Dear KNB Scholarships enthusiasts,
Kemitraan Negara Berkembang, popular as KNB Scholarship, is a prestigious scholarship program offered by the government of the Republic of Indonesia to selected applicants from developing countries. This scholarship is managed by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Republic of Indonesia.

Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), as one of the KNB Scholarship partner universities, offers 8 (eight) Master Degree programs and 2 (two) Doctoral Degree Programs in 2023. Please access more information about the KNB at UII on the UII website with the link at

Apply NOW at

#FineYourFuture at UII, start your journey, and we are excited to meet you in Yogyakarta.

Best Regards,

Professional development for researchers

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Join Indonesia Researcher Connect workshops hosted by British Council Indonesia on 27 Feb – 9 Mar 2023


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Now studying in Australia is no longer just a dream, but something that can be realized. Still confused about where to start or don’t have the exact info?

Don’t worry! Cilacs UII will hold Info Session: Studying at The University of Sydney and Sharing Session from LPDP Instrumental

On Thursday, January 12th, 2023 at 2 p.m.

Via Zoom

So, what are you waiting for?

Sign up for free

Source : Instagram Cilacs UII (@cilacsuii)

On Friday, December 9, 2022 Located in Batam Faculty of Law UII Delegation includes the Dean, Head of Undergraduate Study Program In Law and Secretary of International Undergraduate Program in Law visit for benchmarking to International Undergraduate Study Programs. This visit was carried out within the framework of benchmarking related to the management and participation of international activities in the Law Science Program in the Law Faculty of Universitas Internasional Batam. Faculty of Law UII was welcomed by the Dean of Faculty of Law Universitas Internasional Batam, Dr. Lu Sudirman, S.H., M.M., M.Hum. and the Head of Study Program and along with the Chairperson of the Universitas Internasional Batam Affairs Office.

The Head of the Undergraduate Study Program In Law, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D, stated that “We have an International Program which was initiated in 1998 and began to realize and open an International Program in 2000. This international program has become a forum for international students to study both the Full Degree Program and the Part Time Student Program. In addition there are many internationalization activities that we have carried out such as; Bridging Programs, International Students Collotium, International Conferences, and student participation in Internship Programs abroad, as well as international law competitions. So that on this visit we really hope to get a lot of things including information on how the Undergraduate Study Program, Faculty of Law, Universitas Internasional Batam carries out internationalization activities considering that one of the slogan is “be International with us”, so there is an international word that we want to learn a lot”

Dr. Lu Sudirman, S.H., M.M., M.Hum. as the Dean of the Faculty of Law at Universitas Internasional Batam said that “Our Undergraduate Program still accepts approximately 150 students so that the Faculty structure is still very simple and the Internationalization Program is still centralized in management, some are managed directly by the Office of International Affairs, especially in the implementation of Collaborative Online International Learning which is a forum for foreign students to take part in the Credit Transfer Program which is a conversion into several credits in courses. Then the second agenda is the Joint Degree Program in which students can take part in these international activities abroad and get a Credit Transfer or degree when they have graduated.

The results of the visit were carried out with discussions until noon and continued with the introduction of some of the facilities provided to students, namely; Mandarin Language Center, library and several other places.

On Thursday, 8 December 2022 at the Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia, the International Program successfully held a Public Lecture “Law and Finance to Entrepreneurship”, presenting a resource person from a practitioner named Masvincent Putra Ardjendra, B.Sc., LL.M as Main Director of Unimas Group Surabaya . The resource person gave a presentation directly in front of about 80 students who took Sharia Entrepreneurship and Transnational Company Law courses.

This Public Lecture was organized by the Undergreduate Study Program In Law, Faculty of Law UII in order to provide practical knowledge to students to find out how to establish an SVC company or establish a shopping center in the form of a limited liability company.

The Head of the Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D, in his remarks said that “At this time there are so many legal challenges in Indonesia in setting up a company that when entrepreneurs or anyone who want to establish a company must stick to the basics of law or regulations – legal regulations in the establishment of the company. So the lecture by presenting a direct practitioner who is the Main Director of Unimas Group, we hope students can understand exactly how to set up a company, especially in setting up a Mall or retail industry in Indonesia without worrying about funding schemes. There are many corporate models that can be adopted. I think that by presenting Masvincent Putra Ardjendra, B.Sc., LL.M, we hope students can understand this practical knowledge.”

Masvincent Putra Ardjendra, B.Sc., LL.M as a guest speaker explained that “Basically, actual Sharia-based funding has started to apply a lot in company establishments, especially in establishing companies such as Special Vehicle Companies (SVC) which can be established to provide options funding that is not far from sharia funding schemes (away from gharar and riba’) and today we hope students can learn that.”

IIT Indore has introduced UG/PG Students’ Semester Exchange Fellowship Program in which international UG students (7th and 8th semester) and international PG students (3rd and 4th Semester) can work or study in our institution for a semester. Under this scheme the institute will sponsor 05 fellowships to the international UG and PG students. Students are required to contact the Professor at IIT Indore or department and submit an acceptance letter at the time of application. Kindly visit International Relations website for further details:

The main objective of this program is solely to provide excellent opportunities for IIT Indore students to obtain exposure to high-quality research and teaching at our institute. We encourage your students all to please take advantage of this program.

Number of Fellowships: 05

Financial Support shall be as follows:
Tuition fee for the exchange semester will be waived off by IIT Indore for the partner institutions. For non-partner institutions, the Tuition fees will be charged at par with the institute norms.

IIT Indore shall consider waiving the Tuition fee of the exchange semester for the students of the institutions facilitating the same to the IIT Indore exchange students

Students are liable to pay all the costs for their travel, visa, insurance, and other related to their living expenses during their stay at IIT Indore for the semester exchange

Selection procedure:
Home institution will select and nominate the students to IR, IIT Indore. IIT Indore will examine the applications by seeking recommendations from the respective departments and confirming the selected applicants.

Application Procedure:
● Submit application duly recommended by the Head of the Department
● Curriculum Vitae
● Motivation Letter
● Academic Transcripts (issued by the host institution)
● B1 level English certificate

Kindly submit applications latest by December 15, 2022

Dear Distinguished Partners,
Greetings from Dong Nai Technology University (DNTU), Vietnam.

Call for Papers and Invitation to Participate in The 1st Conference on Sustainability & Emerging Technologies – CSET 2023.

With all due respect, we are pleased and honoured to invite you to our upcoming conference ‘The 1st Conference on Sustainability & Emerging Technologies – CSET 2023’ to be held hybrid (online and offline) during 31st March 2023 by Dong Nai Technology University (DNTU) – Vietnam and HUTECH University. The INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE is to provide a premier interdisciplinary forum to share knowledge and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and sustainable development.


Section 1: Green technology and sustainable solutions
– Green Technology
– Renewable Energy
– Energy Efficiency and Storage
– Advanced Materials
– Water and Wastewater Technology
– Air Pollution
– Hydrology and Water Resources

Section 2: Sustainability Communications
– Communication System
– Marine Engineering
– Mechanical Engineering
– Automotive Engineering

Section 3: Smart technology for Sustainability Development
– Analytical and Numerical Method
– Big Data and Internet of Things
– Computational Modelling and Simulation

This hybrid conference will offer presentations on a wide range of topics to facilitate the interdisciplinary exchange of ideas in engineering and technology areas, and foster various types of academic collaborations. Keynote speakers from prestigious universities in Taiwan, Thailand, India, Malaysia and Vietnam will attend the conference, including:

– Prof. Sheng-Jie You – Department of Environmental Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan
– Prof. Ya-Fen Wang – Department of Environmental Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan
– Assoc. Prof. Saravanan Pichiah – Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad
– Assoc. Prof. Collin G. Joseph – Faculty of Science & Natural Resources, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
– Assoc. Prof. Thai Van Nam – HUTECH Institute of Applied Sciences, HUTECH University
– Assoc. Prof. Tantirungrotechai Jonggol – Faculty of Sciences, Mahidol University, Thailand

– Deadline for abstract submission: February 10, 2023
– Notification of abstract acceptance: February 15, 2023
– Deadline for Proceedings manuscript submission: February 28, 2023
– Notification of Proceedings manuscript acceptance: March 21, 2023
– Deadline for registration: March 31, 2023
– Conference fee: The CEST2023 free all fees for participants and representer.

All reports will be peer-reviewed and published on a proceeding with an ISBN standard.

Please kindly find the Registration information at:

We hope that you will join this symposium to exchange ideas, communicate fruitful collaborations, and make this conference a success.
Thank you.

For more information on CSET 2023, please contact us:

Dr. Nguyen Thanh Luan
Deputy head of Department of Science and Technology, HUTECH University, Vietnam

Address: B02.01, Saigon Campus, 475A Dien Bien Phu Street, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Email: [email protected]
Mobile phone: +84-868864720

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

The International Program, Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) will present:

lnternational Student Colloquium with the topic of “Best Practices in Combating Transnational Crimes: Comparative Studies in Indonesia, the United Kingdom, the United States, and South Korea”.

We invite you Mr/Mrs/Brother/sister to join us on :

📆 Day/Date : Tuesday, December 13th, 2022
🕰️ Time : 13:00 PM – 17.00 PM (Indonesian Western Time)
Event type: Hybrid
Place : Audiovisual Room, 4th Floor, Faculty of Law UII, Integrated Campus of UII, Jalan Kaliurang KM. 14.5 Yogyakarta 55584

🗣️ Speaker :

Keynote Speaker
Assoc. Prof. Hanafi Amrani, S.H., M.H., L.LM., Ph.D.
Head of Cluster of Criminal Law

1st Speaker : Dr. Andrea Preziosi (Aston Law School, the United Kingdom)
Topic : Confiscation of the Proceeds of Crime after Conviction in the United Kingdom

2nd Speaker : Christopher Michael Cason, JD. , J.D., LL.B., LL.M. (UII)
Topic : Countering Transnational Corruption in the United States

3th Speaker : Prof. Jihyun Park. (Youngsan University)
Topic : Skyrocketing Cyber Crimes and Challenges of South Korean Cyber Law

4th Speaker : Ari Wibowo, SHI, SH, MH (UII)
Topic : Confistication of Corruption Assets in Indonesia: Domestic and International Challenges

Moderator : Ayu Izza Elvany, S.H., M.H.

The main webinar of International Student Colloquium is open for public (lecturers and students) from Faculty of Law UII and outside. Law students from any universities may participate in the International Students Colloqiuoum’s Call for Paper.

Submission of Abstract : 10 December 2022
(and Participants Registration Deadline)
Presentation : 13 December 2022 (15.15 – 16.30)
Paper Submission : 25 January 2023
Announcement of Publication: 10 February 2023
Announcement of Best Paper : 10 February 2022

The selected papers will be presented at the International Student’s Colloquium and be given several awards, namely: 1st Best Paper, 2nd Best Paper, and 3rd Best Paper.

For presentation: 1st Best Presenter, 2nd Best Presenter, and 3rd Best Presenter.

For Participant: 1st Best Participant and 2nd Best Participant.

lnternational Student Colloquium must fill out the form on the registration link first:

Guidebook for Author
Please download the abstract template and proceeding template via this link:

Registration and Abstract Submission

Contact Person :
081390129026 (Abil Hudzaifi)

Opportunity doesn’t come twice, register soon

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh



Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Faculty of Law UII present the Guest Lecture Program “Law of Criminal Procedure in Malaysia
We invite you to join us on :

📆 Day/Date : Saturday, October 22, 2022
🕰️ Time : 08.45-12.00 WIB
🏢 Room: Erasmus Room (3rd Floor)

🗣️ Speaker – Lecturer :
Mr. Mohd. Iqbal Abdul Wahab, LL.B., LL.M., Ph.D.
International Islamic University Malaysia

For those of you who are interested in joining this program please fill out the gform below:

Contact Person: 089506351728

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh


The U.S. Mission in Jakarta is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for the positions of Administrative Clerk, Political Specialist, Warehouse Worker and Engineering Technician with qualification as follow:

Administrative Clerk
Location: Jakarta
Salary: IDR 113.432.083
Appointment Type: Permanent
Closing Date: October 21, 2022

Political Specialist
Location: Jakarta
Salary: IDR 341.508.924
Appointment Type: Permanent
Closing Date: October 21, 2022

Warehouse Worker (Forklift Operator)
Location: Jakarta
Salary: IDR 64.683.709
Appointment Type: Permanent
Closing Date: October 21, 2022

Engineering Technician (Building Automated Systems)
Location: Jakarta
Salary: IDR 249.131.201
Appointment Type: Permanent
Closing Date: November 11, 2022

More Information: