii/2023, DKPP Decision Number 317-PKE-DPP/X/2019, DKPP Decision Number 123-PKE-DKPP/X/2020, Bawaslu Decision No.05/LP/PP.PL/ADM/Prov/04.00/V/2019, Decision Number: 35-PKE-DKPP/II/2023 and DKKP Decision Number 125-PKE-DKPP/IV/2021.

The legal political construction of limiting the term of office of Commissioners to realize elections with fairness and integrity in the future, namely by revising Article 10 point 9 of Law no. 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections which by reconstructing it becomes: “the term of office of a KPU Commissioner is only valid for 5 (five) years and can be re-elected for only 1 (one) term at the same level in the same region, taking into account the track record of the KPU Commissioner.” She said firmly.

During the exam session, the promovenda was able to answer questions well and was able to defend the arguments in her dissertation. Promovenda, Dewi Iriani, S.H., M.H. is now officially the 174th doctoral graduated from the doctoral study program in law study, FH UII. Co Promoter, Dr. Sri Hastuti Puspitasari gave a message that a doctoral degree is indeed something to be proud of, but do not be too proud of because it can give birth to arrogance. The new doctoral degree gives birth to new responsibilities for society, academics, the nation and the state. The supervisory team is proud and grateful for the graduation of Dr. Dewi Iriani, S.H., M.H accompanied by a sense of emotion from Dr. Dewi Iriani, S, H., M.H. reflects a deep sense of gratitude for the process she went through during the preparation of the dissertation.


[KALIURANG]; Saturday (10/08), at 10.00 WIB, the Erfina Fuadatul Khlimi’s Public Defense Examination for Doctoral Promotion was held by the doctoral study program in law (PSHPD) Faculty of Law (FH) Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) with a dissertation entitled “Reconceptualization of Content Material Regarding Interfaith Harmony in the Regional Regulation of East Java Province Number 8 of 2018 Concerning the Implementation of Tolerance in Community Life.”

Erfina Fuadatul Khilmi present that the East Java Provincial Tolerance Regulation was formed as an instrument that is expected to facilitate the provincial government in dialogue and reconciliation to prevent intolerant and discriminatory attitudes towards fundamental issues of East Java society (related to diversity of ethnicity, race, religion, class and socio-economic). However, the use of regional authority in the content of this Tolerance Regulation has caused excessive euphoria of regional autonomy regarding the maintenance of interfaith harmony.

The doctoral candidate continued, that the Article 1 section (5) of the East Java Provincial Tolerance Regulation defines tolerance as a willingness to recognize and respect the civil rights of the Community in accepting differences in religious, cultural, and social diversity as well as special conditions in community, national and state life. The term “special conditions” in the material content of the Regulation is full of the risk of being misunderstood because the benchmark used is the mainstreaming of individual rights as demanded within liberal boundaries, so that it is not limited by the values ​​of civilized tolerance in local community life, especially in East Java Province.

So it is important to reconceptualize the material content regarding religious harmony in the East Java Provincial Tolerance Regulation to realize civilized tolerance. There are at least two formulations of the problem raised by the doctoral candidate, namely: Why is the material content of the East Java Provincial Regulation Number 8 of 2018 concerning the Implementation of Tolerance in Community Life regarding the protection of religious harmony not in accordance with the laws and regulations above it; How is the reconceptualization of the content of religious harmony in the Regional Regulation of East Java Province Number 8 of 2018 concerning the Implementation of Tolerance in Community Life based on Pancasila.


The Public Defense Examination of Doctoral Promotion Dissertation on behalf of Erfina Fuadatul Khilmi was held in the Auditorium Room, 4th Floor, FH UII, chaired by the Dean of FH UII, Prof. Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum., with promoter Prof. Dr. Ni’matul Huda, S.H., M.Hum., co-promoter Dr. Drs. Rohidin, S.H., M.Ag.., with examiners: Prof. Dr. Drs. H. Makhrus, S.H., M.Hum., Dr. Janedjri M. Gaffar, S.H., M.Si., Dr. Drs. Muntoha, S.H., M.Ag., Dr. Sri Hastuti Puspitasari, S.H., M.H. During the exam session, the doctoral candidate was able to answer questions well and was able to defend the arguments in her dissertation. Dr. Erfina Fuadatul Khilmi, S.H., M.H. officially holds the 173rd doctoral degree who graduated from the doctoral study program in law, FH UII. The promoter, Prof. Dr. Ni’matul Huda S.H., M.Hum prayed that the new degree obtained would be a blessing for Dr. Erfina Fuadataul Khilmi, S.H., M.H. and prayed that she would be able to obtain a professors after this.

[KALIURANG]; On Monday, 05 August 2024, the Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) again demonstrated its commitment to supporting student mobility through holding a Student Release Event and a Pre-Departure Program. This program is intended for students who are selected to take part in the UII-Coventry University Joint Degree program, CTP UII-IIUM, and IISMA Co-Founding 2024. The names of these students are, Meeran Hameed (20410902) and Muhammad Davin Wicaksono (21410478) are students participating in Joint Degree-Top-up Degree/Coventry University, UK. Belvani Melitaviana (22410591) IISMA Co-Funding at University of Pécs, Hungary. Allysa Zahra Safira (21410054) IISMA Co-Funding at Korea University, South Korea. Furthermore, Ridlo Ifran Addiasar (22410090), Jihan Sri Hardiman (21410061), and Muhammad Rafi Fadhilah (22410586), are students of the CTP-Credit Transfer Program IIUM, Malaysia.

Previously, this preparation for departure program (PDP) activity lasted for 2 days, which was held on Thursday-Friday, 1-2 August 2024. This activity aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed while studying abroad. The material presented covers various aspects, starting from material (1) UII Commitment by Prof. Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum., (2) Preparation for Departure (Non-Academic) and Explanation of the Joint Degree System and Credit Transfer Program, by Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, SH, MH, LL.M, Ph.D. (3) Academic Commitment While Studying Abroad, by Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, SH., MH, LL.M., Ph.D., and Dr. Aroma Elmina Martha, S.H., M.H. (4) Strengthening Worship and Morals during Study Abroad, by Bagya Agung Prabowo, SH., M.Hum, Ph.D. (5) Sharing Session on Studying Abroad Experiences, by Muhammad Rifqi Abiyyu and Maheswari Laksita Sari. (6) Psychological Readiness of Participants in the Joint Degree Program and Transfer Credit Program, by Dr.rer.nat. Dian Sari Utami, S.Psi., M.A. Apart from that, participants also have the opportunity to interact with alumni who have completed similar programs, so they can obtain more comprehensive information.

Next, the student release event will be held on Monday, August 5, 2024, at the Mini Auditorium, 4 floor, Faculty of Law UII. At this release event, health kits and mementos were given, as well as a settlement allowance scholarship from the Undergraduate Study Program in Law and the Koran, by the Dean of the Faculty of Law UII, Prof. Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum. This event was attended by several leaders from both UII and the Faculty of Law UII, namely: Representative from the Islamic University of Indonesia, Nihlah Ilhami, S.Pd., as representative from KUI UII, Prof. Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum, as Dean of Faculty of Law UII, Dr. Sri Hastuti Puspitasari, S.H., M.H., as Vice Dean for Resources Management, and Drs. Agus Triyanta, M.A., M.H., Ph.D., as Vice Dean for Religious, Student, and Alumni Affairs. Head of the Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Secretary of the Undergraduate Study Program in Law, International and Regular Programs, and Secretary of the Undergraduate Study Program in Business Law. All Faculty of Law Unit and Division Officials, students participating in the program, and also parents/guardians of students participating in the program.

In his speech, the Head of Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Dodik Setiawan NH, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D., explained that “some time ago we held socialization and selection so that the children who attended today  have gone through a series of selections carried out by the Undergraduate Study Program in Law, starting from a special socialization program for program transfer credits to the Ahmad Ibrahim Lecture of Laws at the International Islamic University of Malaysia. Then there is also socialization and mentoring for students who will go to get grants through IISMA, including specifically for mentoring and also socialization to take part in the Joint Degree Program at Coventry University for approximately 1 year to study in the UK. The socialization went well, we collaborated with our international partners, and thank God, approximately 8 students participated in the outbound mobility program for the odd semester 2024-2025. Participants in the Transfer Credit Program at Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM, include students named Ridlo Ifran Addiasar, Jihan Sri Hardiman, and Muhammad Rafi Fadhilah. Then the Transfer Credit Participants (IISMA Co-Funding) to Hungary and South Korea were Belvani Melitaviana at the University of Pécs, Hungary and Allysa Zahra Safira at Korea University, South Korea. “Continued by the Joint Degree Program Participants at Coventry University, UK, there were Meeran Hameed and Muhammad Davin Wicaksono.”

“The 2024 International Mobility Student Release Activity is a series of international mobility activities organized by the Undergraduate Study Program in Law. Starting from the selection stage, then passing the selection, then being given debriefing until the release, and of course, the students who have been selected to take part in this program will leave to carry out this activity as well as possible, and hopefully they will be successful and at the same time be able to return to Indonesia well and safely . The international mobility program is actually part of a program organized by the Undergraduate Study Program in Law as an inseparable part of the Merdeka campus program,” said part of the speech by the Dean of Faculty of Law UII, Prof. Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum.

The Faculty of Law hopes that this program can be a useful provision for students to achieve success while studying abroad. With adequate provisions, it is hoped that students can make the Faculty of Law UII proud on the international stage.


[KALIURANG]; On 15 July 2024, a delegation from the Law Faculty at the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) based in Yogykarta, visited the Faculty of Law at Dicle University in Turkey. The delegation was led by the Dean of UII Faculty of Law, Professor Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H.M.Hum.  Other members of the UII delegation included: the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Religious Affairs and Alumni of the UII Faculty of Law Dr. Agus Triyanta, M.H., M.A., Ph.D, Head of the Notary Study Program Master, Dr. Nurjihad, S.H., M.H and Postgraduate Learning Coordinator Dr. Idul Rishan, S.H., LL.M.

The delegation collaborated on key international partnership plans:

  1. finalising the implementation of the double degree program for the Law Master’s Program;
  2. preparing for the 1st Postgraduate International Conference on Law, Technology and Society;
  3. discussing options for credit transfers or double degree partnerships for the Master’s Program of Notary Studies; and
  4. seeking potential opportunities for research and publication collaboration.

According to the Dean, Professor Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum,  this visit was the second time a UII delegation had visited Dicle University to collaborate on degree partnerships and other tertiary programs. This shows UII Law Faculty’s commitment to establishing a strong partnership with the Law Faculty of Dicle University, Turkey.

UII received a warm welcome from the Chancellor of Dicle University Turkey, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Korkoc and his team from the International Affairs Office and Law Faculty of Dicle University, Turkey.

[KALIURANG]; On Tuesday, July 9, 2024, Faculty of Law (FH) at Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) hosted a General Lecture featuring human rights activist and expert, Nursyahbani Katjasungkana. As the co-founder of the Indonesian Women’s Association for Justice (APIK), Nursyahbani took time from her busy schedule in the Netherlands to deliver a virtual lecture via Zoom to the Undergraduate Study Program in Law students at UII.

The lecture, themed “Protection of Women within the Framework of Critical Legal Studies (CLS) and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW),” began with remarks from the Head of the Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Faculty of Law, UII, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D. In his speech, Dodik stated, “This program is excellent, and we hope that Mrs. Nursyahbani Katjasungkana can provide in-depth insights, especially on issues related to women’s rights, which are still rarely discussed in Indonesia. We hope that the Faculty of Law at UII can be a pioneer in expanding and deepening knowledge related to women’s rights.”

Over 60 students and several faculty members from UII attended the event. This lecture is part of the General Lecture Series at the Undergraduate Law Program at FH UII, which aims to enrich students’ knowledge through insights from external experts.

During the lecture, Nursyahbani explained that women’s rights are governed by the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). This convention provides detailed guidelines on how women’s rights should be granted, from processes to domestic regulations in all countries, advocating for affirmative actions concerning women’s rights. “In Indonesia, we have started to incorporate these rights into domestic legislation. However, women’s rights should not only be formalistic but should also be applicable and provide equality across all sectors of the nation,” she explained.

Nursyahbani’s lecture provided valuable insights into protecting and promoting women’s rights and highlighted the importance of practical applications in achieving gender equality.


[KALIURANG]; Friday, July 12, 2024 —The Faculty of Law at Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) once again hosted a Guest Lecture on “Constitutional Law in Malaysia,” presented by Dr. Zaid Mohamad from the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). The event took place at the Mini Auditorium on the 4th Floor of the Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Faculty of Law UII, from 08:45 to 11:30 WIB.

Dr. Zaid Mohamad delivered various intriguing topics related to Malaysian constitutional law. This guest lecture aimed to provide deeper insights to the students and faculty of the UII Faculty of Law regarding the legal system in Malaysia.

Several UII Faculty of Law lecturers attended the lecture, including Rahadian Diffaul Barraq Suwartono, S.H., M.H., Drs. Agus Triyanta, M.A., M.H., Ph.D., who is the Vice Dean for Religious Affairs, Student Affairs, and Alumni of the UII Faculty of Law, Dr. Aroma Elmina Martha, S.H., M.H., who is the Secretary of the International Program in Law, Faculty of Law, UII, and Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D., who is the Head of the Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Faculty of Law, UII.


Around 60 enthusiastic students from various study programs within the UII Faculty of Law attended the event. They eagerly deepened their knowledge of Malaysian constitutional law. During the Q&A session, students actively asked Dr. Zaid questions, showing interest in the discussed topics.

In his opening remarks, Dr. Agus Triyanta, M.A., M.H., Ph.D., expressed his gratitude to Dr. Zaid Mohamad for his willingness to share his knowledge with the students and faculty at UII. He also hoped that the cooperation between UII and IIUM would continue to grow stronger in the future.

The Head of the Head of the Undergraduate Study Program in Law also expressed his gratitude for the running of the event. “With this event, it is hoped that students can gain new insights and a broader perspective in their legal studies. This guest lecture also serves as a platform to strengthen academic relations between UII and IIUM, providing great benefits for the development of legal knowledge in both institutions,” as stated by Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D., after the event.

Through activities like this, UII remains committed to providing high-quality legal education relevant to current developments and to strengthening its international network for mutual progress.


[KALIURANG]; On Wednesday, July 10th, the Undergraduate Study Program in Law (PSHPS) Faculty of Law (FH), Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), organized the Collaborative Offline International Learning (COIL 2024) in collaboration with the Department of Al-Quran and Al-Hadith, Academy of Islamic Studies, Universiti Malaya.

This event featured active participation from students of both institutions, with the theme “Spreading the Mission of Islam Rahmatan Lil ‘Alamin from UII to the World.” The delegation from the Department of Al-Quran and Al-Hadith, Academy of Islamic Studies, Universiti Malaya, included 24 members, accompanied by Senior Lecturer Dr. Mohamad Khalid Bin Bahrudin.

“The program is exceptional and one of the flagship initiatives at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia. Students gain comparative insights, especially regarding the conceptual and implementation aspects of Islam Rahmatan Lil ‘Alamin in Malaysia and Indonesia. It is hoped that students will gain a deep understanding of defining Islam Rahmatan Lil ‘Alamin through various approaches,” stated Prof. Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum., Dean of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia.

Key speakers included Dr. Drs. Yusdani, M.Ag., Director of the Center for Siyasah and Community Empowerment Studies (PS2PM) Yogyakarta, who spoke on “Articulating Islam Rahmatan lil ‘Alamin for Z Generation,” Drs. Agus Triyanta, M.A., M.H., Ph.D., Vice Dean for Religion, Student Affairs, and Alumni Faculty of Law UII, who discussed “The Prophetic Law Approach,” and Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D., Head of the Undergraduate Study Program in Law Faculty of Law UII UII, who presented “Between Islamic Law and Positive Law in USPIL Faculty of Law UII.” The session was moderated by Dr. Aroma Elmina Martha, S.H., M.H., Secretary of the International Study Program in Law Faculty of Law UII.

The event attracted over 130 students, including those from the International Program Faculty of Law UII and students from Malaysia. “We hope that through this program, Universiti Malaya students not only learn but also enjoy the learning facilities at the Faculty of Law UII. This will help expand their networks and connections with the Speaker Lecturers and fellow students attending the general lecture. This general lecture is just the beginning, paving the way for future activities supporting COIL,” said Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D., Head of the Undergraduate Study Program in Law Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia.

The event commenced with welcoming remarks from representatives of UII and UM, followed by a traditional Acehnese saman dance performed by Xaviera from UII students. The activities concluded with an environmental conservation effort, where participants picked up trash around the slopes of Mount Merapi using Jeeps. Students expressed great enthusiasm, joy, and pride in visiting the Faculty of Law UII and participating in the COIL 2024 activities.