All academics, practitioners, lawyers, and government officials around the world are invited to submit a proposal.

Conference Theme: Global Governance at a Critical Moment: Insights from Asia
The year 2019 will mark a century since the signing of the Covenant of the League of Nations. In the wake of the two world wars, people pledged to establish conditions under which justice and respect for international law can be maintained.
International organizations and institutions, including treaty and non-treaty bodies as well as administrative and judicial bodies, have since been developed in the pursuit of peace and prosperity. They range from universal organizations, such as the United Nations, to regional ones, such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Their respective mandates extend over a wide range of areas such as security, environment, human rights, economy, and dispute settlement. They have been lauded as contributing to global governance, of which Asia has been both a beneficiary and a promoter.
Today, distrust of international organizations and institutions is spreading among people. They are being criticized for not only failing to properly address the concerns of the international community but also undermining its essential values. The demand for the restructuring of global governance is growing. Amid the rise of populism, global governance stands at a crossroads of demise or resurrection. The objective of the Conference is to look back at the history of global governance and look ahead to its future.

Proposals for papers are welcome in all areas of international law, including:
・theory and history of international law
・international organizations and other systems and institutions
・international dispute settlement, including international courts and tribunals
・international humanitarian law
・international environmental and energy law
・law of the sea
・international commercial law
・international trade and investment law
・international human rights law

Submission Details
Proposals must be sent to [email protected] by 31 January 2019.
Submission must include the following:
1. An abstract of an unpublished paper (The abstract must be no more than 500 words, including the title.)
2. The proposal author’s CV of no more than 2 pages (The CV must include the author’s contact details and a list of relevant publications. It should also indicate whether the author is a member of the Japan Chapter of the Asian Society of International Law and/or the Asian Society of International Law.)
*The abstract and the CV must be in English and in a single PDF file.

Review of Proposals
Proposals will be reviewed by the Research and Planning Committee of the Japan Chapter of the Asian Society of International Law. The authors of accepted proposals will be notified by early March 2019.

Full Papers
The authors of accepted proposals must submit a full paper by 30 June 2019. The paper must not be published elsewhere. The paper will be made available to the participants of the Conference.

Registration Fees and Expenses
All speakers and panelists are exempt from registration fees for the Conference. Please note that the registration fees do not include lunch and reception. All participants, including the speakers and panelists, must be able to cover their own travel and accommodation expenses.

Best Paper Award
The Best Paper Award is awarded to a speaker who presents the best paper at the Conference. The awarded speaker will receive a grant of JPY50,000.

The working language of the Conference is English. A few sessions in Japanese may be conducted concurrently.

For inquiries about the Conference, please contact [email protected]

Author: M. Syafi’ie, S.H., M.H.

Lecturer in Faculty of Law,  Universitas Islam Indonesia, Departement of Constitutional Law


Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) hampir pasti menolak keberatan salah satu partai dan beberapa orang yang mempertanyakan atas masuknya orang dengan gangguan jiwa (ODGJ) dalam daftar pemilih tetap (DPT). KPU menyatakan memiliki landasan yang kuat untuk memasukkan ODGJ dalam daftar pemilih. Namun, ada persyaratan tambahan yang harus dilengkapi ODGJ ketika mau memilih, yaitu harus memiliki surat keterangan sehat dari dokter.

Respon penulis terhadap KPU ada dua, pertama, apresiasi karena lembaga ini telah menghormati hak politik dan kewarganegaraan ODGJ, yang di dalam UU No. 8 Tahun 2016 tentang Penyandang Disabilitas telah dimasukkan sebagai bagian dari difabel mental. Kedua, persyaratan surat sehat dari dokter sebagai bagian pemenuhan hak pilih difabel mental perlu didiskusikan lebih jauh. Persyaratan sehat jasmani dan rohani bagi difabel sudah lama menjadi momok menakutkan, dalam praktek persyaratan ini berdampak pada diskriminasi dan penghilangan hak-hak difabel.

Terkait dengan hak pilih difabel –dalam hal ini salah satunya ODGJ– secara spesifik hak ini telah dijamin dalam Undang-Undang yang secara spesifik mengatur hak-hak difabel. Dalam Pasal 13 UU No. 8 Tahun 2016 dinyatakan bahwa hak politik bagi difabel diantaranya adalah hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan; memilih partai politk dan/atau individu yang menjadi peserta dalam pemilihan umum; berperan serta aktif dalam sistem pemilihan umum pada semua tahap dan/atau bagian penyelenggaraannya; memperoleh akesibilitas sarana prasarana penyelenggaraan pemilihan umum, pemilihan gubernur, bupati/walikota, dan pemilihan kepala desa atau nama lain; dan memperoleh pendidikan politik.

Begitu pentingnya hak politik bagi difabel, maka Pasal 75 ayat (1) dan (2) Undang-Undang ini memandatkan kewajiban kepada pemerintah pusat dan daerah untuk menjamin agar difabel dapat berpatitisipasi secara efektif dan penuh dalam kehidupan politik, dan menjamin hak dan kesempatan difabel untuk memilih dan dipilih. Pemerintah pusat dan daerah yang dalam hal ini tanggungjawabnya dijalankan oleh KPU dan KPUD agar memperhatikan keragaman disabilitas dan memastikan prosedur, fasilitas dan alat bantu pemilihan bersifat layak, dapat diakses, mudah dipahami dan dapat digunakan oleh difabel.

Norma hukum yang secara khusus juga menjamin hak pilih difabel adalah UU No. 19 Tahun 2011 tentang 2011 tentang Pengesahan Konvensi Hak-hak Penyandang Disabilitas. Pasal 29 Konvensi ini menegaskan bahwa negara harus menjamin hak politik difabel dan memastikan difabel menikmati hak-hak tersebut atas dasar kesetaraan dengan orang-orang lain. Karena itu negara wajib menjamin prosedur, fasilitas, dan materi yang memadai, dapat diakses, mudah dipahami dan digunakan. Termasuk adalah jaminan untuk untuk memilih secara rahasia.

Pernah Menjadi Polemik

Hak pilih ODGJ pernah ditiadakan secara hukum pada tahun 2015. Peniadaan secara struktural ini kemudian dikasuskan di Mahkamah Konstitusi. Pada waktu itu, Perhimpunan Jiwa Sehat yang dipimpin Jenny Rosanna Damayanti, Pusat Pemilihan Umum Akses Penyandang Cacat (PPUA PENCA) yang dipimpin Arini, dan Perkumpulan Untuk Pemilu dan Demokrasi (PERLUDEM) yang dipimpin Titi Anggraini melakukan judicial review pasal 57 ayat (3) huruf a UU No. 8 Tahun 2015 tentang Perubahan Atas UU No. 1 Tahun 2015 Tentang Penetapan Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang No. 1 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemilihan Gubernur, Bupati dan Walikota.

Pasal 57 ayat (3) huruf a menyatakan bahwa salah satu persyaratan warga negara Indonesia yang bisa didaftar sebagai pemilih adalah orang yang sedang “tidak terganggu jiwa/ingatannya”. Ketentuan ini oleh para pemohon dinilai berpotensi menghilangkan hak seorang warga negara untuk terdaftar sebagai pemlih dan memberikan suaranya dalam penyelenggaraan pemilihan. Pasal ini dinilai merugikan hak konstitusional yang telah dijamin pada Pasal 27 ayat (1) UUD 1945 yang menyatakan bahwa segala warga negara bersamaan kedudukannya dalam hukum dan pemerintahan, dan Pasal 28 D ayat (1) UUD 1945 yang menyatakan bahwa setiap orang berhak atas pengakuan, jaminan, perlindungan, dan kepastian hukum yang adil serta perlakuan yang sama di hadapan hukum.

Setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan permohonan dan alat bukti diantaranya mendengarkan keterangan saksi, mendengarkan keterangan ahli dan keterangan para pihak, Mahkamah Konstitusi lewat Putusan Nomor 135/PUU-XIII/2015 menyatakan mengabulkan permohonan untuk sebagian. Pasal 57 ayat (3) huruf a dinyatakan bertentangan dengan UUD 1945 sepanjang frasa “terganggu jiwa/ingatannya” tidak dimaknai sebagai “mengalami gangguan jiwa dan/atau gangguan ingatan permanen yang menurut bidang kesehatan jiwa telah menghilangkan kemampuan seseorang untuk memilih dalam pemilihan umum”

Membaca Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi yang kita kenal sebagai pelindung konstitusi (the guardian of constitution), pengawal dan pelindung hak-hak konstitusional warga negara maka kita akan mengerti bahwa ODGJ tidak bisa digeneralisasi dan tidak semua ODGJ tidak memiliki hak pilih. Keputusan Mahkamah Konstitusi menyatakan bahwa pada prinsipnya ODGJ memiliki hak pilih sepanjang ‘gangguan jiwa atau ingatan’ tidak permanen. Keputusan Mahkamah Konsitusi ini didasarkan pada pendapat professional di bidang kesehatan bahwa hilangnya ingatan atau gangguan jiwa yang permanen bisa dimaknai juga menghilangkan kemampuan seseorang untuk memilih dalam pemilihan umum.

Merujuk pada putusan Mahkamah Konsitutusi, maka sudah selayaknya KPU-KPUD memikirkan bagaimana cara mengidentifikasi permanen atau tidaknya seorang ODGJ dan bagaimana cara yang tepat memfasilitasi hak pilih difabel ODGJ. Terkait hal ini, sudah selayaknya KPU-KPUD mengajak diskusi aktifis dan pendamping difabel mental yang ada di Indonesia. Tujuan besarnya adalah menampung bagaimana cara mengenali difabel mental yang ternyata tidak tunggal, belajar bagaimana cara yang tepat untuk berinteraksi, dan terpenting menelaah bagaimana model fasilitasi yang harus dipersiapkan oleh para petugas pemilihan umum. Hal ini penting agar tidak terjadi diskriminasi berulang-ulang kepada difabel mental yang diberikan hak pilihnya.

Pada sisi yang lain, analisis normatif hak pilih difabel dan tinjauan putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi di atas memberikan pesan agar tidak ada lagi pihak yang mempertanyakan hak pilih difabel ODGJ. Sama dengan manusia pada umumnya, ODGJ juga memiliki hak pilih. Lebih jauh, hak ini merupakan sarana bagi komunitas difabel mental untuk memperbaiki nasib mereka dengan memilih pemimpin yang memikirkan hak-hak mereka yang tercerabut. Selama ini, keberadaan mereka disingkirkan dalam pikiran dan wacana publik, dan tidak pernah diperhatikan dengan serius oleh pemangku kebijakan, sehingga banyak di antara mereka harus menjadi korban kekerasan di jalanan, diperkosa oleh orang-orang tidak bertanggungjawab, dan dipermainkan dalam dalam beberapa momen kekerasan. Pertanyaannya, betulkah hak pilih akan menjawab problem dan hak-hak kaum ODGJ? Belum tentu. Tapi hak ini adalah sarana awal pengakuan eksistensi kaum paling marginal di negeri ini.

This article have been published in SINDO newspaper.

The Indonesian Islamic University (UII) together with the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), Nahdlatul Ulama University (UNU) Yogyakarta, Universitas Aisyiyah (UNISA) Yogyakarta and the University of Alma Ata (UAA) voiced their opinions on Chinese Uighurs which have become international talks.

The five Islamic Universities in Yogyakarta assessed that the Chinese Government’s policy in Xinjiang in the form of a Strike Hard Against Violent Terrorism Campaign by establishing a political education camp has led to discriminatory actions and violence against ethnic Uighurs. The statement was delivered at the UII Campus, Jl. Cik Di Tiro No.1 Yogyakarta, on Saturday (12/22).

Present at the presentation of the statement of the Rector of UMY, Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, M.P., UAA Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Hamam Hadi, MS., Sc.D., Sp.GK., Chancellor of UNISA, Warsiti, S.Kp., M.Kep., Sp.Mat and Chancellor of UII, Fathul Wahid, ST, M.Sc., Ph. D. who in this meeting read the manuscript statement before the media crew. In addition, from UII also appeared present the Director of Pusham, Eko Riyadi, S.H., M.H., and the Deputy Chancellors.

The first point in the statement, urged the United Nations organs, especially the Human Rights Council, to use the Special Procedure mechanism by appointing Independent Experts to conduct research and investigation (if needed), to collect all information regarding alleged discrimination and systematic violence carried out by the Government China against ethnic Uighurs.

Second, urging the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination to continue its recommendations with effective actions in the form of Early Warning and Emergency Response Efforts by sending Ad Hoc Teams to carry out research and investigations regarding alleged discrimination and systematic violence carried out by the Chinese government against ethnic Uighurs.

Third, to encourage the Indonesian government, through the Minister of Foreign Affairs to send a clarification note on various developing reports relating to allegations of discrimination against ethnic Uighurs while sending messages of Indonesian public concern regarding the situation of the Uighur ethnic group.

The next statement invites all Indonesian people to jointly demonstrate solidarity by gathering resources in any form to help ease the burden of ethnic Uighurs, especially those in refugee camps. Finally, inviting all Indonesian people to respond to this problem critically, while still promoting the spirit of respect for human values.

The scholarship department of the Heinrich Böll Foundation grants scholarships to graduates, and doctoral students from outside Germany. An application for a scholarship for an undergraduate degree is not possible.

The application deadline is 1 March. Please note: We only accept online applications. The application portal will be opened about 6 weeks before the application deadline.

International applicants have to prove their proficiency in German. Good or very good knowledge of the German language is required (at least B2 Level or DSH2).

You can find all the information here

The problem of corruption and law enforcement has been a polemic for a long time. This certainly cannot be separated from the political dynamics of a power. History shows that corruption has existed since the old order. Many corruption perpetrators come from the executive community.

Such behavior continues until the New Order government even the reform era, which is increasingly spread across various lines, both executive, legislative and judicial. Therefore, corruption is a common enemy that deserves to be fought. However, efforts to eradicate it must continue to prioritize human values and justice.

The topic as illustrated in the National Seminar with the theme “Realizing Law Enforcement and Organizing a Humanitarian and Just Corruption Court”. The event was held by the Law Faculty Law Doctoral Program UII in collaboration with the Center for Leadership and Legal Development Studies (CLDS), on Saturday (29/12) at the Auditorium of the UII Waqf Foundation, Jl. Cik Di Tiro No. 1, Yogyakarta.

Chairperson of the Indonesian Constitutional Court Period 2008-2013, Prof. Dr. Moh. Mahfud MD, SH., SU., Said that the number of corruption in Indonesia is increasing. Even some people seem to have no fear and fear of corruption so that all elements of society are expected to unite against corruption.

“Our hope is not too much before improving our political map, but we still have to fight to eradicate corruption, we support the KPK, if there are shortcomings we can repair it together, whatever our conditions are opponents of corruption indiscriminately,” he said in a teleconference connection.

Furthermore, Chair of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia for the period 2001-2008, Prof. Dr. Bagir Manan, SH. MCL said that some people argue that the methods of law enforcement do not touch the basis or root of corruption

“Noting this perspective, it is time to solve the problem of corruption and fix various phenomena outside the law that are not only related but as the root of corruption, such as corrupt, bureaucratic, social, economic and constitutional political behavior,” he said.

While Professor of the Faculty of Law UII, Prof. Jawahir Thontowi, SH., Ph.D., said that in law enforcement corruption and corruption court must still prioritize with human values and values of justice.

“From an inclusive legal approach framework, in eradicating corruption, the law should contain truth and justice values, the principle of due process of law, so that the law serves to prevent, enforce, and learn to achieve order or harmony in human life,” he concluded.

Towards the end of 2018, it certainly becomes a reflection of itself to look back at the portrait of law enforcement in Indonesia. Many legal and political events this year can be both learning and homework in the face of 2019, starting from legislative, executive and judicial powers. This is important because in 2019, Indonesia faces a political year. Reflections on law enforcement are important in order to form better expectations in the future.

The topic as illustrated in the Year-End Reflection Seminar with the theme “Portrait of Law Enforcement in 2018 and Expectations for Future Improvement” held by the Center for Legal Studies at the Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia, on Monday (31/12) at the Main Meeting Room Lt. 3 Faculty of Law UII, Jl. Taman Siswa No. 158, Yogyakarta.

Dean of the Faculty of Law UII, Dr. Abdul Jamil, SH., MH., Said that one of the reasons for holding a year-end reflection program was because there were still many problems in law enforcement cases in Indonesia.

“Data from the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia that throughout the year there are approximately 600 cases related to law enforcement, this figure is very extraordinary for us, so it is important for us to reflect together as our self-evaluation with the aim of law enforcement in 2019 better than the year this, “he said.

While Chair of the Judicial Commission of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2013-2015 period, Dr. Suparman Marzuki, SH., M.Sc., said that the state should be more serious in being present in building a civilization and for future law enforcement.

“We hope that this country will be more effective in order to build legal civilization, the presence of the state becomes very important because it is more difficult to develop a nation’s civilization through a legal civilization,” he said.

Furthermore, UII’s Faculty of Law Lecturer, Dr. Idul Rishan, SH., LLM., Also expressed his views regarding the hope of improving legal development regarding portraits of constitutional law and the phenomenon of political corruption that occurred in Indonesia throughout 2018.

“It is necessary to take steps to safeguard the pulse of legislation as one of the top priorities in carrying out legal development, safeguarding the constitutionalism principle among electoral organizers in 2019, guarding the independence of the Constitutional Court, and strengthening the role of independent state commissions to implement the rule of law and democracy,” he concluded.

The board of examiners at the Postgraduate Study, Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University passed the Open Doctoral Exam to Idul Rishan. “With this achievement, he has the right to use the title of Doctor in front of his name.” said the co-Promotor, Dr. Zainal Arifin.

The Open Exam was held on Friday, 28 of December 2018. On that day, Idul Rishan defended his dissertation with the topic of reformation of judicial authority in Indonesia. “We do support Idul Rishan to get the higher degree. The Faculty leadership, everyone, come to the Open Exam as proof of support to him,” explained Dr. Abdul Jamil, Dean of the Faculty of Law, UII.

“This is a good point that our young lecturer could receive the Doctoral Degree. We must also support the other young lecturers to pursue doctoral study at a very young academic career. This will increase the number of our academic staff which has a higher degree as evidence of higher human quality.” said Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, PhD who also graduated last year from Hungary.


The National Moot Court Team of the Law School, Universitas Islam Indonesia just won three awards at the National Round, Moot Court Competition which held by the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia Jakarta. “Alhamdulillah, we won three awards at the same time: the second rank cup, the best memorial, and the best judge,” said the Vice Dean of the External Relations, Dr. Muntoha. The Vice Dean congratulated the team on the Deans Meeting Room, First Floor accompanied by the Secretary of the Department of Law, Bagya Agung Prabowo, Ph.D.

“We are very proud that our team always won at every national moot court competition. We do hope that we could not satisfy with this achievement but this shall make us increase our effort to boost our quality for the next and other competition. We are thank you for the team. This championship has been made our good reputation among other law schools.” explained the Secretary of the Department of Law, Bagya Agung Prabowo, PhD.

The competition of national moot court of Djokosoetono X Cup was held in 14-16 December 2018 at Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia, Jakarta. Almost all the law schools in Indonesia took apart in the competition. Great job for UII Team!

Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) is offering 3 CSC (China Scholarship Council) scholarship to students the leading universities in Italy to pursue Master or PhD degree program at BIT.

 Overview of the CSC scholarship

The CSC scholarship covers the tuition fee, the accommodation, the comprehensive medical insurance and the monthly living allowance (CNY 3,000 for masters and CNY 3,500 for PhDs). The international air fare is not covered.

The scholarship will be offered to the students during their stay at Beijing Institute of Technology for the period of the Master programs (2 years) and PhD programs (4 years).

 English-taught master programs

As BIT is a public university focusing on engineering programs, so if the master candidates apply for the following English-taught programs, there will be higher chances for them to be selected as the 2019 CSC scholarship holders.

※Aeronautics & Space Science and Technology

※Mechanical Engineering
※Computer Science and Technology
※Control Science and Engineering

※Electronics Science and Technology

※Information and Communication Engineering

※Chemical Engineering and Technology※Chemistry

※Armament Science and Technology

※Safety Science & Engineering


Please refer to our Admission Book 2019 (Attachment II) for more programs and it is noted that all the programs can be taught in Chinese at all levels and conducted in English for the PhDstudents.

 Language requirements

With regards to the English-taught programs at BIT, if English is not the native language and the students are attending a school where English is not the language of instruction, the students are required to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL, minimum score: 85) or the International English Language Testing System Academic (IELTS Academic, minimum score: 5.5).

In terms of the Chinese-taught programs, the applicants are required to pass the HSK 5 exam, and the certificate of which is one of the essential application materials.

 Application deadlines
For any prospective CSC candidates, please fill in the following Preliminary Registration Form

and send it to our E-mail address at [email protected] before December 31, 2018.

After receiving the Preliminary Registration Form, we will contact the qualified applicants in person and inform them of the detailed application procedures, which include two rounds of review and one online video interview.

We will update your prestigious university on the number of the CSC candidates and their applied programs in mid-January, and when the whole pre-admission is finished, you will be informed about who are eventually selected.

If you have any questions about the scholarship programs, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

For more information, please click this link.


Inaugurated in 2006, the Fellowship Program offers full or partial doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship support to a small number of scholars pursuing research in areas related to the IGLPs ongoing work. The number of Fellowships awarded each year depends upon the available funding.

Who can apply

The Institute welcomes all interested doctoral and post-doctoral scholars who are currently pursuing research in the areas of global law, economic policy, and social justice to apply for our residential Fellowships. Alumni of IGLP Workshops are especially encouraged to apply.


Fellows are awarded a competitive stipend commensurate with experience, and taking into consideration other research support held by Fellows. The Fellowship also includes a shared office at the Institute, a computer and printer, access to the Law School’s Libraries as well as other libraries at Harvard. With the permission of the teaching faculty member, IGLP Fellows may audit Law School courses on a non-credit basis.

How to apply

Click here to apply online.

Application Deadline: February 22, 2019.


Email: [email protected]