(Yogyakarta) Manga Arumanis is widely known as a quality mango because it has a sweet taste. Including Manga Arumanis in Pemalang Regency. Manga Arumanis Pemalang has certain prestige and characteristics caused by natural factors and human factors. In fact the marketing of Manga Arumanis Pemalang is not only domestic, but has penetrated foreign markets
Logo Geographical Indication of Manga Arumanis Pemalang
The awareness of Pemalang society regarding the potential of Mango Arumanis Pemalang is become the basis for providing legal protection for their unique products. This legal protection is primarily to avoid unfair business competition, but also to increase income which will have an impact on the welfare of the community. So that the group of farmers and manga collectors who are members of the Society for the Protection of Geographical Indications of Manga Arumanis Pemalang requested registration of geographical indications under the name Manga Arumanis Pemalang with the accompaniment IPR Consultant Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, SH., M.Hum from the Central of Intellectual Property Rights, Law, Technology and Business, Faculty of Law UII. The process of accompaniment is mainly draw up the requirement book then it will become a indicator guide for the Manga Arumanis Pemalang. Manga Arumanis that do not comply with the requirements book will not receive geographic indication protection. Then the application by PHKIHTB is submitted to the Directorate General of Intellectual Property.
Geographical Indication Area of Mangs Arumanis Pemalang
The location of the distribution of Manga Arumanis in Pemalang is located in the Taman, Pemalang and Petarukan Districts, Pemalang Regency. The Manga Arumanis Pemalang is an manga arumanis with types of krone 21 and 143 which is physically characterized by a smooth, thick flesh texture and flesh color that close to the seeds is dark orange. .
In the manner of the increasing legal awareness of the community regarding geographical indications, PHKIHTB is determined to continue to provide services and assistance for the welfare of the community. (Putri Yan Dwi Akasih)