Perlindungan Hukum Nasabah Bank Mandiri Terhadap Pengenaan Biaya Transaksi Cek Saldo dan Tarik Tunai di ATM Link Secara Auto Debet
Bagya Agung Prabowo, S.H., M.Hum, Ph.D
[email protected], [email protected]
Universitas Islam Indonesia
Bagya Agung Prabowo, S.H., M.Hum, Ph.D
[email protected], [email protected]
Universitas Islam Indonesia
The complex economic development in Indonesia requires banking financial institutions to participate in it. One of the banks that has contributed to the improvement of the economy is PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Yogyakarta Branch Office which operates fund collectors and distributors. One of the fundraising products at PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Yogyakarta Branch Office, namely through the storage of customer funds. This activity of storing customer funds includes facilities for checking balance transactions and cash withdrawals at ATMs. Recently, the policy of four Himbara banks (National Bank Association), consisting of Banks BRI, BNI, BTN and Bank Mandiri, has emerged regarding the imposition of balance check transaction fees and cash withdrawal fees at ATM Links of IDR 2,500 and IDR 5,000, respectively which is effective from June 1, 2021. This policy violates the Consumer Protection Law Article 18 letter g and OJK Circular Letter No.13/SEOJK.07/2014 stipulating the prohibition of unilateral rule changes by business actors. In this regard, the authors are interested in conducting a research entitled Legal Protection of Bank Mandiri Customers against the Imposition of Transaction Fees for Check Balances and Cash Withdrawals at ATM Links with auto debit. This study aims to determine the legal protection of Bank Mandiri customers against the imposition of transaction fees for checking balances and cash withdrawals at ATM Link. The research was conducted by looking for data, interviews and literature studies which were then analyzed with legal theory and applicable laws and regulations and described and presented in narrative form, so the legal protection of Bank Mandiri customers against the imposition of balance check transaction fees and cash withdrawals at ATM Link can it is concluded that Bank Mandiri customers against the imposition of transaction fees for checking balances and cash withdrawals at ATM Links need to get legal protection in accordance with applicable law in Indonesia.
Legal Protection, Imposition of Transaction Fees, Auto Debet
Universitas Islam Indonesia
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