The Doctoral School has just received an A accreditation from BAN-PT, the accreditation institution under Ministry of Education, Research, and Tecnology, Indonesia. The Doctoral Study Program in Law has received the highest score of 370 points. Congratulations.
The Faculty of Law of the Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) held an International Student Colloquium (ISC) on Saturday, October 12, 2019. The ISC event with the theme Student’s Role in Law and Political Discourse: Digital Era Perspective was attended by four speakers, four presenters, and around 100 students. The event was the result of collaboration between the Judicial Council of International Program (JCI) and the International Undergraduate Program Faculty of Law UII.
There are several interesting happens in the ISC. First, the event was officially opened by Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto SH. MH., L.LM., Ph.D. through video shows. This happened because there was a parents meeting of new student who had to be attended by all faculty leaders. n the five-minute video, Dodik Setiawan expressed his apology for not being able to open the event directly.
Second, ISC speakers are students from across countries. The keynote speaker was Professor Christopher Cason, B.A., J.D. who is an alumnae of the University of Washington. Professor Cason gave his presentation about the role of law students as future leaders. Besides Professor Cason, there were two other speakers, Nur Gemilang Mahardhika, SH, LLM, alumnae from the Post Graduate University of Melbourne, and Fasya Addina, SH, cLLM, students of New York University. Nur Gemilang delivered her scientific material on “Liberalized Students, in Liberalized Education System”. While Fasya delivered scientific material on international humanitarian law.
Third, Fasya delivered his presentation in a video taken directly from the United States, which was recorded the day before the ISC. Fasya who is currently studying in the United States cannot attend directly at ISC. According to Dodik Setiawan, as the committee as well as the Secretary of the Undergraduate Program Faculty of Law UII, the material that was intended to be delivered by Fasya was planned to be done directly from the United States via Skype, but was cancelled due to other activities that Fasya could not leave behind.
Fourth, there were four speakers whose papers were contested in the ISC. The four speakers then presented their papers in front of the participants. The results of the paper and presentation were then assessed by Dodik Setiawan and Professor Cason as the jury. From the four speakers, the best paper and best presentation categories were taken, each of which received a prize from faculty.
Around 378 students took part in the internship debriefing program held by PUSDIKLAT FH UII on Sunday, October 13, 2019. The number jumped sharply from the previous year which was only attended by around 100 students. The apprenticeship activities are a manifestation of the compulsory competence of legal skills carried out by FH UII.
The internship briefing was carried out in two sessions. According to the Head of the Ad Hoc Team of Internship, Eko Rial Nugroho, SH., MH., the internship implementation for this year is still the same as in previous years. “The stages are still the same, there is no change,” Eko added. The debriefing program is conducive. Students are divided into six different classes and get guidance on introductions about general things to technical matters.
Regarding the increasing number of apprenticeship students, according to Eko there were no significant problems. Eko admitted that there were indeed some technical obstacles, but they did not affect the general implementation of the internship. “There are technical problems. (But) Alhamdulillah, it can be handled well “, he stressed.
The internship program itself is divided into two types, namely regular internship and self-internship. Regular internship is an internship in which the destination location is determined and prepared by PUSDIKLAT FH UII, as the internship program implementer. Matters prepared include permits, apprenticeship agreements, until to all administrative matters. As for the self-internship students, they prepare and choose their own internship location.
Students will be placed in various locations. The locations of apprenticeship to be addressed include the notary/PPAT office, the attorney’s office, the lawyer’s office, the court, the local government law firm, the police, and the embassy. All the internship locations will be monitored by the internship committee.
Eko suspected that the cause of the increase in apprenticeship students was the result of the loss of the academic prerequisite system. “It is suspected to have jumped the most because there are no academic prerequisites. “The internship should be in the 2016 class, but 2017 has already taken”, said Eko. However, according to Eko that was not a problem.
According to the Deputy Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee of the Internship, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, SH., MH., L.LM., Ph.D., the most regular internship students chose the Prosecutor’s Office while for the most independent apprentices the notary office. “The most regular apprenticeship is at the prosecutor’s office and self-internship at the notary,” said Dodik Setiawan. “Maybe there are many whose parents are notaries, so they might as well,” joked Dodik Setiawan, who was agreed by some students, when he filled out the debriefing material in class.
The internship must be followed by students for a minimum of 96 working hours in each office location. At the end of the program, students are required to make reports and respond. “All who have followed the internship process from beginning to end will receive internship certificates,” added Dodik Setiawan.
Author: Dr. Idul Rishan, S.H., LL.M
Lecturer in Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Departement of Constitutional Law
Apakah benar, jika Presiden menetapkan Perppu KPK, maka ia berpotensi besar untuk di impeach atau diberhentikan dalam masa jabatannya. Langkah ini kerap dihubung-hubungkan bahwa jika Presiden mengeluarkan Perppu, sama halnya Presiden tak serius dan tak menghormati DPR sebagai pengusul dan pembahas revisi UU KPK. Bahkan, sebagian politisi menilai jika tidak cermat, Perppu KPK bisa menjadi “jebakan batman” bagi Jokowi. Alias pintu masuk untuk menggulingkan posisinya sebagai Presiden. Narasi itu telah berseliwiran di ruang publik. Tatkala menjadi pembenar, bahwa Perppu tidak bisa dikeluarkan karena alasan itu. Tulisan singkat ini, mencoba mendudukan kembali stigma yang berkembang di masyarakat. Memahami kembali apa dan bagaimana Perppu, serta pengaruhnya dengan wacana impeachment.
Lazimnya sistem presidensial, kuasa pembentukan Perppu selalu diserahkan kepada Presiden sebagai pemegang kuasa pemerintahan. Jika merujuk konvensi, Perppu dikenal sebagai jalur konstitusional untuk membentuk regulasi secara cepat. Disebut cepat dan sederhana, karena dalam proses pembentukannya, ia tidak perlu mengakomodasi ragam kepentingan partai yang ada di parlemen (Ann Seidman:2002). Tak heran jika Pasal 22 UUDN mengatur bahwa “Dalam hal ihwal kegentingan yang memaksa, Presiden berhak menetapkan peraturan pemerintah sebagai pengganti undang-undang”. Soal ihwal kegentingan yang memaksa, MK telah memberikan kriteria normatif dalam Putusan Nomor 138/PUU-VII/2009. Melalui interpretasinya, MK menetapkan tiga syarat. Kebutuhan mendesak untuk menyelesaikan masalah secara cepat, kekosongan hukum akibat ketiadaan undang-undang, atau ada namun dianggap tidak memadai, dan keadaan tidak dapat diatasi dengan prosedur biasa karena akan membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama. Tiga hal itu telah dilimitasi oleh MK. Namun perlu diingat, ketika putusan di jatuhkan, sembilan hakim konstitusi berada dalam satu paradigma yang sama. Bahwa kegentingan atau kebutuhan yang mendesak, tetap berada pada wilayah subjektivitas Presiden. Tak ada institusi lain yang bisa menilai situasi kegentingan memaksa, kecuali Presiden. Karena sifatnya yang subjektif, maka objektivikasinya, diserahkan pada parlemen. Selaras dengan intensi ayat (2) dan ayat (3) Pasal 22 UUDN. Perppu harus mendapatkan persetujuan DPR dalam persidangan berikutnya untuk menjadi undang-undang. Jika tidak, maka Perppu itu harus dicabut. Intensi pasal tersebut menempatkan DPR sebagai penyeimbang, sekaligus melaksanakan fungsi kontrol terhadap kebijakan presiden (checks and balances). Selain fungsi crosscheck yang bisa dilakukan oleh DPR, MK juga bisa melakukan fungsi korektif melalui kewenangan judicial review. Kanal-kanal ini tersedia secara konstitusional, untuk menutup sifat abuse presiden dalam menetapkan peraturan. Kembali pada soal Perppu KPK. Mungkin dalam logika awam, “kegentingan yang memaksa” sebagaimana dimaksud dirasa telah cukup. Ada tiga kondisi saat ini yang bisa dijadikan alasan pertimbangan menetapkan Perppu. Pertama, akibat tekanan publik yang terjadi secara masif dan kontinyu, bahkan telah memakan korban jiwa. Kedua, revisi undang-undang KPK yang tidak sejalan dengan cita-cita pemberantasan korupsi. Ketiga, tidak lagi dapat ditangani dengan prosedur biasa, mengingat pembahasan undang-undang akan memakan waktu yang relatif lama. Tetapi sekali lagi, ini soal subjektivitas Jokowi. Jika ia berani mengambil opsi Perppu, rasanya tidak berlebihan bila publik akan menilai Jokowi sebagai presiden, yang memiliki komitmen kuat dalam agenda pemberantasan korupsi.
Kemudian soal ancaman impeachment. Ada satu hal yang perlu diingat dalam membedakan ciri sistem parlementer dan ciri sistem presidensial. Dalam sistem parlementer, perdana menteri dapat diberhentikan dalam masa jabatannya akibat kebijakan yang tidak populis. Artinya seorang perdana menteri sangat mungkin di impeach karena alasan politis. Berbeda halnya dengan sistem presidensial. Presiden hanya dapat diberhentikan dalam masa jabatannya karena alasan hukum (Alferd Stephen & Cindy Skach:1993). Sebagaimana telah diatur secara limitatif dalam Pasal 7A UUDN, baik itu perbuatan yang berupa pengkhianatan terhadap negara, korupsi, penyuapan, perbuatan tercela, atau tindak pidana berat lainnya. Selain soal alasan hukum, syarat formil impeachment juga diatur dengan prosedur yang super ketat. Bahkan situasinya akan terasa semakin sulit, bila melihat sistem multipartai ekstrim yang diadopsi selepas era transisi politik. Presiden terpilih akan membangun koalisi mayoritas untuk mendapatkan legitimasi politik yang kuat di parlemen (Djayadi Hanan:2014). Konsekuensi logisnya, partai-partai pendukung cenderung akan memuluskan kebijakan-kebijakan pemerintah di hadapan parlemen. Termasuk menjaga dan melindungi presiden, dari ancaman pasal impeachment. Membaca kondisi di atas, tentunya cukup sulit membenarkan bahwa Perppu KPK dapat bermuara pada wacana impeachment. Saat ini, kita hanya membutuhkan keyakinan Presiden untuk mendorong dikeluarkannya Perppu KPK. Para simpatisannya tidak perlu takut dengan wacana impeachment. Begitu juga para anggota DPR yang menilai opsi Perppu tidak begitu tepat untuk dikeluarkan. Saluran konstitusional telah tersedia untuk menilai keabsahan Perppu. Baik itu melalui jalur legislative review di DPR, maupun melalui jalur judicial review di MK.
This article have been publsihed in rubric Opini of Jawa Pos, 4 October 2019.
On Monday, 7th of October 2019, the Doctoral School was visited by two assessors from BAN-DIKTI for the purpose of re-accreditation program for the school. The assessors are Prof. Dr. Joni Emirzon, SH, MHum and Dr. Nanik Trihastuti, SH, MHum. The visitation takes place at the Doctoral School building at Cik Di Tiro campus. We do hope that we could receive the best predicate for the re-accreditation.
On 11 September 2019, the Faculty of Law of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) dispatched five of its students to take part in the Credit Transfer Program at Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Law International Islamic University Malaysia (AIKOL IIUM). The five students who were dispatched to join this program were Yuwan Zaghlul Ismail, Brian Rahman Hakim, Faradisa Hadiaty, Rifqi Ananda Gelora Sitompul, dan Rizki Iman Faiz Pratama. The group was delivered directly by the Head of the Study Program Faculty of law UII, Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi S.H., M.H., and Secretary of International Program of the Faculty of Law, Dodik Setiawan Nur Herianto S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.d. This Credit Transfer Program to Malaysia is the first program held by FH UII.
These five students have passed various stages of internal and external tests. The stages of internal tests are held by FH UII in the form of file or document selection, which includes: TOEFL certificate, GPA Transcript, Passport, and also along with a Recommendation Letter from the lecturer. After passing through the administration phase, these students must take an interview in English. After that, these students must apply the online application on the IIUM website for external selection by the International Office of IIUM. Only after passing the long selection, in the middle of August, the five students were declared eligible to run the program at AIKOL IIUM.
This program is a credit transfer program. Later these students will still study at AIKOL IIUM for one semester. The courses taken there will be transferred to courses at FH UII. “This is a very beneficial program for students, where they can learn the system and concept of law in Malaysia which has a different base from Indonesia. So that later these students can compare concepts in Indonesia and Malaysia, “said Yuwan. These students take six courses at AIKOL IIUM where one subject is three credits. This is the maximum amount a student can take there.
This program is fully supported by all facets of the Faculty of Law UII. The support includes administration fees until departure. “Everything is supported by the Islamic University of Indonesia, from the cost of obtaining Visa, Visa accommodation costs, insurance, medical check-up, plane tickets, and housing, with the aim of all these students can carry the name UII fragrant in the international arena”, added Yuwan. (Ywn/FHUII).
September 29, 2019 – the very famous Mayor of Surabaya, Madam Tri Risma Harini visited Busan, South Korea for the agenda of 25th Anniversary of Sister City Relations Surabaya-Busan. This is her second trip after attending the United Nations Conference at New York. One day before the Sister city event, she held discussion with Indonesian citizens at Busan Indonesian Center. At the same time, she receives the award of “warga kehormatan Kota Busan” or “Honorary Citizen of Busan City” in the commemoration of the 25th cooperation of sister city between Busan and Surabaya.
The topic of the discussion is related with the development of Surabaya during her period of leadership which focuses on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals proposed by United Nations. She explained in regards with the obstacle and the opportunity had by Indonesia especially Surabaya. The other things that were explained by her including how to be a good and responsible leader based on her perspective. “To be a good leader you should not only focus on fulfilling your ego, instead your priority is your own people. I won’t let even one person in Surabaya starving for a day” she said.
5 students from Universitas Islam Indonesia, Alif M. Gultom, M. Oscar Dharma, Maghfira D. Diyaana Putri, S. Rofifah Yuliyani, Aluf R. Rabbah attended the discussion. They are currently undertaking the credit transfer program at Youngsan University, Busan, South Korea for 1 semester. They said it was a dream come true meeting Bu Risma in person and they got a lot of advice on how to be a leader for yourself and the others
Let us hope that by this event, we can implement the good values from the Honorouble Mayor of Surabaya, Madam Risma.
Author: Nurmalita Ayuningtyas Harahap, S.H., M.H.
Lecturer in Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Departement of Public Administration Law
REVISI Undang-Undang Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) telah disahkan DPR, Selasa (17/9) lalu. Sebelumnya, rancangan perubahan Undang-undang No 30 Tahun 2002 tersebut tidak sedikit menuai respons dari masyarakat, baik dalam bentuk kritik maupun dukungan Revisi dilakukan terhadap beberapa pasal-pasal di undang-undang tersebut, antara lain adalah menyangkut perubahan status Pegawai KPK Dimana Pegawai Tetap KPK dialihkan menjadi Pegawai Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN).
Jika merujuk pada Undang-undang No 5 Tahun 2014 tentang Aparatur Sipil Negara, maka ASN terdiri dari Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) dan Pegawai Pemerintah dengan Perjanjian Kerja (PPPK). Pada draft rancangan perubahan Undang-undang No 30 Tahun 2002 tersebut nantinya diatur bahwa Pegawal Negeri yang dipekerjakan di KPK akan berstatus PNS. Sedangkan Pegawai tetap KPK yang bukan merupakan PNS akan dikategorikan sebagai PPPK
Jika telah beralih status, bagaimana independensi dari Pegawai KPK itu sendiri?
Ditinjau dari hukum kepegawalan, maka ASN merupakan Pegawai Negeri Pegawai Negeri mempunyai ciri khusus, yaitu Hubungan Dinas Publik (DHP) yaitu sifat monoloyalitas kepada Pemerintah. Dalam hubungan ini kemudian melekat hubungan subordinatie antara atasan bawahan (Ridwan dan Nurmalita: Hukum Kepegawaian: 2018) Jika ditilik dari ciri tersebut, otomatis Pegawai KPK yang menjàdi ASN tersebut akan tunduk dan patuh kepada pemerintah atau eksekutif atau yang dapat dikatakan mempunyai hubungan monoloyalitas dengan pemerintah.
Sedangkan di dalam UU No 5/2014 diatur apa yang dinamakan Manajemen ASN. Dalam pasal 52. dinyatakan bahwa Manajemen ASN terdiri dari Manajemen PNS dan Manajemen PPPK. Pada Pasal 55, manajemen PNS antara lain meliputi, pengadaan, mutasi, disiplin, pemberhentian. Begitu juga pada pasal 93, manajemen PPPK antara lain meliputi pengadaan, penilaian kinerja, disiplin dan pemutusan hubungan kerja. Jika nantinya Pegawai KPK berubah status menjadi ASN, maka manajemen sumber daya manusia, yang terdiri dari pengadaan hingga pemberhentian atau pemutusan hubungan kerja menjadi kewenangan dari pemerintah atau eksekutif. Tidak lagi bersifat independen dari lembaga KPK itu sendiri.
Persoalan kemudian, pertama jika berbicara tentang pengadaan, maka selama ini sebenarnya terdapat Peraturan Pemerintah No 63 Tahun 2005 tentang Sistem Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi. Di pasal 7 ayat (2) Peraturan Pemerintah menyatakan bahwa, Pegawai Negeri yang telah diangkat menjadi Pegawai Tetap pada Komisi diberhentikan dengan hormat sebagai Pegawai Negeri. Hal ini juga dapat dikatakan agar independensi pegawai KPK tersebut tetap terjaga. Namun dengan peralihan status sebagai Pegawai Negeri, yang kemudian proses penentuan formasi dan rekrutmen akan diambil alih sepenuhnya pemerintah atau eksekutif bukan lagi kewenangan KPK secara penuh.
Kemudian yang kedua, terkait dengan mutasi. Penentuan perpindahan pegawai ini baik tempat maupun jabatannya akan menjadi kewenangan pemerintah atau eksekutif. Hal ini justru akan rentan dengan berbagai macam yang mempengaruhi mutasi tersebut. Ketiga, terkait dengan disiplin dan pemberhentian atau pemutusan hubungan kerja. Pegawai KPK akan tunduk kepada aturan disiplin ASN disamping nantinya masih terdapat aturan tentang disiplin KPK yaitu, Peraturan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi No. 10 Tahun 2016 tentang disiplin pegawai dan penasihat KPK, yang nantinya mesti diharmonisasikan dengan aturan disiplin ASN yang saat ini berlaku.
Dengan begitu pengenaan hukuman disiplin jika Pegawai KPK melanggar disiplin dan pemberhentian menjadi kewenangan dari eksekutif atau pemerintah Hal ini pun juga menimbulkan pertanyaan terkait dengan independensi dan bebas dari berbagai macam kepentingan. Meskipun nantinya telah menjadi ASN, besar harapan masyarakat untuk pegawai KPK dapat menjunjung nilai-nilai independensi dan tidak adanya intervensi dari pemerintah jika hal tersebut kemudian dapat memberikan hambatan bagi penegakkan hukum nantinya.
Kini diharapkan pula, tugas tim transisi KPK untuk menganalisis poin-poin yang telah disahkan Termasuk perubahan status KPK yang nantinya pun perlu di harmonisasi dan disinkronisasi dengan Peraturan yang menyangkut ASN. Tentu agar independensi tetap ada.
This article have been pubslihed in rubric Anaslisis KR of Kedaulatan Rakyat, 21 September 2019.
The Faculty of Law of the Islamic University of Indonesia (FH UII) held a general lecture entitled Cyberspace and the Legal Challenges: A Quest for Reform, on Monday (09/23/2019). The event was filled by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sonny Zulhuda, an expert on cyber space and cyber law from Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws International Islamic University Malaysia (AIKOLS IIUM). Sonny Zulhada conveyed his main ideas on the importance of reform in our paradigm towards cyber law and the existence of an education syllabus on cyber law.
This general lecture is a collaboration between Faculty of Law UII and AIKOLS IIUM. According to the Head of the Committee, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto S.H., M.H., L.LM., Ph.D., this event was a form Faculty of Law’s commitment to carry out regional and international cooperation according to the Asean University Networks Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) accreditation standards. The event was opened by the Head of Undergraduate Program of the Faculty of Law UII Study Program, Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum., Attended by dozens of participants.
Sonny Zulhada began his lecture by introducing the concept of cyber space to participants. According to him, technological development is impossible to block. Thus, the existence of cyber law is important to encourage development. At the end of 1990, cyber law had been drafted and even became law in European countries.
“The emergence of digital assets causes the basis for cyber law, causing the restructuring of the concept of digital assets,” said Sonny. According to him, although the law is always left behind, but it should not deny the reality of technological development. “This is important so that the law is not too far behind.”
Sonny showed a surprising thing in the middle of his lecture. He showed several pages that can be accessed to see the flow of cyber-attacks throughout the world in real time. One such page is to him, the problem is not when and where a cyber-attack, but who is the culprit and how big is the impact. “That is the legal problem,” he said.
According to Sonny Zulhada, what is often forgotten is that at present, there is a development in the concept of assets that the community is not aware of. This development is the emergence of digital assets. This digital asset is one of them concerning a person’s personal data information. “The emergence of digital assets causes the basis for cyber law, causing the restructuring of the concept of digital assets,” he said.
The development of the industrial revolution 4.0 issue also became a driving force so that the concept of cyber law would soon be developed. According to him, do not rule out the possibility, in the future, artificial intelligence (AI) will replace human functions. This development has become an important legal issue to be examined immediately. Because, there have been several legal cases, such as unmanned cars developed by Ubercrashing into someone in the United States. “Can AI or the system be prosecuted in court?”, Asked Sonny Zulhada to participants.
According to Sonny, competition is the main cause of the development of cyber space and the reason for the importance of developing cyber law. In its development, technological progress must continue to bring positive values to society. “Innovators must not be free of values,” he stressed.
Scholars at the Faculty of Law of the Islamic University of Indonesia (FH UII) held a press conference at the Postgraduate Campus of FH UII on Thursday (12/09/2019). On this occasion, the UII academicians expressed their support for the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), which is currently being exposed to ‘about to be weakened’ news, through the revision of the KPK Law. UII firmly declines the revision of the KPK Law which weakens the duties, functions, authorities, and independence of that anti-corruption institution.
At the press conference, Vice Rector 3, Dr. Drs. Rohidin, S.H., M.Ag., read the statement of UII’s tenets towards the planned change in the KPK Law by the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI). The tenets of UII are as follows:
- Decline all forms of weakening efforts towards the KPK institutions including rejecting the revised Bill on the KPK Law initiative of the DPR.
- Urge the DPR to cancel the plan to revise the KPK Law
- Demand the President to keep his promise to strengthen the KPK in order to create an Indonesia that is free of corruption, collusion and nepotism
- If the revision plan remains in force then we (UII) expressly motion of no confidence (mosi tidak percaya) to all party that involved in ratification of the bill.
The Dean of FH UII, Dr. Abdul Jamil, S.H., M.H., stated that UII was ready to declare a motion of no confidence in any party who supported changes to the KPK Law. UII’s tenet is rejects the revision of the KPK Law. We prepare a motion of no confidence in anyone who supports the weakening of the KPK, including the President “, he said.
Abdul Jamil made the statement right after the reading of the statement of tenets in front of the journalists. “What does it mean? If we roll this motion of no confidence later, we will spread it to others, that we no longer trust parties who have supported the revision of this law, “he stressed.
Beside the motion of no confidence, UII will also submit a judicial review to the Constitutional Court (MK) when lawmakers and executives ratify the draft of KPK Law changes. “If, for example, how come it is still enacted, it means it becomes a law. If it becomes a law, our efforts will carry out a judicial review, that is our effort,” he said.
The plan is that the statement of UII’s tenets will be submitted directly to the Chairperson of the KPK, but failed because the Chairperson of the KPK was unable to attend. Furthermore, UII will send a statement of attitude to the President and the DPR. “Still, we will convey this letter to the President, so that the President will continue to refuse despite through a discussions.”
After the press conference, Abdul Jamil and other UII leaders joined the crowd of UII students to take demonstration at the Special Region of Yogyakarta’s Representative Council (DPRD DIY) and Malioboro Street. While giving speeches at the pickup truck, Abdul Jamil led the group to the Abu Bakar Ali Parking Park, which had been waiting for the combined mass of students from various universities in DIY.
Abdul Jamil hoped that the community would also control the agenda of the revision of KPK Law. “We hope the public will support this action as well, and we will be ready for judicial review once the bill is approved,” he said.
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