The Government of Indonesia is facing two conflicting policies: energy security policy and emissions reduction policy. When the decarbonization program has not been effective, the Government of Indonesia develops the additional 27.1 GigaWatts of New Coal Power Plants in 2028. In this situation, the Government of Indonesia will be unable to meet the Nationally Determined Contribution of Emission Reduction and net-zero emissions. The carbon tax is expected to be an option to overcome the policy conflict. This article addresses the two research questions: First, how the comparative issues regarding the carbon tax adoption. Second, how the legal system perspective sees the possibility of carbon tax adoption in Indonesia with its challenges. This article is a summary of normative legal research by using conceptual and comparative approaches. The results show that the concept of environmental tax in Indonesia – the carbon tax as part of it – is different from the Pigouvian Theory universally used. Currently, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Environment have no coordination to determine tax power, tax base, sector, tariff, and taxpayers of Carbon Tax. Political and economic interests might prevent the adoption of the carbon tax as green tax reform in Indonesia.
Keywords: Carbon Tax, GHG Emissions, Legal System
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