Course System

  1. Master Program In Law UII uses the Semester Credit System. Semester Credit System is an education administration system that puts the student study load and the teaching staff workload as well as the educational program implementation burden stated in semester credit system (SKS), on the basis of units of time equivalent to 16-19 working weeks.
  2. Semester credit system (SKS) is a measure of appreciation for learning experiences obtained through 1 (one) hour of scheduled activities accompanied by 2 (two) to 4 (four) hours per week with other structured or independent assignments for 1 (one) semester or other equivalent study experience savings.
  3. Each course is given a weight of at least 2 credits and a maximum of 6 credits according to the weight and importance of the course material in the legal education system.
  4. In one academic year, the Academic Administration System is divided into 2 (two) semesters, namely Odd Semester and Even Semester. Each semester, courses that can be programmed by students in Odd Semester and Even Semester are listed on the following page: click here.