Today, there are many criminal cases committed through social media, especially hate speech, defamation, and decency as regulated in the ITE Law. Initially, these crimes were punishable by a maximum imprisonment of 6 (six) years and/or a maximum fine of Rp. 1,000,000,000.00. However, with the amendment to the ITE Law, specifically for defamation, the punishment is reduced to a maximum imprisonment of 4 (four) years and/or a maximum fine of Rp. 750,000,000.00. This shows the perception of legislators that the defamation has a lower degree of seriousness than the other 2 (two) crimes. The problem is whether judges in deciding cases have the same perception as the legislators. Based on this background, the legal issue of this study is how is the tendency of court decisions in law enforcement against criminal cases of hate speech, defamation, and decency through social media? This is a normative legal research with legal materials obtained through document studies and literature studies. The result of this study indicates the tendency of judges’ decisions for defamation tend to be lighter than hate speech and decency. Imprisonment is still a popular punishment and it is mostly combined with fines.
Keywords: crime, hate speech, defamation, decency, social media.
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