Tag Archive for: Credit Transfer Program

[TAMAN SISWA];  A series of Departure Preparation events for the Credit Transfer Program to Lobachevsky University Russia and Youngsan University South Korea held by the International Program (IP) Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) has been successful. The purpose of this event is to provide provisions for participants to continue carrying out study activities abroad without forgetting the values ​​obtained during studying at UII and ready to face all problems later. The event, which lasted for two days, was held on January 13-14, 2022 and  this event was opened by Dean of Faculty of Law UII, Dr. Abdul Jamil, S.H., M.H. And he also presented about ke-UII-an.

In his presentation, advised the students who take part in this program that as the successors of UII’s ancestors, students were required to have the slogan “berilmu amaliyah beramal ilmiah” with the aim of preparing future leaders of the nation related to their readiness to face the risks in life. After the opening, the event continued with preparation materials and explanations regarding the Credit Transfer Program and Double Degrees.

This material was presented by Head of the Credit Transfer and Double Degree Program Implementation Team who is also  Secretary of the International Law Study Program for the Undergraduate Program, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D.

The third material with the theme of Academic Commitment During Study Abroad was presented by Head of the Undergraduate Study Program, Prof. Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H, M.Hum., and  Head of the Masters Program was presented by Drs. Agus Triyanta., M.A., M.H., Ph.D.

Students who take part in this program are also provided with religious materials, the first of which is about Stability of Worship and Morals During Study Abroad by Secretary of the Regular Program of the Law Study Program for the Undergraduate Program, Ari Wibowo, SH, SHI., MH. Then continued material on the Terms and Pillars of the Friday Sermon by Vice Dean for Religion, Student Affairs, and Alumni, Dr. Muntoha, S.H., M.Ag.


The second day (14/22) of the Departure Preparation for the Credit Transfer Program, the first material was presented by Dr.rer.nat. Dian Sari Utami, S.Psi., MA, regarding Psychological Readiness of Credit Transfer Program Participants. The next speaker was Riefki Fajar Ganda Wiguna, S.Pd., M.Hum. He conveyed material about Cultural Awareness in South Korea and Russia. During this presentation, he invited the participants to play a game that sharpened the knowledge of the countries to be visited.

The next material is explained by dr. Hj. Emi Tamaroh, Sp.N. with a discussion, namely the Explanation of Health Protocols during Travel and Study Abroad. The last session on the second day was the Sharing Session of Study Abroad experiences deliver by three the students who were undergoing the Credit Transfer Program at Youngsan University, South Korea, namely Akhiruddin Syahputra Lubis, Aryana Sekar W, and Egita. This event was got good enthusiasm from the participants, because they said that the materials that were presented for the past two days were materials they really needed.


Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia has been committed to fully supporting all outbound mobility programs that are followed by its students. This is evidenced by the participation of students in the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) and the Credit Transfer Program. There are two of  Faculty of Law UII students that have been selected to take part in the IISMA program at the University of Sussex, UK and the University of Warsaw, Poland. As for the transfer credit program, Faculty of Law UII has built a partnership with Youngsan University in South Korea. Both programs are planned to be implemented in September in 2021. Therefore Faculty of Law UII holds a Pre Departure Program event to equip the  participants who participate in these two programs.

The Pre Departure Program event was held for two days, namely on August 9 and 10, 2021. The event presented several speakers, both Faculty of Law UII lecturers and speakers from related institutions. On the first day of the Pre Departure Program, began with a briefing on “UII’s Commitment” which was delivered by the Dean of Faculty of Law UII, Dr. Abdul Jamil, S.H., M.H. The second session discussed “Academic Commitment During Study Abroad” which was conveyed by the Head of Undergraduate Program in Law (PSHPS), Prof. Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum. The third session was filled with debriefing on “Consolidating Worship and Morals during Study Abroad” which was delivered by the Secretary of Undergraduate Program in Law (PSHPS) UII, Mr. Ari Wibowo, S.H., S.HI., M.H. and the last session was filled by the Secretary of International Undergraduate Program in Law UII Mr. Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D. which discusses “Departure Preparation (Non-Academic) and Explanation of the Joint and Credit Transfer Program.

On the second day of the event, Faculty of Law UII invited five speakers who discussed preparations related to psychological readiness when living and studying abroad, discussions related to cultural awareness in destination countries, explanations regarding health protocols during travel and studying abroad and the last one is sharing session with Faculty of Law UII students who have participated in the Double Degree program at Youngsan University. The first session was filled by Mrs. Dr.rer.nat. Dian Sari Utami S. Psi. M.A., who provided briefing on Psychological Readiness. The second session was filled with briefing on Cultural Awareness in South Korea, England and Poland which was delivered by Mr. Riefki Fajar Ganda Wiguna, S.Pd., M.Hum. The third session was filled with briefing on “Explanation of Health Protocols during Travel and Study in South Korea, England and Poland” which was delivered by Dr. dr. H. Ferry Ardiyanto, MMR from the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI). The last session was filled by Yuwan Zaghlul Ismail and Kurniawan Sutrisno Hadi. They are Faculty of Law UII students who are currently studying for a double degree at Youngsan University. They filled the last session by sharing their experiences while studying at Youngsan University.

The enthusiasm of the participants was visible in the program with the many questions asked. There were a total of five participants who took part in this event. Two participants are IISMA delegates and three participants are Credit Transfer Program delegates. The participants asked questions about the program and also expressed their concerns about studying abroad. One of the questions they asked was about how to deal with religious and cultural differences that could affect their daily lives when living abroad and so on. The questions and concerns raised by the participants can be answered properly by the speakers so that the participants are more enthusiastic in participating the outbound mobility program. At the end of the event, the moderator made an announcement regarding the most active participants in this event. The participants were Akhiruddin Sahputra Lubis and Aryana Sekar Widyaningsih. Both participants received prizes in the form of interesting souvenirs from Faculty of Law UII.

The Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia has celebrated a welcoming ceremony for the Credit Transfer Program Participants 2019-2020 to IIUM, Malaysia and Youngsan University, South Korea. The event was held on Monday, 27th of January 2020 in Room TS/III.8 Tamansiswa Campus. The 10 participants shared their experience during the short semester study at the foreign universities. “We really enjoyed our study in Malaysia. Teachers treated us very well. We also learned specifically the Malaysian legal system.” said Yuwan Zaghlul Ismail, one of the participants.

“The Study Program really appreciates the courage of the students and their academic achievement. We also received good feedback from our partner that our students could able to show that they could study well with very active communication skills and good behavior. This really affects a good reputation for our university.” said Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, the Head of the Undergraduate Study Program.

The next program, UII will not only send their students to Malaysia and South Korea, but also to the University of Western Australia – in response with the previous signing MoA with the Australian partner.

Enviromental law Conference 2019 is an annual Routine activity held by Civil Law Department of Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyah of Law (AIKOL) of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM),  This event was organized directly by a professor of environmental law who is also a lecturer in environmental law in AIKOL, this event aims to increase student awareness of the importance of protecting the environment and also to increase student awareness of the environment, this event focuses on the topic Sustainable Development Goals. Each speaker explained several aspects of the SDGs and also some of the applications and strategies to achieve the SDGs themselves, this event was opened by the Dean of AIKOL, Prof. Dr. Farid Sufian, he also shared some material related to SDGs, in this event the one who acted as the keynote speaker was Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maizatun Mustafa, who is an expert and consultant in the field of environmental law.

The conference also discussed the role of students and universities in achieving some of the goals of the SDGs, this conference was attended by six speakers from three countries, of which two were from Indonesia, two were from Malaysia, and 2 were from Maldives.

First three speaker focused more on conciliation about how  each country of each speaker reached the SDGs which was related to strategy, commitment and so on, final three speakers focused on the role of students and universities in the Sustainable Development Goals, Yuwan Zaghlul Ismail as Universitas Islam Indonesia representative was assigned to be the first speaker which Yuwan successfully presented it titled Indonesia Roadmap on SDGs and Environmental Targets. Which here, Yuwan at the same time became a representative of Indonesia in explaining some important issues related to Indonesia’s strategy, and also Indonesia’s commitment to achieving SDGS itself, Yuwan who is also participating in the credit transfer program was successfuly became a representative of the Universitas Islam Indonesia  in the annual conference of environmental law, Yuwan is committed to continuing to be able to carry the fragrant Universitas Islam Indonesia  name on the world stage. (Ywn)

On 11 September 2019, the Faculty of Law of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) dispatched five of its students to take part in the Credit Transfer Program at Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Law International Islamic University Malaysia (AIKOL IIUM). The five students who were dispatched to join this program were Yuwan Zaghlul Ismail, Brian Rahman Hakim, Faradisa Hadiaty, Rifqi Ananda Gelora Sitompul, dan Rizki Iman Faiz Pratama. The group was delivered directly by the Head of the Study Program Faculty of law UII, Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi S.H., M.H., and Secretary of International Program of the Faculty of Law, Dodik Setiawan Nur Herianto S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.d. This Credit Transfer Program to Malaysia is the first program held by FH UII.

These five students have passed various stages of internal and external tests. The stages of internal tests are held by FH UII in the form of file or document selection, which includes: TOEFL certificate, GPA Transcript, Passport, and also along with a Recommendation Letter from the lecturer. After passing through the administration phase, these students must take an interview in English. After that, these students must apply the online application on the IIUM website for external selection by the International Office of IIUM. Only after passing the long selection, in the middle of August, the five students were declared eligible to run the program at AIKOL IIUM.

This program is a credit transfer program. Later these students will still study at AIKOL IIUM for one semester. The courses taken there will be transferred to courses at FH UII. “This is a very beneficial program for students, where they can learn the system and concept of law in Malaysia which has a different base from Indonesia. So that later these students can compare concepts in Indonesia and Malaysia, “said Yuwan. These students take six courses at AIKOL IIUM where one subject is three credits. This is the maximum amount a student can take there.

This program is fully supported by all facets of the Faculty of Law UII. The support includes administration fees until departure. “Everything is supported by the Islamic University of Indonesia, from the cost of obtaining Visa, Visa accommodation costs, insurance, medical check-up, plane tickets, and housing, with the aim of all these students can carry the name UII fragrant in the international arena”, added Yuwan. (Ywn/FHUII).