Bangkok International Student Conference 2019 (BISC 2019) is an annual routine activity held by the BIR Program where the BIR program is a Bachelor of Political Science Program in Politics and International Relations (English Program) which aims to give priority to high-quality education comparable to international standards. Bangkok International Student Conference 2019 is also one of the activities to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Faculty Political of Science Thammasat University.

Bangkok International Student Conference 2019 takes the theme of Democracy. This is based on a growing issue in Thailand regarding whether Thailand will have its own democracy through a general election process which is currently being warmed up because many parties want it to be realized. Bangkok International Student Conference 2019 took the theme “Redefining Democracy: The New Battleground?”. Bangkok International Student Conference 2019 has been successfully held on January 21-22, 2019. Pradana Satya Aji Kusuma is one of the delegates at the Bangkok International Student Conference 2019. The selection process from Bangkok International Student Conference 2019 is through paper writing selection. After passing the paper selection, the participants who passed immediately became delegates. However, in BISC 2019 there are 4 Conference panels which include Social Media Influences on Electoral Campaign, Voter Education: Stakes over the First Time Voters, Democracy and Economic Development, and Democracy and Populism. Of the four panels, each panel has only 3-4 speakers. Determination of who will be the speaker will be selected by lecturers from the organizing committee based on the paper that passed the delegation selection.

Pradana Satya Aji Kusuma was successfully selected as the speaker in panel 4 entitled Social Media Influences on Electoral Campaign. In the panel Pradana Satya Aji Kusuma talked about the influence of social media on the 2019 election campaign in Indonesia. In the panel there are 2 lecturers as commentators namely Dr. Peera Charoenvattananukul and Dr. Wasin Punthong. Both are lecturers at the Political of science Faculty, Thammasat University. This BISC 2019 has 2 main activities namely the International Conference and Public Forum entitled “Youth Engagement in Politics”. The two events were attended by almost all Asian students and several African countries. However, in the Public Forum, the speakers were from the elite of political parties in Thailand.

Academician Asst.Professor Jittipat Poonkham gave award certificates to delegates who were successfully selected as speakers of the four panels in the International Conference and held a closing ceremony on January 22, 2019. Bangkok International Student Conference 2019 was very extraordinary. As students, we can learn and exchange knowledge about the democracy system and what problems are being faced by their respective countries. In addition, it also trains soft skills from students to be able to make international-standard papers and also to test the ability of participants to speak publicly in international scale competitions. Bangkok International Student Conference left wonderful memories especially for the delegates. The author hopes that events like this will continue to be routinely held every year to produce quality and useful young people for the nation and the State.

Starting 22 January 2019, students at the Undergraduate Study Program of Law have an opportunity to do their internship program at the Indonesian Commission for the Supervision of Bussiness Competition. The Commission and the Faculty of Law UII signed the mutual agreement to support the four main university activities in connection with the role of the Commission in Indonesia. “We have a good relationship so far. We sent our lecturers to the expert staff for the Commission. But we want to do more especially the need of a legal framework to support our student to do an internship program at the Commission.” said the Dean.

On 22 January 2019, the internship program has been started for our four students. They are Dewi Anggraini (Fourth Year Student), Aditya Krisdamara (Fourth Year Student), Caroline Zahira Lathifa (Third Year Student), and Fadhiel Naufaldi (Third Year Student). “They will do the internship for a month. Hopefully, they could gather all the experience during intern at our office” said Ratmawan, staff member of the Commission during the welcoming of our students.

“So far, we do have sufficient numbers of agreements with the external institutions to support the internship program. We do hope that students are able to have freedom to choose and to get more experience during study at the Faculty of Law UII” said Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, SH, MH, LLM, PhD, the students supervisor of the internship program.

Author: Dr. Idul Rishan, S.H., LL.M

Lecturer in Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Departement of Constitutional Law

KABAR mengejutkan datang dari lstana Negara. Melalui kuasa hukum ilm pemenangan JKW-MA’ Yusril lhza Mahendra menyatakan bahwa Presiden telah menyetu.iui pembebasan Abu Bakar Baasyir Pada tahun 2011 lalu, Puhrsan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selalan menjatuhkan vonis bagi Baasyir selama 15 tahun penjara. Pria sepuh ini dinyatakan terbukti merencanakan dan menggalang dana untuk pelatihan kelompok teroris di Provinsi Aceh. Melalui Yusril dikabarkan, pembebasan Baasyir dilandaskan atas pertimbangan kemanusiaan. Alasan usia yang sudah cukup tua di tambah dengan riwayat medis, akan menjadi dasar utama bagi Presiden Jokowi untuk mengambil dan menetapkan kebijakan. Bahkan tak tanggung-tanggung, menurut Yusril pembebasan Baasyir akan direalisasikan dalam beberapa pekan ke depan tanpa embal-embel syarat. Kehendak politik ini kemudian berubah menjadi eJek bola salju snowbaball effect. Bagi kubu lawdn, langkah petaliana disinyalir erat hubungannya dengan kepentingan politik. Apalagi ada anash yang berkembang bahwa, petahana mulai menyisir dan merangkul simpatisandari kelompok puritan. Untuk mengakhiri petdebatan itu, sekiranya cukup penting untuk mendudukkan persoalan guna memahami kuasa Presiden dalam mengambil kebijakan terhadap seorarE narapidana.

Dalam wilayah peraturan perundang-undangan, pada dasarnya tidak dikenal istilah ‘pembebasan tanpa syarat’ bagi seorang narapidana. Dalam hukum positif di lndonesia, UU Pemasyarakatan hanya mengenal istilah’pembebasan bersyarat’. Pembebasan ini dilakukan manakala seorang ‘pesakitan’ telah menjalani masa pidana paling singkat 2/3 (dua per tiga) masa hukuman.
Dengan ketentuan2/3 (dua per tiga) masa pidana tersebut paling sedikit I (sembilan) bulan.

Melihat ketentuan norma tersebut, tanpa kebijakan Presiden, secara matematis Baasyir dengan sendirinya telah memenuhi kriteria untuk bebas bersyarat sejak Desember 2018. Opsi ini bisa dipenuhi manakala Baasyir menyanggupi untuk menyatakan ikrar secara tertulis untuk setja pada NKRI dan berjanji tidak akan melakukan tildak pidana terorisme. Menjadi pertanyaan kemudian ialah, apakah Presiden mempunyai kewenangan mutlak untuk membebaskan Baasyir tanpa syarat? Jawabannya tentu tidak!!

Dalam konteks pembebasan Baasyir, UUD telah melimiiasi ruang gerak Presiden hanya dalam dua bentuk opsi. Pertama melalui grasi yang diberikan berupa perubahan nganan, pengurangan, atau penghapusan pelaksanaan pidana kepada terpidana yang diberikan oleh Presiden. Kedua, melalui amnesti yang diberikan berupa pengampunan hukuman yang diberikan Presiden kepada seseorang atau sekelompok orang yang telah melakukan tindak pidana tertentu. (Francesca Lessa, &LeighA. Payne, Annesly in tle Age of Human Rights Ac:countability: Compantive and lnternational Pespectives: Cambridge,2012)

Pada opsi pertarna, grasi dapat diberikan ketika Baasyir atau melalui kuasa hukumnya secara khusus mengajukan permohonan terlebih dahulu kepada Presiden. Permohonan kemudian akan diperlimbangkan Presiden setelah berkonsultasi dengan Mahkamah Agung. Pada opsi kedua sedikit berbeda. Baasyir dan kuasa hukumnya tjdak pedu melakukan permohonan kepada Presiden. Amnesti bisa diberikan atas pertimbangan Presiden setelah teriebih dahulu berkonsultasi dengan Oewan PeMakihn Rakyat.

Namun patut diingat, opsi ini cenderung jauh lebih beral. Minimnya regulasi dalam menakar kriteria pemberian amnesti menjadi tantar€an terbesar dalam opsi ini. Apalagi, preseden mencatat bahwa pemberian amnesti hanya pernah dilakukan pada pelaku kejahatan politik ketika negara berada pada fase transisi.

Terlepas dari beberapa bentangan empirik di atas, perlu dipahami bahwa masing-maisng opsi tersebut tidak mendudukan Presiden sebagai otoritas tunggal dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan.

Kita semua tahu, pasca reformasi Presiden tidak lagi diberikan ruang yang cukup longgardalam pemberian grasi dan amnesti. Masing-masing opsi tersebut diatur dengan prinsip pembahsan kekuasaan yang cukup ketat. Presiden wajib berkonsultasi dan mendengarkan pertimbangan MA maupun DPR dalam melaksanakan perannya sebagai kepala negara dan kepala pemerintahan. Soal pilihan kebijakan apa yang hendak ditempuh, itu menjadi wilayah kekuasaan presiden.

Tetapi paling tidak, Presiden perlu cermat dalam memilah opsi-opsi yang tersedia. Di satu sisi Presiden dihadapkan pada soal kemanusiaan. Namun disis lain dituntut untuk memiliki komitmen yang kual dalam pencegahan dan penanggulangan terorisme.


This article have been published in Analisis KR of Kedaulatan Rakyat, 23 January 2019.

Rector of the Indonesian Islamic University (UII), Fathul Wahid, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. graduating 735 doctoral, master, bachelor and diploma graduates, at the UII graduation period III 2018/2019, at the Auditorium Prof. Dr. Abdulkahar Mudzakir, UII Integrated Campus, Saturday (1/26). Consisting of 13 experts madia, 674 scholars, 47 masters, and 1 doctorate. Until now, UII has graduated more than 95,571 alumni.

The highest GPA at the master level was achieved by Toni Hartadi from the Accounting Master’s Study Program, graduating with a GPA of 3.92. While at the undergraduate level it was achieved by Nafilatur Rohmah, from the Islamic Economics Study Program with a GPA of 3.96. While at the diploma level, the highest GPA was 3.77, achieved by Muhammad Indra Septiaji from the Diploma Three Diploma in Chemical Analysis

In front of the graduates, Fathul Wahid emphasized that lectures in higher education were not the end of a study trip. In the view of Islam, learning is a lifelong mission, as long as life is still attached, as long as the breath has not faltered, there is no finish line in learning.

“Even though they have passed one stage of education, even in the doctoral program, the knowledge we get is still very little. Humans are not given knowledge by God, but only a little (Qur’an 17:85), while Allah’s knowledge is endless, unlimited, “he said.

Fathul Wahid advised to continue learning, namely by reading more, picnicking, and discussing. Reading is an effort to open a world window. Reading can explore a variety of thoughts, broaden perspectives, enrich inspiration, and further the horizon.

“By reading, you can” jump over the fence “and understand other people with the logic and arguments he developed. Reading here is not only limited to text, but also on natural and social phenomena, “he added.

According to Fathul Wahid, there are many lessons that can be learned when diligently doing a picnic. Picnicking is also an effort to ‘read’ the verses of kauniyah, signs of the majesty of Allah that are attached to the universe. While discussion is another endeavor in learning. Our understanding skills and range of reading are limited.

“The discussion will ignite many things that have been established so far. The discussion will also bring new perspectives that may not have been accessed before. The discussion will build a learning community, “he explained.

The Head of the Region V Higher Education Service Institute of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Dr. Ir. Bambang Supriyadi, CES., DEA. College graduates have not yet dominated HR in Indonesia. Where its presence is still around 15 percent, the rest of the existing human resources are elementary to high school graduates.

In addition, in his remarks, Bambang Supriyadi hoped that college graduates would dare to support the truth, and behave the truth. He said, Indonesia’s perception index of corruption is still at number 37. He compared it with Newzealand, whose perception index of corruption was quite good. According to him, this is also supported by the quality of graduates from universities.

While delivered by UII alumni representatives, Iqbal Himawan, S.E., to realize dreams, commitment and consistency are needed. On the other hand, consistency in one field can make us trapped in routine and Comfort Zone. “Never be afraid of new challenges, with risks that also vary. This is the risk that will always keep us motivated and avoid saturation, “he said.

Iqbal Himawan added, entering the industrial era 4.0 there will be a shift in technology from human power to robots, where empathy will distinguish it. “When working in a large team, when it comes to being a leader and making decisions regarding the fate of many people, Empathy is needed,” said Iqbal Himawan who is an anchor at PT. Indonesian Television Media.

Author: M. Syafi’ie, S.H., M.H.

Lecturer in Faculty of Law,  Universitas Islam Indonesia, Departement of Constitutional Law


Di awal tahun, tidak ada salahnya kita mengingat kasus pelanggaran HAM tahun lalu. Setidaknya kasus-kasus yang ada akan memperingatkan pemangku kebijakan agar tidak mengulangi kesalahan di tahun ini. Di hari HAM 2018, Kontras merilis peristiwa pelanggaran HAM yang cukup mengagetkan. Kasus pelanggaran HAM di sektor sumber daya alam (umum) mencapai 194 kasus, okupasi lahan mencapai 65 kasus, kriminalisasi 29 kasus, penembakan atas nama terorisme 15 kasus, penangkapan atas nama terorisme 99 kasus, vonis hukuman mati 21 kasus, penyiksaan (umum) 73 kasus, extrajudicial killing 182 kasus, pelanggaran aksi 32 kasus, pembubaran paksa 75 kasus, pelanggaran di sektor kebebasan beragama dan berkeyakinan 78 kasus, pelarangan aktifitas 28 kasus, intimidasi minoritas 19 kasus, dan persekusi 35 kasus.

Data pemantauan yang dihimpun Kontras memperlihatkan betapa pelanggaran HAM tahun 2018 terbilang sangat besar dan didominasi konflik sumber daya alam dan exstra judicial killing. Pertanyaannya, mengapa peristiwa pelanggaran HAM tersebut masih terjadi? Apakah di Indonesia sedang devisit norma terkait dengan HAM, atau yang bermasalah ialah hilangnya tanggungjawab negara terhadap semangat perlindungan, penghormatan dan pemenuhan HAM?

Terkait dengan norma hukum yang menjamin HAM, pasca jatuhnya rezim Orde Baru norma-norma hukum HAM telah banyak yang disahkan. Kovenan dan sebagian besar konvensi internasional telah diratifikasi lewat perundang-undangan. Norma hukum HAM yang dibuat pemerintah sendiri juga banyak yang telah disahkan. Bahkan UUD 1945 telah menjamin penghormatan dan perlindungan HAM dalam bab yang tersendiri. Walau pun ada beberapa catatan terhadap pengaturan norma hukum HAM, negara Indonesia terbilang cukup maju dalam memproduksi aturan yang menjamin hak asasi manusia.

Letak persoalan suburnya kasus pelanggaran HAM tahun lalu lebih tepat akibat dari lemahnya semangat penyelenggara negara, utamanya ‘aparat keamanan’ dalam menjunjung tinggi prinsip-prinsip HAM dalam menjalankan tugas dan tanggungjawabnya. Seperti kasus kriminalisasi dan okupasi lahan dalam kasus konflik sumber daya alam yang memperlihatkan betapa pemerintah dan aparat keamanan tidak cukup jelas bagaimana prinsip dan standar HAM mesti diutamakan dalam menyelesaikan persoalan. Penembakan, penangkapan, penyiksaan dan extrajudicial killing memperlihatkan betapa aparat kemanan masih mengutamakan pendekatan ‘represif’ dibanding dengan cara persuasi dan penegakan hukum yang fair. Sedangkan kasus intimidasi monoritas, persekusi dan pelarangan aktivitas ibadah memperlihatkan betapa aparat keamanan dan pemerintah cenderung abai dalam menjamin hak atas rasa aman setiap warga negara yang ada di negara bangsa ini.

Iluastrasi Beberapa Kasus

Konfllik sumber daya alam tahun lalu dan beberapa masih berlangsung saat ini antara lain terjadi di Tumpang Pitu, kasus Tambang Emas di Simpang Tonang, Pembangunan Waduk Sepat, Pembangunan Panas Bumi di Gunung Talang, konflik Serat Rayon di Sukoharjo dan konflik pembangunan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) di Indramayu. Dari konflik yang terjadi, setidaknya 29 kasus yang di proses di pengadilan dan ironisnya aktivis lingkungan yang sebagian besar warga pemilik lahan ditetapkan sebagai pelaku kriminal. Bahkan, kriminalisasi tidak hanya menimpa aktivis lingkungan dan warga, tetapi menimpa para ahli yang berpendapat sesuai dengan kepakaran ilmunya. Ahli yang terancam hukum ialah Guru Besar Kehutanan Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) Bambang Hero Suharjo yang digugat atas atas kasus kebakaran hutan dan lahan di area PT JJP. Kasus serupa menimpa Basuki Basis, seorang ahli lingkungan hidup IPB yang digugat karena kesaksiannya dalam kasus yang ditangani KPK terkait kerusakan lingkungan karena pemberian idzin salah satu usaha pertambangan.

Kasus pelanggaran HAM di sektor sumber daya alam lain terjadi Yogyakarta, yakni okupasi tanah dengan dasar kepentingan umum dalam pembangunan Bandara New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA). Demi memperlancar pembangunan bandara, pihak pengembang dan pemerintah melakukan penggusuran paksa dan mengabaikan standar pembangunan yang berbasis HAM. Pengosongan lahan warga dilakukan dengan cara-cara paksa dan tidak menghormati warga yang telah lama tinggal di lokasi. Komnas HAM menyebut pengosongan lahan warga tidak didasarkan pada semangat kemanusiaan dan melanggar terhadap norma-norma HAM yang telah menjadi hukum di Indonesia. Kasus yang okupasi lahan yang serupa juga terjadi di Desa Sidodadi Serdang dan Kota Binjai, di mana lahannya dialihfungsikan menjadi perkebunan tebu yang selanjutnya akan diolah perusahaan.

Di sektor hak sipil politik, kasus extrajudicial killing dengan cara tembak tempat ternyata massif terjadi. Kontras menemukan setidaknya terdapat 236 orang meninggal. Kasus ini ditengarai akibat pernyataan Kapolri yang memerintahkan kepada jajarannya agar bertindak tegas dan melakukan tembak mati kepada jambret, begal dan pengedar narkoba. Di lapangan, pernyataan Kapolri ternyata salah diterjemahkan dan berakibat banyaknya kasus pembunuhan di luar hukum. Banyak orang terbunuh tanpa proses hukum yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.

Butuh Kemauan Pemegang Kekuasaan

Kasus pelanggaran HAM yang menjadi catatan menahun dan belum ada progresifitasnya sampai awal tahun ini adalah terkait penyelesaian kasus pelanggaran HAM berat masa lalu. Pemerintah lewat Menko Polhukum Wiranto pernah berinisiatif membentuk Tim Gabungan Terpadu dan mengadakan pertemuan dengan keluarga korban pada 31 Mei 2018 di Istana Negara. Namun demikian, dalam pertemuan tersebut terkonfirmasi ketidakmauan pemerintah untuk menyelesaikan kasus pelanggaran HAM berat masa lalu lewat jalur pengadilan dan muncul rencana yang semata non hukum, yaitu penyelesaian lewat rekonsililasi. Dalam perjalanannya, inisiatif ini tidak mengalami perkembangan dan tidak ada kemauan yang kuat untuk menyelesaikan kasus dan memulihkan hak-hak korban dan keluarganya.

Kasus pelanggaran HAM berat masa lalu dan beberapa kasus pelanggaran HAM lain berkelindan dengan besarnya informasi hoax dan berita-berita buruk yang secara langsung dan tidak langsung memperkuat stigma, persekusi, ujaran kebencian dan dorongan untuk menghancurkan kelompok-kelompok yang minoritas. Kriminalisasi atas nama pencemaran nama baik seperti yang diatur dalam KUHP dan pelanggaran terhadap Undang-Undang ITE juga semakin tidak terkendali arah penegakannya.

Di awal tahun ini, problem perlindungan dan penghormatan hak asasi manusia masih menjadi persoalan serius di negara ini. Butuh politicall will pemegang kekuasaan untuk memperbaiki keadaan dan menjadikan standar HAM sebagai basis setiap kebijakan dan implementasi program pembangunan. Termasuk kemauan pemerintah untuk menyelesaikan pelanggaran berat HAM masa. Tanpa itu, pemerintah pusat atau pun daerah akan selalu tercatat sebagai pelanggar HAM dari ke tahun.

This article have been published in SINDO newspaper, 10 January 2019.

English Course for supporting staff at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia for Batch 2 and Batch 3 has started. “We want all the supporting staff have capability to speak English. This is a good program to increase our human resource. As well as we also to prepare to be world class university, then we must start to be familiar with English as soon as possible.” explained the Dean of the Faculty of Law at the opening speech, Dr. Abdul Jamil, S.H., M.H.

The English Course contains dynamic material to increase the level of English to be used in office especially in providing the academic services. The material is specifically designed to be learned in around 14 meetings. The lecturer of the English Course is a native speaker from the United States, Christopher Cason, J.D.

“Our supporting staff are actually understand the basic communication in English. But now their English level must be increased. We do hope that this programme is routinely be held at our campus especially for all the supporting staff.” said Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, SH, MH, LLM, PhD as the Chief of the English Course Committee.


Applications for the 2019 International Law Fellowship Programme are currently being accepted. The deadline for applications is 20 February 2019.


The United Nations International Law Fellowship Programme is organized by the Codification Division of the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs.

The Fellowship Programme provides high-quality training by prominent international law scholars and practitioners on a broad range of core topics of international law. In addition, the interactive nature of the training allows the participants to share experiences and exchange ideas, which promotes greater understanding and cooperation on contemporary issues of international law.

The Fellowship Programme is intended to enable qualified professionals, in particular government officials and teachers of international law from developing countries and countries with emerging economies, to deepen their knowledge of international law and of the legal work of the United Nations.

The Fellowship Programme accommodates up to 21 participants.

The Programme
The Fellowship Programme consists of an annual six-week summer course at the Peace Palace in The Hague, the Netherlands. The participants attend lectures and seminars in international law organized by the Codification Division as well as the public international law session at The Hague Academy of International Law.

The lectures and seminars organized by the Codification Division are given by prominent international law scholars and practitioners from different regions and legal systems.

The Fellowship Programme is conducted in English or French. The 2019 Programme will be conducted in English.

The United Nations International Law Fellowship Programme is conducted under the United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law, established by General Assembly resolution 2099 (XX) of 20 December 1965 and most recently mandated by General Assembly resolution 73/201 of 20 December 2018.

2019 Fellowship Programme

The 2019 Fellowship Programme will be held at the Peace Palace in The Hague, the Netherlands, from 1 July to 9 August 2019. It will be conducted in English.

The topics that will be covered in the seminars and lectures organized by the Codification Division may include:

International law
Treaty law
State responsibility
International peace and security
Peaceful settlement of international disputes
Diplomatic and consular law
International organizations
United Nations institutions and law making
The work of the International Law Commission
International human rights law
International humanitarian law
International criminal law
International environmental law
Law of the sea
International trade law
International investment law
Legal research
Legislative drafting
For further information on the topics covered by the public international law session at The Hague Academy, see the website of the Academy.

More information and the application system, click here.


Prof. Dr. Sefriani, S.H., M. Hum. inaugurated as Professor of International Law at the UII Senate Open Session, at the Auditorium Prof. Dr. Abdulkahar Mudzakkir, Saturday (1/12). Prof. Sefriani delivered a scientific speech entitled Earthing and Utilizing International Law: the BIT model for Indonesia.

In her speech, Prof. Sefriani said that the international legal product that should receive extra attention and provide benefits for all Indonesian people is the Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT).

According to her, so far it has been realized that BIT is an asymmetrical agreement, not balanced in regulating rights and obligations between capital exporting countries which are generally developed countries with capital importing countries which are generally developing and underdeveloped countries. Both of these groups have different interests.

Prof. explained Sefriani, for exporting countries capital BIT is a protective instrument of all risks as well as political and legal uncertainty in the importing country. Therefore the classic BIT always contains the investor protection clause complete with a dispute settlement mechanism which is commonly referred to as the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS). Where foreign investors can directly bring the case to the arbitration panel.

“This panel has the authority to decide the loss that must be paid by the host if it finds a violation of the protection clause guaranteed by the BIT,” said Prof. Sefriani who is the 16th Professor at UII.

She added, as for the capital importing country, the existence of BIT is an instrument to attract investment in her country. Dependence on foreign investment makes the capital importing countries including Indonesia.

In her speech, Sefriani conveyed several recommendations for the Indonesian BIT model. First Protection of investment and liberalization must not sacrifice the interests of the state in making policies in the public interest. Second, the new BIT should guarantee the absence of a denial of justice for investors.

Furthermore, the third, the new BIT should revise the definitions of terms such as investment, Fair and Equitable Treatment (FET), expropriation that has been provided with a very open and open opportunity to be interpreted very broadly. Fourth, the new BIT should contain the obligation clause of foreign investors, not just the obligations of Indonesia as the host.

“Fifth, the dispute resolution mechanism in the new BIT should with certain conditions such as consent in writing and must be carried out through a separate agreement (SWA). Sixth, the possibility of establishing a new Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) in addition to the International Settlement Investment Dispute (ICSID) and UNCITRAL, ” she explained.

Prof. Sefriani said, as acknowledged by the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), was one of the causes of the Indonesia-foreign investor dispute at the ISDS forum because of a lack of understanding of the obligations arising from BIT in various executive, legislative and judicial elements at the central and regional levels.

Therefore, it is very important to ground international law on this beloved Indonesia, so that Indonesia can use international law for foreign parties for the benefit of Indonesia. “It’s not the time for Indonesia to only be an object, where foreign parties use international law for Indonesia for their interests,” said Prof. Sefriani.

On Thursday, January 10, 2019 a presentation session was held by two students from Murdoch University who took 1 semester of study at the International Program of the Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia. The two students were named Anjaly Tessa Saji and Anna Ding. In addition to attending lectures for 1 semester, they also took part in an internship program at the Yogyakarta Legal Aid Institute office (LBH Yogyakarta). Legal problems that occur in Indonesia, especially in Yogyakarta, make them interested in being involved and seeing directly in the process of seeking justice. At the end of their internship period, they presented their research on internship report with different themes for each student.

In her research, Anjaly gave her attention to cases of domestic and sexual violence that occurred in Indonesia. The majority of victims of this case are women, the WHO (World Health Organization) notes that serious emotional trauma, permanent mental impairment, physical impairments and even death are the effects of domestic and sexual violence. “Religious values and cultural norms play a key role in upholding gender disparity which in turn promotes gender based violence such as domestic and sexual violence”, said anjaly.

Apart Anjaly, Anna Ding, took the title of research on Becak Motor in Yogyakarta: Policy and Legal Sustainability. As a cultural icon in Yogyakarta, Becak Montor (Bentor) plays a big role in turning the economic wheel for Bentor drivers. But in addition to the uniqueness possessed by the bentor and the great benefits that the driver gets from tourists visiting Yogyakarta, bentor has several problems in the field of law, especially those relating to regulations. In her presentation, she explained that “the primary argument against Becak Motor surrounds their use of a motorized engine, causing it to be illegal transportation, yet a replacement electric vehicle is still in a prototype form and not economically feasible in widespread production.”

It is hoped that the involvement of the two students in the 3 month internship program at LBH can provide new knowledge and additional insights related to policy and legal issues that occur in Indonesia.

Our law school students once again made achievements. Muhammad Yanuar Sodiq who was a delegate from FKPH LEM FH UII won 2nd place in the National Level Essay Competition in the Marvelaw Unnes Competition 2018 competition. The competition was organized by the Semarang State University Student Executive Body (UNNES) on 12-14 November 2018 in order Anniversary of UNNES.

Yanuar said that “the paper he created is a form of ideas to ratify the international labor organization (ILO) convention and the formation of domestic workers’ unions, the aim of which is that the current labor law has not maximally provided protection for domestic workers. This is because the labor law still focuses on protection for industrial workers simply because it needs to ratify the international labor organization convention which is more efficiently carried out than revising the labor law which is not even at the discussion stage. With the realization of this idea, it is expected that domestic workers can be given maximum protection such as adequate rest periods and a fair payment mechanism. “

There are several obstacles and difficulties experienced by Yanuar in the preparation process of this competition such as the lack of time because at that time it coincided with other competition agendas. However, this difficulty was accompanied by the enthusiasm and ease provided by the supervisors and other friends that did not dampen Yanuar’s enthusiasm for achievement.

“A big thank you to Syarif Nurhidayat as a supervisor, to FKPH, especially the competition department, who from the beginning provided assistance so that I focused on preparing the material, to the FKPH alumni brother who gave a lot of solutions and ideas, to the campus that provided facilities room and accommodation accommodations, as well as all friends who have prayed for and encouraged. This competition is a special prize for FKPH at the end of the management of this period, “said Yanuar.

Yanuar advised “our studentsto be able to achieve more and not only get 2nd place for the next competition, never despair, keep on sharpening their minds, if there are written ideas, because it is one of our efforts to educate the nation’s life by providing solutions to problems faced by this nation and hopefully FKPH will be more prosperous. “