Analisis Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Republik Indonesia Nomor 25 Tahun 2020 dalam Perspetif Hak Konstitusional Warga Negara (Studi Terhadap Pencegahan Penyebaran Corona Virus Disease 2019)
Universitas Islam Indonesia
Universitas Islam Indonesia
Regulation of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 25 of 2020 (Permenhub Number 25 of 2020) is one of the legal instruments issued by the Government in dealing with the Covid-19 Pandemic. This legal instrument is considered to limit the constitutional rights of citizens in carrying out the Idul Fitri 1441 Hijriah homecoming. The problems in this research are, first, why was Permenhub Number 25 of 2020 issued before the Eid Al-Fitr Celebration? Second, what are the implications of the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 25 of 2020 in handling Covid 19? Third, is the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 25 of 2020 in line with the protection of the constitutional rights of citizens? This research is a normative juridical research. The approach method used is a normative approach by looking at legal events that occur in society. The results of the study conclude that, first, the implementation of Permenhub No. 25/2020 has not been fully optimal in limiting people’s movements. Second, there are several legal implications that could potentially conflict with the constitutional rights of citizens. Third, the legal framework for limiting rights in Permenhub Number 25 of 2020 is deemed inappropriate.
Keywords: Permenhub Nomor 25 Tahun 2020, constitusional rights, Covid-19.
Universitas Islam Indonesia
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