Expected Learning Outcome

The expected learning outcome of the Study Programme are:

  1. Attitude
    a) Being able to show inclusive worldview and being respective toward humanism engaging global society yet expressing their own identity of Islam and Indonesia
    b) Being able to perform independently, obedient to law, moral, ethic, and discipline in social sphere
  2. Mastery of Knowledge
    a) Being able to express principle of integration of Islamic knowledge within his / her field and resolve complicated legal problems through interdisciplinary approach
    b) Mastering and developing principles, theories, doctrines, legal norms in order to solve contemporary legal problems.
  3. Special Skills
    a) Being able to identify, analize, and resolve legal problems in various areas, utilizing relevant theories and legal reasoning methods
    b) Being able to logically, critically, and argumentatively formulate ideas in positive law and Islamic law
  4. General Skills
    a) Being able to lead with a contributive exemplification for society in his / her working environment
    b) Being able to utilize legal analysis in resolving problem in society or industries related to his/her expertise by optimizing interdisciplinary research