Curriculum Structure of MKn FH UII

Code Courses Translation of Course Names into English Type of Learning Credit Weight Precondition
Semester 1
MKN101 FILSAFAT HUKUM Philosophy of Law Class/Tutorials 2 NA
MKN102 METODE PENALARAN HUKUM Legal Reasoning Method Class/Tutorials 2 NA
MKN103 POLITIK HUKUM Politic of Law Class/Tutorials 2 NA
MKN104 METODOLOGI PENELITIAN HUKUM Legal Research Method Class/Tutorials 2 NA
MKN105 HUKUM PERIKATAN Obligation Law Class/Tutorials 2 NA
MKN106 ETIKA PROFESI DAN JABATAN NOTARIS Ethics for Notary Class/Tutorials 3 NA
UNI501/UNI601 ISLAM ULIL ALBAB Islam Ulil Albab Class/Tutorials 2 NA
Total credits in semester 1 15  
Semester 2
MKN201 HUKUM PERUSAHAAN Corporation Law Class/Tutorials 2 NA
MKN202 HUKUM KONTRAK Law of Contracts Class/Tutorials 2 NA
MKN203 HUKUM JAMINAN Securitization Law Class/Tutorials 2 NA
MKN204 HUKUM WARIS DAN KELUARGA Inheritance and Family Law Class/Tutorials 2 NA
MKN205 HUKUM AGRARIA Agrarian Law Class/Tutorials 2 NA
MKN206 AKAD SYARIAH Sharia Contract Class/Tutorials 2 NA
MKN207 TPA 1 (DASAR-DASAR AKTA) Technique of Deed Drafting Basic Class/Tutorials/Practicum 3 NA
Total credits in semester 2 15
Semester 3
MKN301 HUKUM LELANG Auctions Law Class/Tutorials 2 NA
MKN302 HUKUM INVESTASI DAN PASAR MODAL Investment and Capital Market Law Class/Tutorials 2 NA
MKN303 TPA 2 (AKTA-AKTA PERUSAHAAN) Technique of Deed Drafting Intermediate Class/Tutorials/Practicum 2 NA
MKN304 TPA 3 (AKTA-AKTA PERJANJIAN) Technique of Deed Drafting Advanced Class/Tutorials/Practicum 2 NA
MKN305 AKTA TANAH Land Title Deeds Class/Tutorials 2 NA
MKN306 AKTA EKONOMI SYARIAH Sharia Deed Drafting Class/Tutorials 2 NA
Total credits in semester 3 12 NA
Semester 4
MKN401 TESIS Thesis Tutorial 6 *
Total credits in semester 4 6